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Everything posted by hairman4321

  1. what are people using in terms of neck pillows? I thought i remembered reading somewhere on his website that just a rolled up towel will do fine.
  2. interesting. i believe we see the full effects of min at around the 4 month mark, did you use it more than 4 months before the HT? if so, thats interesting. maybe you aren't benefiting that much from the min. I've also heard that getting a HT is similar to micro needling - it wounds the scalp which can create better blood flow and regenerate some hairloss on its own (as another way to explain the benefit you've had to your crown, with no HT there)
  3. better a baseball cap than a baseball bat! the idea of melatonin sounds great. how much were you using to knock yourself out? i'm also not a back sleeper so will need some help!
  4. have you looked into potential health issues? i have read that diffuse thinning can be due to nutrient deficiencies or absorption issues. One idea would be to try a multi vitamin and some vitamin D, another would be to have your gut thoroughly checked out. i'm going for a colonoscopy soon myself, i have IBS and some issues with infections the past few years - hopefully i'll be able to improve my nutrient absorption as well.
  5. is it just me or is the density on this insane? from the design it looks like more than half of the implanted hair area was slick bald before too
  6. I felt like my hair loss was more aggressive in my early 20s thats for sure.
  7. its been shown that people who do regular cardio have better blood flow - and we know better blood flow helps with hair (minoxidil, people here taking viagra / cailis in low doses post-HT) i think it can be defs over done though IMO.
  8. i'm no expert, but from what i know i think topical DUT would be worth a try if you haven't stablised on oral. It sounds like it has a lower risk profile anyway. i'm not sure about oral DUT only stopping DHT in your blood though - i would've thought it would crush it everywhere. how long have you been on it? maybe it takes awhile to fully get into the scalp, where topical DUT could get into the scalp much sooner. let us know how it goes if you decide to try it
  9. i think that is a good outcome though - you haven't crushed your dht systemically, you've still got a normal amount. The range for recycleBin showed 38 as almost exactly middle. and you've probably crushed dht in the scalp!
  10. this looks good - given the fact we're suffering from MPB it makes sense that we'd have above average DHT, but here you have average DHT. Perhaps it was mildly reduced as a tiny bit has gone systemic? But nothing I would worry about, since you're mid range now. Does it seem to be helping your hair at once a week application?
  11. thanks for sharing @Cooper48, what sort of sleep set up did you have? two pillows and a neck pillow - i'm having trouble visualising this
  12. if he felt that bad about having a botched hair transplant, why wouldn't he fix it? that guy in the photo, why hasn't he fixed it lol. i'm sure there are many surgeons who could improve that look. Even just shaving it all would look better.
  13. as an update on my topical dut usage (i'm not using xyon though), i massively reduced the dose to just 0.25ml once a week and my eyes are feeling better. the breast sensitivity is also massively reduced. i think what we need to do if we have side effects is reduce the exposure to the drug until the side effects are no longer present, at least with topical dut. i think this method is most effective with topical dut, with the long life and the fact that it shouldnt penetrate the skin easily. but i can see it working with oral drugs too. there may be reduced benefit, but still a huge benefit compared to not using a dht blocker at all in the long run. I apply the topical dut just to problem areas (for me, mostly the hairline) and a few drops in the crown for good measure. Because it is so localised, it should have a big impact scalp tissue but not much elsewhere. I think the problems come in when we flood the scalp tissue with too much, that it has to no where else to go but systemically. i plan to stay at this dosage for a few months and see if my hair is still stabilised (it seems it is so far anyway), and get a DHT blood test. Sadly i have no before blood test, but I want to see if my DHT is in the normal range. I may try increasing or decreasing it slightly for a few months after this and re-rest my DHT to see what the effect was.
  14. is there ever a problem with ingrown hairs from a HT? I've had some issues with ingrown hairs in the past, i seem to semi-regularly get styes (ingrown eyelash hairs) and i've had a cyst once also assumed from an ingrown hair. I wonder if there is anything I could do to try to mitigate this issue.
  15. Interesting about MSM - it reduces inflammation but don't we want inflammation for the body to signal to heal and send resources to the new follicles?
  16. why is sex not allowed? its just that we're not allowed to sweat is it?
  17. have you tried dht blockers yet? i would try them for a year or at least 6 months to make sure you can tolerate it before committing to a HT, or you will bald behind the transplant and require multiple surgeries over the years
  18. exactly, no ones natural hair is perfect either. your hair looks incredible now, enjoy it
  19. if hairs are taken from the safe donor region, why would it matter? also you'd have to assume if someone is getting a HT they've accepted theyll need to be in fin for life for best results.
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