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Everything posted by Turkhair

  1. The solution is body hairs. Just look at Gatsby results. If you don’t have scalp hairs, you just don’t. FUT is ugly and leaves a huge linear scar like you had surgery on your head due to gunshot wound or something. It looks cool when you have dense head of hair with a small linear scar but hideous when you’re thin balding all over the head with a scar as well. I don’t think people realise how ugly balding donors look compared to frontal bald. Those Zarev patients are ecstatic now but give it few years when their donor balds further and they have hair at the front. They will regret it and since it’s reverse balding, it’s going to look even terrible
  2. We think alike lol Thats exactly what I was going to say. Even if the surgeon allows it, are you really going to annoy him, kill his rhythm and jeopardise your surgery even if not quality of the surgery itself but the time that doctor would take to finish it.
  3. Every drug causes side effects. They’re still brought to the market because the benefits outweigh the risks. There are rare few drugs like Finasteride that have been taken by such a large population of humanity for such an extended period of time long term. If you still feel scared and paranoid then you shouldn’t bother taking any medicine because majority of drugs on market haven’t been eaten for such extended periods of time. When I first doses myself with Finasteride, my heart felt pumping fast. Because I was scared of permanently getting ED, being depressed forever, getting my ass numb and never able to father a child ending Turkhair good name. I took another and felt silly, that was almost half a decade ago.
  4. You have BDD and zero loss. I would dare say you’re medicating unnecessarily and never had MPB if 2017 pictures is what made you start medicating.
  5. This is a gigantic lie and I don’t know who propagated it and then it became acceptable. My father is a NW0 and it doesn’t look unnatural. My uncle is NW0. My relatives have NW0s. What looks unnatural and super ugly is balding and bald people. The receded hairline looks ugly and unnatural. Sorry to say but this is just your cope mechanism, this is how you’re coping with the fact you will never be able to have what non-bald have. There is a guy in this forum who lowered his hairline even further despite not suffering any MPB and he looks fantastic. What you’re saying is akin to saying being slim and fit looks unnatural in old age. No?!! What looks good in teens look good in old age too. Brad Pitt looks better than many young people in their 30s, it’s all due to his perfectly straight hairline.
  6. None. I want hairlines to be straighter and all you posted are of the mature receded balding type.
  7. Don’t rub or scratch your head/hairs. If you do, do it with clean hands. It’s a pimple like you get on your face. It’s an infection obviously. Pimples get away on their own after sometime. But yeah like Gill said keep an eye to see if it turns nasty.
  8. Check my topic. I am trying to figure out ways we can make hairs recover and grow faster.
  9. It’s all supply and demand. Konior is highly in demand and charges what he wants. Turkey doctors do the same. They feel cheap to you because you’re enjoying the currency exploitation but they charge Konior prices according to their country standards. Just imagine yourself earning the currency of the country you consider cheap to put things in perspective. Like Gatsby I don’t recommend going to Turkey when you live in the best country in the world. Maybe you can save money but being alone in a foreign country dealing with foreigners who don’t even speak your language, it’s not really nice.
  10. What supplementations do you take aside from the ones I have mentioned? I agree with you but there has to be factors and reasons why some people get super fast growth and some just don’t. We all have different diets and lifestyles, main medication (fin/min) being same then it must come down to other factors that influence hair growth such as perhaps some vitamin or minerals or lifestyle eg exercise etc
  11. Increases the blood pressure damaging the grafts, your grafts are not secured just barely hanging on, your body is trying to heal and secure them in. I don’t mean laying on your bed being hauled one place to another. Some people don’t take their HT serious and party or do things normally as if nothing has happened to them. Read some post sometime back where someone said they did brisk walk in their room to increase blood flow and help the wounds heal. So yeah there’s a reason clinics advise against this even though it feels common sense. The extreme doses of anaesthetic and HT being somewhat minor procedure means you don’t feel any pain and the effects but remember the grafts are extremely fragile, they’ve been made homeless, suffered trauma. You wouldn’t walk if you had any other surgery, the same applies to HTs.
