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Everything posted by Turkhair

  1. It is impressive sure but what is not explained is where are all those grafts coming from. They can’t be from the back of head because that dude doesn’t have 12k grafts, I don’t think he has 12k in total there lol Sorry to be a skeptic but if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is. 12k is a lot of grafts in one sitting, I can’t imagine what recovery from that would be like, the necrosis risk from such densely packed surgery and 24k holes in your scalp. The anaesthesia required. What is even more odd is the dude is booked for years in advance but not many results to show for it. Something just doesn’t add up.
  2. STOP! Why are you surprised about your slow growth when you’re taking Minox just a few times a week. Minoxidil is amazing when used religiously and on time but it’s horrible shed inducer when you even so much as miss it by few hours. I had to apply it on time every morning or I would notice lot more hairs falling. It’s this and many other reasons I stopped using it. You are messing up your hair cycle and it’s not really a great idea to do that when those transplanted hairs haven’t even poked through the skin, they may never. Most doctors don’t even suggest using it until AFTER 6 months. My advice is to forget about minox, get on fin instead. Or just don’t use either and let your hairs be, take multivitamins, biotin and vitamin d and the hairs will pop up. A hair cycle is 3-6 months, if you start minox now then wait until month 9-11 to see your results come through. So just stop it. Or if you are going to use it then use it everyday on time for months and have patience. This is why the advice always is to follow your clinics guidelines because when you do what you read on internet and everyone will give what they think is best without understanding it, you will do what you’re doing. I have stopped finasteride and the shed isn’t as bad or as dramatic or as sudden as Minoxidil. But because minoxidil is so awesome too and even helps existing hairs to become super thick.
  3. What’s funny is immunosuppressive drugs also regrow hair. Cyclosporine is really impressive and they were trying to make a topical formulation of it to avoid the immunosuppression without much success.
  4. 6k is a lot of grafts, you should be looking at NW1 with that much and full coverage. Maybe even density among hairline. For comparison slick bald NW6 get 3500 for frontal density + coverage and another 2-3k for crown. You’re not NW6. FUT is a mistake. When you stop those drugs and you will one day - it will happen - that scar will look really bad all alone when the medicated hairs will fall off. I will go with another clinic if I was you. FUT is so dated technique and the scars are hideous, it should never be an option. You can not go bald anymore or shave without looking like you had skull surgery. I have had FUE and nobody can tell I had thousands of grafts taken from me even when I shave bald.
  5. I saw your message before you changed it. It’s sad that in this day and age people still behave in racist manner. My message simply was to either fully trust your surgeon or abandon the surgery if you’re questioning him mid surgery.
  6. What’s wrong with the list you currently have?
  7. These type of videos serves no purpose than to generate views, misguide users and scare potential balding men who could’ve been saved from heading down the path of hair transplants and full blown NW6-7. The makers of these videos/content are really stone cold. Baldness is a devastating disease and it ruins lives. These fearmongerers however don’t care, is just sad.
  8. You go to a surgeon, elite surgeon according to you. You agree on a hairline. He does his work and then you make a thread mid surgery shaming him? Either it’s the surgeons fault and he didn’t design a hairline you agreed with or you’re too nitpicky and finding faults despite agreeing with the surgeon.
  9. I went with a clinic which had very few public results. Seeing one result was enough for me. I am happy. Maybe it’s one of those clinics. Ask the clinic to provide credentials of the doctor, ask questions how many patients he will be operating on etc
  10. It’s the same as any other organ. So the same rules apply as kidney, liver transplant etc
  11. Meeting him for the first time, I got the impression he is a really good Muslim. He said something to me that seems to be coming true….if you do good work, people will find you. God will make things happen
  12. Mice do NOT have as complex and sophisticated immune systems like ours.
  13. I am sorry to hear that, that’s a lot of grafts you’re never getting back. The work doesn’t look good to begin with and not surprising it didn’t grow out good either. What you should do is name and shame the clinic and doctor.
  14. Too early to tell. You will know in few months. No need to get worked up now.
  15. This is extremely subjective
  16. Principle of supply and demand. But also US/most European doctors are super expensive, this is why people prefer Turkey because you can get the same thing far cheaper. Dr Gur does the whole procedure himself for a fraction of the price. Dr Bicer also does the whole thing herself. I think even Eugenix prices are better for full doctor involvement. Many examples to choose from. I don’t think shaming Dr Bisanga by making a topic like this is fair to him. You don’t complain about Dr Konior charging so much very few can afford?.
  17. I can confirm the itching was new hairs sprouting because I look drastically different now than a couple weeks ago. It has stopped itching unfortunately. So itching = good
  18. You don’t need a hair transplant and you’re not in danger of going NW6 anytime soon. But sure if you want a HT, you’re the perfect candidate. On several medication, plenty of donor, you can lower the hairline as much as you want.
  19. Either incompetence of clinic placing grafts too close suffocating blood supply, unsanitary surgical conditions/equipment or patient error introducing germs and infecting his scalp. The last one can only happen if it’s immediately after surgery because the body closes wounds really fast so clinic rather than patient error is more likely. It’s so rare though, I have only read horror stories from India/Pakistan where uneducated technicians operate in dirty conditions causing serious infections and deaths.
  20. How did the doctor perform the surgery? I mean when implanting grafts, did he use any antiseptics? What were the post-op instructions?
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