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Everything posted by hairthere

  1. I think he's in ohio. the moderator at hlh had his done by wolf.
  2. Reading the forum is great, but you should really try and see a few HTs in person too just to know exactly what to expect. if you're in new york there's a group of h&w and feller patients getting together on father's day. you can find out more by asking a poster named reverse the curse on hlh.com. good luck!
  3. FHL, I think part of the problem is that you're citing your experience with Dr.Epstein as negative or a failure when it's still a bit premature to make that call. Trust me, I understand these are anxious times. I am in the same boat at 5 months post-op--zero signs of visible growth, although i can feel some stubble. The bottom line with an HT is you have to give it a full year before you can decide if it was a success or failure. You did your research and chose a top doctor; now all you can do is be patient and have faith it will grow.
  4. i don't think you've been looking at all the pics then...check out any of doc feller's pics, mine included http://hair-restoration-info.com/eve/forums/a/tpc/f/256...941091453#3941091453 you can actually see the individual hairs sticking up. also, if you look at the last pic in my series, you'll see the work of my first ht doc, which looks similiar to yours. he used micros as you can tell by the large scabs. i was less than pleased with the outcome....
  5. here were my considerations: 1st tier: feller, rahal, alexander, h&w, shapiro 2nd: bernstein, t&d, wolf chose feller based on quality of work, in-person consult experience, cost, proximity
  6. without more info it's tough to call exactly what's going on here, but the grafts do look very large and spaced far apart. not exactly ultra-refined work. i'd be surprised if this provided any kind of real density...
  7. go see dr.feller. he's in great neck and is widely considered one of the top ht docs in the world and his cost is very reasonable.
  8. i've seen a lot of his results posted on hlh...
  9. I'm all for arguing and expressing differing points of view. But these arguments have gone beyond healthy debate and are no longer educational. It's become mudslinging.
  10. This clinic is FUE only. the quality of the work looks decent, however they don't show any fully grown patients in their gallery. i'd say consult with them as well as a bunch of other TOP docs i.e. feller, rahal, h&w, etc....
  11. It's a shame that this situation has gotten so out of control. I would hate to be a newbie joining either of these forums right now. It's tough enough dealing with hairloss and choosing a doc you can trust. All this situation has done is muck things up. It's really pretty childish.
  12. Today's scars should be pencil thin, no matter how wide the strip. tricho will take care of that. some scars however will be longer than others.
  13. I think M&M makes a good point and when i think about the only docs i would consider, his list matches mine to a T (i'd add alexander, though).
  14. Oh, forgot to mention, at 25 you should definitely try propecia/rogaine for at least a year before getting an ht. it has a better success rate of regrowth in guys your age and younger.
  15. dakota has given you sound advice. definitely don't let travel constrict you. it looks like you'll need at least 2k grafts in your hairline. one of my favorite docs for hairlines right now is alexander. his work is very natural, and he's in arizona which wouldn't be too far of a journey for you. other docs i would consider are: rahal, feller, shapiro, and h&w. best of luck to you!
  16. Thanks guys. It's very tough for me to tell because the 2nd procedure was all done into either ht #1 hairs or native hair. i can feel lots of little stubs but see nothing poking through yet. I'm at 5 months almost....
  17. For those of you who had multiple procedures, did you notice if hair took longer to grow after the 1st procedure?
  18. Don't know Friedman. I have seen plenty of Alexander's work online and i think it's some of the most natural looking hairlines out there. He was my second choice after Dr.Feller, who trained Alexander in FUE.
  19. pat could have just cut the guy off and not told the community it was done. yet he did, which shows integrity, imo. none of us know what was exchanged in the pms--it probably got real ugly. anyway, boycotting a forum over this is uneccessary.
  20. On a 1-10 pain scale: Injections (2) Surgery (0) Post-op pains (1) Staple removal (2-3) I would say there is more discomfort sitting in a chair for 8-12 hours and sleeping the next few nights is tough because of the staples. The toughest part is waiting for the damn hair to grow.
  21. Ok, so if that was a one pass deal then I would say it was a failure and he should have had at least double the grafts for that area. But if the plan was always to do a 2 part surgery then this whole issue was blown way out of proportion. ttds, you will be fine.
  22. fishman, glad to hear your procedure went well and that they used FUs in your hairline. please do post pics when you can.
  23. scooby, i have the same type of hair and as a kid wished it was thinner, especially when my friends called me "brillo head!" so glad i have that thick hair now! looks like fine work...good growing!
  24. i've seen guys that have removed the staples themselves. i will say that i had mine taken out in feller's office by one of his techs and while it wasn't horrible, it's also no walk in the park. some of those bastards really stung coming out. not sure i would want to have it done in some random mexican clinic. however, if you're worried about damage being done to the scar, i don't think it's an issue. whatever you decide good luck!
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