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Everything posted by Turkhair

  1. I am not a doctor but to my understanding hairs DO NOT breathe???? Do they breathe?? Hairs are dead protein. Hair follicles are deep inside skin where there is no breathing going on and no air going there. What they want is blood vessels pumping blood, that’s how they breathe…in oxygen rich blood. Everyone says this but I don’t understand how does a scab going to suffocate hair follicles if being buried inside skin isn’t going to??? What??? I think there’s a lot of pseudoscience that clinics have propagated. We have to remember very rare hair transplant surgeons are actual doctors who know anatomy and physiology. Most are just ex-technicians who got skilled at implanting hairs. I thought only lungs could breathe. This is new to me, hairs breathing.
  2. Just look at the donor area. I only applied bepanthol lotion religiously and the scabs when it was their time they would dry and fall off on their own. If the scab is stuck it means there is still healing going on inside and the wound isn’t closed. If you remove an unhealed scab a new one will form. I didn’t even shampoo my donor area because it burned and I didn’t care I wasn’t growing new hairs there. Guess what the scabs came off on their own on my pillow and when I would wipe them with clean towel. I find it crazy some clinics shampoo day 2 or 3. Completely unnecessary
  3. Use saline spray every two hours or earlier keep them moist. Don’t let them dry out Shampoo everyday but don’t rub or scrub. Ez They will come off like piece of cake. I don’t know why this issue of scabs has been blown out of proportion by everyone. NO GRAFTS will NOT die if you have scabs, it’s a lie. Look at Pitella patients who have scans till day 20 with fantastic results. No you don’t need to scrub or rub, just keep them moist. You want scabs gone because they keep the area dirty and easier to get infection. Just like any other wound, you have to keep it clean. But they are a WOUND so forcing scabs out damages the wound. Don’t force the issue. Some people’s bodies are awesome and they heal their scabs fast. But some people bodies suck at healing and so the scabs take even 3 weeks to come off. Scabs are good, they’re the bodies way of defence and healing. I am pissed I rubbed mine when they didn’t come off on day 12 but then I used common sense and thought why am I pretending to be an idiot. I know this stuff, this is basic medicine. Just let them heal, keep them soft, eat nutrients and they will come off. They can off by day 16 just by shampooing and saline spray and I didn’t do any rubbing. So relax and saline and shampoo. If the area is clean they don’t have to come off even by day 30. But they do come off unless you’re malnourished starving and your body doesn’t heal lol
  4. If you have to ask an internet forum then no, absolutely don’t get a hair transplant. If you cared enough, you would get a hair transplant even if this forum recommended against it so yeah I’d say you’re not at the point where you need a HT.
  5. What about HLC? Just because there’s one bad case of theirs (patient had problem with his skin so he’s not blame free) doesn’t mean they don’t pump out stellar results.
  6. 500mg wow. That is beyond normal. That is like using caffeine as a drug not a recreational drink. I would worry about your heart health if you take this much long term. I did have tea, a lot of it but the total amount wouldn’t have exceeded 80mg. But not at once either, dosed throughout the whole day. Maybe it did hurt grafts, you would know when the final results come out. The grafts are very fragile, there’s a reason clinics recommend and suggest to avoid few things.
  7. You guys are like scientists with this stuff. I haven’t even noticed my hairs when they shed
  8. I have no idea about Bicer, never even considered her. But if she accepts credit cards, yes she is unloading the tax to the patient and including it in prices. I know fuecapillar accepts credit cards so they pay taxes. It is laughable the lengths some clinics go to to hide from the government and not pay taxes. Some aren’t even registered. It’s so funny I had always seen this in movies, it was first time seeing how to evade taxes 101 in action in real life. Some foolish site claimed turkey loves hair transplants so it doesn’t tax them. So ignorant lol. People coming for hair transplants are so cheap, the only way government can profit is by taxing their HTs because they aren’t spending a single dime on even a taxi lol I was quite shocked actually to learn that. I guess this explains why Turkey economy is in such trouble despite being a hub of hair transplants and overloaded with foreigners, the clinics operate outside tax net and the foreigners eat free food and ride free taxis included in their clinic pricing, the government getting very little if any at all in profits.
  9. What is he basing these bold claims on? We don’t even know all the genes that cause hair loss, it’s quite a bold claim to claim it will be cured within 5 years. There is no cure in pipeline and whatever is in works hasn’t even proven to be safe or studied well enough to understand what widespread effects it will have on other parts of the body.
  10. I don’t know what type of diet plan and fasting you’re practicing, some types restrict the food and involve fasting for days on end which is no different to my example equating starvation. When I google intermittent fasting, it comes up with these extreme diet plans and fasting hours. I only know and do religious fasting and it’s less extreme. If you’re not restricting your diet and only not eating for a few hours then ignore what I said. It shouldn’t affect things too much. By the way fasting must not be good because you can get hair loss from weight loss and restricted diet https://www.lindora.com/faq/what-causes-hair-loss-during-dieting/
  11. Thick coarse hair as opposed to vellus hair I guess he means your hairs aren’t miniaturised and terminal healthy hairs
  12. Can anyone please link results where there were huge changes late into hair transplant say after month 7 or month 9?
  13. Fasting has many health benefits but many are also exaggerated. Starving yourself of essential and non-essential nutrients is not the way to heal from a surgery. If fasting was so great, African population wouldn’t be so diseased and suffering and there’s very little difference between the fasting done for non-religious reasons and unintentional fasting by Africans. Hair grows great with finasteride, minoxidil and proper nutrients and vitamins. Wounds also heal great.
  14. If you can afford European doctors, why would you go to the best in Turkey is my point. European clinics seem to operate on another level from looking at the results. If he can afford 4 euros/graft then that should be the first choice. I wish I had gone to Couto or someone in Europe too.
  15. Let’s keep the focus on Jarrod’s fantastic results. I don’t want to spoil the party and ruin this topic. This topic pretty much confirms that if you get great growth early the results continue to get better over time totally mind blowing .
  16. You wouldn’t be able to have much of hairstyle, they behave like strays with a mind of their own and they are thicker and really weird compared to scalp hair. You get people complaining when clinics don’t use singles/softer hair in hairline, beard hairs are far worse than that. I always thought I could get body hair transplant but now that I have had it, I don’t want a single beard hair. It’s just not the same as scalp hairs. And also they grows really slow. I guess for slick bald people beard hair give them coverage and they’re happy but for people who actually love to have great hair and style them, they’re useless. I don’t like them.
  17. I wish my results turn out like this, mine are pretty disappointing so far and I did go to Pekiner expecting same as you.
  18. Yes, transplant kills the native hair. And there’s no hair left in donor area, it’s uprooted. There are no treatments coming, any that come aren’t going to be any better than finasteride. At least Finasteride has 30 years of safety data, the new drugs will be untested and brought by relatively unknown companies. I wouldn’t be the Guinea pig until it’s at least gone through a decade of testing on millions of people. AGA is very convoluted and complex phenomenon and not a separate single thing so I don’t have much hopes for a drug except cloning.
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