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Everything posted by Turkhair

  1. Not all generic brands would be bad but yeah some would be as was the case with mine. You can try Propecia and see if that makes a difference.
  2. Surprised you didn’t want to lower hairline with such low hairloss. Looks good, happy growing
  3. I want to show you something funny 😂 You see those hairs sticking out growing upwards and in directions of their own? They are beard hairs. My head was shaved completely at the same length yet look how they are behaving growing at different rates and with a mind of their own. A lot of them are also sleeping unfortunately. They are not helping with illusion of density 😂 They are also single hair grafts and not really great like multi hair grafts are. I mean they are helping when styled/tamed (with gels) but if those beard hairs were multi hair grafts or if they were in really large numbers, the illusion would’ve been better.
  4. https://www.jaad.org/article/s0190-9622(20)30698-8/fulltext Dihydrotestosterone (DHT) induces transforming growth factor β1 (TGF-β1) in dermal papilla cells (DPCs) to suppress follicular epithelial cell growth. Thus, TGF-β1 is one of the key players in androgenetic alopecia (AGA), and its antagonist may prevent AGA. 1 Botulinum toxin type A (BTX) may inhibit TGF-β1 secretion from DPCs as it does with scar tissue fibroblasts, 2 which share the mesenchymal origin. Recently, BTX has been effective for the treatment of AGA. DHT upregulated the TGF-β1 expression of DPCs in 96 hours, whereas BTX downregulated the TGF-β1 expression in 96 hours BTX successfully abrogated DHT-induced secretion of TGF-β1 from DPC. If muscle relaxation causes hair growth, you could do benzo drugs, chillax and become NW0. Why do Botox injections? Only if we could be so lucky 😂
  5. This is true. Non-balding people have high densities that they don’t look thin or balding under wet conditions or harsh lighting or anything you can throw at them. They look the same.
  6. Couto is a great surgeon but you’re doing apples and oranges comparison. First two videos - Great donor. All scalp hair grafts. The donor is so great in these cases, they had 4-5s multi hairs grafts by hundreds!. Comparing that to body hairs or weak donor with single/double grafts isn’t really a comparison, is it? Last video is a much fairer comparison. But look at how high the hairline is and how small the area covered is. His lateral humps are untouched and all grafts went into front + midscalp. I feel like a lot of OP’s grafts were wasted on his lateral humps, and his hairline is lower than it should’ve been for his level of loss. His midscalp didn’t get much love and is obviously thin. Look how Couto planned the last patient. Very very conservative hairline, lateral humps untouched. If HLC had gone with the same plan with OP, he would be ecstatic with his density. But I think this shows perfectly how to be a great clinic, it’s not just about getting good survival rate, it’s also about perfect planning according to each patients hairloss and managing expectations. How couto has executed the HT with last patient shows why he is so highly regarded.
  7. It looks pretty good actually considering a very large area was covered. Maybe some new growth will happen but it’s pretty much the end of the road as far as that is concerned. The hairs will continue to mature and improve the illusion of density
  8. What is this? Second patient of his that refuses to share the prices. This is really odd and never seen with any other clinic. I don’t really understand what’s the point of not sharing this info by a hair transplant clinic unless he is perhaps charging every patient differently based on some secret criteria? I really can’t think why this info is so confidential with this doctor. Or maybe the patients are embarrassed of their results because what they paid doesn’t match with the quality they’re getting? Who knows, very weird
  9. If you have a depressing life anything can trigger you to be suicidal. What they should be spending their time on is investigating the quality of finasteride generics. I used generic Finasteride for many years and it would bring me down/crash me despite using a lower dosage. I switched to Propecia because I couldn’t find generics in a different country and was blown away. I couldn’t feel anything. I remember and this is so funny, I kept looking at the packet of Propecia few hours later wondering if I had taken it and one missing tablet was staring at me. I was surprised why I wasn’t feeling horrible and wondered if I had taken the drug. I then started thinking maybe this is fake, but then thought how can they fake Propecia and I bought it from a reputable store. I only use brand name Propecia now and avoid generics like the plague. I would go so far as to say many people would probably have less or no sides if they switched to brand name. Who knows what they put in generic, maybe the drug in impure condition causes more sides, who knows I am not a chemist.
