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Everything posted by hairman4321

  1. 14,000 grafts taken and 5 surgeries... isn't that too much, i thought only 4k grafts or so FUE before you gotta use body hair? At this point doesn't this guy just have to re-evaluate and shave it or wear a wig?
  2. my transplanted hairs have grown a decent amount too. i'm day 15 or so now. when i went to rub the scabs off on day 12, some hairs were coming out but most stayed in. i assume this is only the hair and not the follicle, which should be firmly implanted by 10 days. month 2 or so it all falls out again.
  3. Things are going pretty well. I have some skin flaking off from under the recipient - mostly gone but a little still along the edge of the native hairs. I was rubbing this day 12 after soaking it in olive oil. Some small transplanted hairs were coming off, but I assume that was fine because the graft itself should be settled by now. Day 14:
  4. give it a few more months and have some hope, lots of cases keep pulling through really strongly until month 8 that i've seen. re a second procedure: i've just been to Laorwong and had next to 0 swelling. There was a tiny bit the day after, and then the day after that near one of the temples, but by day 3/ 4 it was undetectable. it could be that your body just had a reaction to something, or it could be that the Drs all have different techniques to combat swelling. I had a head band and anti-swelling drugs for 5 days or so afterwards all provided by the clinic. Whatever it was, it was incredible. Your day 3 photo is really insane so i'd understand why you'd be put off a second. Do you know what happened or is it still a mystery? still, you could go for a 2nd procedure with a different doctor who's patients you've noted have little to no swelling. theres still the annoyance / dealing with wanting to hide from the world for 4 months after though; thats very understandable.
  5. Ah yep. Agree with baldv, maybe you could suggest just 1000 in the crown and the rest into hairline refinements - might be less than 1500 even.
  6. Is there anything in particular you don't like about the hairline? What do you mean by soften? Looks dense as to me now. Maybe you could make the temples slightly more irregular. I wouldn't do too much if anything to it though, maybe a couple of hundred grafts max.
  7. nice one, out of the Wds now! we're almost perfectly aligned timing-wise and have the same graft count. i'll be day 14 in a few days, with dr. Laorwong.
  8. congrats on making it to the lowest point, will only get better from here!
  9. are you microneedling the transplanted area? if so, when did you start doing that post-HT? i'm not an expert but just thinking maybe thats not a good idea if the area is already full of inflammation trying to heal after the transplant, i think they say its like 1.5 years until its fully healed. BTW i saw that quite a few people here are actually against microneedling including @Melvin- Admin . I've tried it and it didn't provide any benefit for me personally, but yeah saw a lot of success cases on reddit. But they were microneedling alone or with min, not with a recent hair transplant. anyway regardless looks like you've got some decent growth coming in month 4. i'm thinking up all these ideas i can do to try to make sure my growth is quick and dense, but i'm worried i might over complicate it and get in my own way a bit.
  10. Looks great. I've had something similar with a V shape - I think it is more common naturally in Europeans to have this hairline and I also think less can go wrong with the naturalness / density / saving future grafts.
  11. I think I spoke to her at reception and she was very accommodating and had good English. I'm not sure how they do it there - do they usually work together on the same patient? In that video for example they're both doing one side each. I was nervous before my operation and don't recall if I saw them both in the surgery room or not. It would be good to get clarity on that. The results speak for themselves though, and the amount of accolades / education she has had is unreal. In the examples posted above they are also only Asian hair, would be good to see some other types.
  12. thanks, hope so! i drew it on myself for the first pass 😂 but he added all the irregularities etc. i'm following your thread too, hope you get a great result also man.
  13. yeah so i can hide it! and my balding seems localised to the hairline anyway.
  14. After reading (and seeing) all the positive reviews of Dr Laorwong, I pulled the trigger. Thank you a lot for your reviews, especially @Ake@A_4_Archan@Jamos1982@Sele. My background: I'm in my 30s and have been on meds for about 3 years which seems to have either stopped or considerably slowed my hair loss, which was at its strongest in my early 20s. Currently using topical dutasteride. However, I didn't have any noticeable regrowth and my hairline bothered me. My main complaints were an asymmetrical hairline (the widows peak was more skewed to one side), as well as my right temple being more recessed. I also wanted to thicken the existing hairline, and leave the V shape - didn't want to go for anything too aggressive. The experience: There are many recent threads here about his clinic and what to expect, so I wont go into lots of detail but things ran smoothly and I had a very positive experience. I drew the general shape of what I wanted done for the doctor and we were good to go from there - I thought fair enough, it was pretty specific after all! During surgery they added the micro irregularities and all that jazz, I'm not an expert but I don't think I see any doubles in the front row. I'm very happy with it so far - swelling was minimal and recovery has been easy. They do PRP included in their package, 5 days of washes + LLLT, and I also opted to pay extra for the stem cells. I stayed all 5 days for the washes and LLLT which was very relaxing, nearly fell asleep each time. I also got extra sleeping pills and added in 10mg of melatonin (a tip I got from another user here @consequence, because I'm also usually a side sleeper, so this helped me get some sleep on my back). I laid low the 5 days after surgery especially compared to what the rest of the folks around here were getting up to. I didn't want to sweat it up or accidentally bang it on anything. Funnily enough on the last day (day 6 post op) to catch the flights home, I banged my head about 5 times on car doors, airplane overhead luggage, you name it - but luckily it was all on the top of my head and not where the recipient was. When they were doing the washes, and as far as I can tell, I haven't lost or seen any lost grafts. He told me I have average caliber hair (I was worried because I know most blonde people have thinner hair, and I was blonde as a kid). My graft breakdown also seemed decent enough - something like 335 singles, 585 doubles and 585 triples. Here's hoping to dense growth and high graft survival rates! Photos: You should be able to click into the images below to see higher quality. Pre-op left temple: right temple: 7 days post-op left temple: right temple:
  15. i also don't understand why you'd want to avoid topical minoxidil - it improves blood flow to the area to speed healing, and improve graft survival, no? i feel like anything that reduces DHT and enhances blood flow would be beneficial as a no-brainer. seems weird to me you've been given this advice. advice from Dr Laorwong was to avoid topicals and hair styling products for 7 days, which is what i will plan to do. then i plan to use topical minox and topical dutasteride.
  16. thanks - this could explain your excellent results. twice as many 3 hairs as 2 hairs! some people have twice as many 2 hairs as 3 hairs, which i think would make it look less dense. although there are other factors that come into play like hair thickness and hair colour vs skin colour etc etc.
  17. second the comment above, i've never seen that balding pattern / that transplant recipient area before haha. you must be happy - looks like they've done a great job. month after month it keeps looking better, 10x better than baseline already. all you can do now is see how it looks at 12 months and reassess. i'd say you'll probably be happy with it as a one and done.
  18. interesting - i haven't seem that many afro HT examples before now i think about it. i would've thought the curls would make great illusion of density. but yeah understandable that its harder to work with. hope it turns out well for you man!
  19. looks amazing. what was the density in the recipient and the patients age? seems like a lot of grafts for that small area
  20. I've just had a HT and have been told to use baby shampoo for the first 3 months. After this, i'll want to start taking care of my hair with a good shampoo and conditioner. Do you have any good brand recommendations for shampoo? Re conditioner: Conditioner is something i've never really used before, and previously just managed the 'fine line' between hair being too dry and too oily by trying not to use too much shampoo or too often. Is this a good approach or is a conditioner best to use?
  21. looks way better and can't tell you've had anything done. way to go!
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