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Everything posted by Turkhair

  1. If you have the grafts then why not? Get as dense as possible. Happy growing
  2. Trying to get an idea of what the doctor charges
  3. So my hair transplant will fail and I will be bald again? Sorry I believe my surgeon over some random on the internet who I don’t know is even educated. He assured me the hair grafts he took were strong and healthy and permanent.
  4. Seems like your grafts survival was very low. Please choose a good surgeon next time. There’s hope for you yet but will be a painful journey. Also start medication. Name the doctor who did this to you. They can just rename the clinic and get away. This really looks like the work of amateurs
  5. Doctors will do what you tell them to do. The reason others have front/midscalp done first is because the best grafts are used there. But if you instruct your doctor you only want crown he will only do crown or start with crown first.
  6. You don’t understand. US has fantastic doctors, the best in the world. The reason people don’t rush to go to US and talk about them a lot is because you need to sell your kidney and a family member’s to cover the cost of a small surgery. You can get the same or better in Turkey for pennies and some European countries although european doctors are super expensive too due to VAT taxes and such. I have noticed Turk doctors hide from the government and don’t pay taxes that’s why they can be so cheap. If you’re this scared of going to another country then just don’t. The doctors in US are fantastic, find one near you and get it done. If someone’s not on this forum is because of the reasons I mentioned. Most people get excited about travelling to other countries and getting an HT is a nice excuse so it’s the reason why Turkey is so popular.
  7. Yes. You’re clearly paranoid about it and not really a good candidate. For example, look at HugoX result (Zarev patient). It’s an incredible transformation and super successful transplant. But at the same time it can also look unnatural and bad if HugoX wants it to. He grows his hairs out very long and shows it in the best possible way. That’s what it is about, but that’s not the full reality. You might get the same result or you may not even get close. He had close to 11k grafts taken, you may not have the same number. Try to understand what Gatsby said above. Some people have average results and are over the moon. Some people have brilliant work done and regret the whole thing. It’s game over once you go past Norwood 3.
  8. Without medication, it’s just a recipe for disaster. Finasteride doesn’t have any long term sides, it’s just an internet myth. Your donor looks good and your loss isn’t that far gone yet. Good luck
  9. Early shed means early regrowth so rejoice 😀 This is a good doctor, your result should be excellent with excellent density. Happy growing
  10. Should be an easy enough surgery with good results. You can even push for density if you don’t chase a lower hairline, yeah the pattern seems to be of higher Norwood but with both fin and min you don’t have to worry about reaching that level of loss. Good luck mate
  11. I looked at your pictures. You’re not going to be able to keep your hairs at that length after HT, your donor area will show scars even after 3k grafts and for somewhat full coverage 6k will be needed for front+crown. There is absolutely no way you can keep your hairs short without showing off scars in the donor. Your transplanted hairs will also look very sparse and may not be what you think they will look like. Getting SMP will work wonderfully though I think and then the short hair plan might work. But then you can get SMP now and still get somewhat of a decent result, why go through HT?
  12. I think the article you quoted actually shows what happens when you go to a terrible clinic and why researching and going to a good clinic is so necessary. Look here for example the result of a good clinic almost a decade later!
  13. How do you explain beard/body hairs transplanted to extremely “tense muscular areas” such as front/temples thrive and live happily ever after?
  14. The density will look incredible. You’re going to be a happy man after this likely Happy growing brother
  15. I just learned about this doctor! Very good post op density and seems to be coming along nicely. got any updates for us bro?
  16. It doesn’t explain why hairs taken from safe zone survive till death when transplanted to supposedly “tense muscular areas” like the temples.
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