  10. You should be able to tell where the beard grafts went, at least in the first months post op, they should be very thick and grow weird. If you can’t find them then maybe that’s it. Extracting beard grafts is really difficult, perhaps yours didn’t make it, that would explain the lack of density. I do agree with Melvin though that you’ve unrealistic expectations but I also think your graft survival rate wasn’t that impressive but this is it. This is what hair transplants are all about. Graft survival is never 100%, and hovers around 90%+- I went to one of the doctor mentioned in that video (Kaan) and I can clearly see the trickery going on in that video. Look at how lengthy he has kept his hair and put a little harsh light on it boom it will look see through even weak in some areas. This is what I have, if I style it it looks amazing but under some angles it looks thin. I was devastated thinking my HT had failed wasting all my money but I have come to understanding that this is pretty much what you can expect. Look at a normal person who doesn’t bald density, they’ve thousands of hairs just in a small area, HT uses the same few thousand to cover a large area. It’s never going to be the same.
  11. It seems like your survival rate might have been a little lower but your transplant isn’t a failure by any means. A lot of grafts went into your lateral humps to reinforce them and your midscalp was left a little lacking in density. You also have 1k+ beard grafts and beard grafts are unpredictable mate. Mine grew amazing for first 4 moths post op and now they’re sad and nowhere to be found not helping with my density. Might be the case with you. I understand what you’re going through, I went through the same a couple months ago. Go and look through several results, what you will realise is even the best results look thin and they try to present it in the best way. There’s literally people here who just put 5k grafts into their frontal third alone and guess what, it still doesn’t achieve the natural density. Wanting to have uniform density for such a large area with 5k grafts is wishful thinking. It’s the same thing with the other guy who doesn’t grow his hair out. I went to a surgeon better than HLC by everyone’s metric and my hairs look bald thinning and disgusting unless I grow them out for 3-4 months at least. Even still, I wish I had more density. But I understand now why it’s called illusion of density and not really density. There’s a reason why some people do even 10 transplants!. It’s not a once done deal type of thing unfortunately. You can add more density to midscalp, do the crown then use body hairs for 3rd, 4th op to be happy with some semblance of density.
  12. Odd coincidence, it was my second op too. Thanks that is re-assuring. Will see in few months time
  13. Only need 3 weeks off. Then nobody can tell you had a transplant and with small work, even if you shed it won’t be obvious.
  14. Yeah good luck mate. I really commend you for protecting the clinic and showing patience. Something went wrong here and if it’s not you it’s the clinic. It’s really as simple as that. The surgery itself is very risky because there’s thousands of deep wounds created and scalp isn’t the most cleanest of body parts, it is only through extremely sterile and antiseptic measures that we don’t even think about infection or anything going wrong. There’s stories of people dying and getting nasty infections of skull from dirty cheap clinics which obviously don’t follow antiseptic and sterile protocols.
  15. I pretty much know the answer to this but wondering if anyone has gone through the same. 3 weeks into my HT post op, I had this really bad sore throat infection. Just terrible. I stopped finasteride for 3 days while on antibiotics to let my body recover in case DHT helps with immune system, idk. I don’t like the idea of taking non-essential drugs while I am suffering from such nasty infection, was scared of getting pneumonia. Has anyone gotten some (unrelated to scalp) infection during your immediate post op period and came out happy without it affecting your results? I hope not but it really wouldn’t be surprising if this affected my result. The quality of my hairs degraded ( they are so shiny usually) and transplanted hairs shed which were happily growing before this infection. Hopefully just stress hairloss but maybe some died since the body doesn’t really care about hairs when you’re fighting this bad of an infection lol Anyone with a similar experience with a happy story to tell?
  16. Yeah sorry man. It definitely will affect your result. All the posts on here who had infection ended up bald exactly on the spot where they had infection. I find it pointless to give you hopes only 6 months later to have disappointment. I am honestly worried about mine too. Close to 3 weeks post op, I had this nasty sore throat/runny nose - nastiest of my life it just sucks so bad despite taking antibiotics. Granted I did stop taking Finasteride for 3 days while recovering from it but I could see a difference in quality of my hair and a lot of transplanted hairs shed which were happily growing before this sore throat infection. They should be secure but stress isn’t good for them and maybe some died from starvation since my body was focusing all energy on the infection ( I felt dizzy, nauseous, that’s how nasty it was) Hair grafts are really really fragile unfortunately. If you followed post op care, saline spray, didn’t touch your scalp then it means the doctor clinic wasn’t really sterile and it’s their fault. Which is why you should name them. But yeah if you think this might have been your fault then protecting the clinic is a good idea.
  17. Should not have skipped the biology class in school, mate
  18. The scabs a week post-op made me look to have so much density hahaha, 6 months later if I shave you can see the horseshoe the density is clearly very different.
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