  12. My results are terrible and I went to Pekiner who supposedly is the best. So yeah I want to figure out if I am missing something that’s not giving me the expected outcome despite the surgeon being highly rated.
  13. Your hairline and plan of action. That’s the most important thing. Clinics give preop and post op instructions themselves
  14. Ignore the surgeon side, obviously if the surgeon kills the grafts it’s pointless. On the patient side, what factors influence growth and things we can do or avoid to help speed things along. I will start with what I know and have worked for me. Please add things you know that have worked for you. Immediate post-op Relax, don’t go into sun, don’t walk unnecessarily, take it super easy. Don’t bump your head, don’t scratch or rub. Keep the area moist to aid healing. These are all instructions everyone follows as told by clinics. Medication: Finasteride and Minoxidil obviously. Ketaconaozole as well. Multivitamins especially biotin. I have noticed my nails and hairs(beard) growing super fast when I started taking biotin so this definitely has an easily noticeable effect. Vitamin D is another big one. Being deficient can cause hairloss. I was severely deficient and when I learned it affects hairs, I started taking it, the texture of my hairs definitely improved and from month 3 to month 4, big spike in hair popping up. There are many types of multivitamins and minerals, figuring out which specific ones help hairs should be done. Shampooing: I don’t know what effect this has. I don’t wash my hairs that often with shampoos, just plain water. I don’t know if shampooing or not has any effect on hair growth. Hair products I don’t use any but I have been advised by my clinic to avoid it for a certain period of time. I suspect the harsh chemicals in hair sprays, gels, fibers etc will not help the freshly healed scalp and hinder new hairs growth. Age Age definitely seems a factor. The impressive early growers seem to be very young in their early twenties but it’s not exclusive to young people. Exercise Cardio, running etc does that help? I live a pretty sedentary lifestyle but I suspect as do most people and this wouldn’t affect hairs? I don’t know anything else that can help get our transplanted hairs to grow and pop out faster. There must be something these early growers do differently that make their hairs pop out faster than others.
  15. You made me laugh lol The face you’re making
  16. Is it the same pharmacy operated by Dr Mwamba? I might order it as well. Minoxidil was kind of annoying to use for me, an alternative as good as min sounds fantastic
  17. Saw palmetto is useless for hairloss. Maybe it doesn’t reach the scalp or it’s anti-DHT effects are too weak. I believe it’s a waste of time and money to even consider it. Trichoxidil sounds interesting. Any gains you get will be purely from trichoxidil. Hope it works out for yo
  18. Depending on the drug, the receptors are permanently changed and there’s no way to reverse it. There’s a reason why drugs are bad and illegal. Good luck trying to find a hair transplant doctor that can put you under. Unlike in movies, knocking someone out isn’t so easy and requires trained anaesthesiologist who charge ridiculous, I doubt any clinic will hire them just for you and I would be wary of any clinic that does it for you too because it would be some very low quality clinic. I also believe it is illegal as the drugs required to knock someone out are highly controlled substances and can’t be used outside hospital by some random even doctors can’t use it. We all live with consequences of our actions, and sometimes there are no second chances. You’re not in easy situation and it maybe impossible, at least with a reputable surgeon.
  19. Turkey is the best when it comes to hair transplants. There is a reason there are memes with bald people going to Turkey and coming back unrecognisable with a full head of hair. I don’t mean this in racist way but it’s worth it to avoid US healthcare. All the money US spent on wars sending countries to stone ages spreading poverty, half of that should’ve been spent to make healthcare affordable for there countrymen. I mean that’s literally what other countries do, spend it on their populace and healthcare is the top priority. I have a friend who got sick with pneumonia, most of his bills was covered by insurance but some wasn’t and when he showed me, I thought he was joking. 11k+ for medicine that cost cents in rest of the world 😂 So yeah it’s worth it for sure. Doctors in Turkey aren’t idiots, remember it is a developed European country with a healthcare that isn’t enemy of its people.
  20. The forum recommended list has many US surgeons
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