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Rick sanchez

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  1. Thanks for your input! And thank you for all you do on the site! I’ve learned so much browsing around and it is an excellent resource. I guess I have a bit of hair greed… I definitely would like to improve upon my hairline now and enjoy it while I’m still pretty young. Maybe thinking in the short term isn’t the smartest way to make a decision though… Do you have any recommendations for doctors that work with my type of hair often? I’d like to continue my research even if I decide a HT isn’t right for me.
  2. I was less asking for affirmation and more for advice. I definitely care enough to go through with a HT but have a little anxiety about choosing the right surgeon and the procedure itself. Just trying to do my due diligence before making a big decision.
  3. I appreciate the insight. Honestly, I’m itching to get the HT done sooner rather than later to get it over with and also to have the hairline and confidence it comes with while I’m still fairly young. I’ll give topical fin a go regardless and keep doing my research on surgeons. 👍
  4. Thank you for the reply! And thank you for all your contributions on this site. I really enjoyed reading about your experience and seeing you comment on so many other threads. You have definitely helped educate me on this process! I agree and I’ll likely give topical fin a go. What draws me to a HT is that I likely won’t be able to reclaim my hairline like I want to with the medication options. HT seems like the quickest, really only, way to do that at this point. I’m not too constrained to that budget but that amount was mostly around what I was getting quoted at for some of the recommended doctors on the site. My anxiety mostly is getting the procedure botched. Any recommendations for doctors to look into that are experienced with my type of hair? I definitely want a natural as possible looking hairline and wouldn’t even want to lower it much. Mostly just fill in the recessed corners.
  5. Thanks for the reply! Totally agree with your assessment and part of the reason I made the post. The recession definitely bothers me and I’m not sure if it would be better to get the HT done or work on getting more comfortable with owning my current hairline. Im at the point where I want to pull the trigger, throw money at the HT and know I’ll get closer to the hairline I want. The only anxiety I have with the procedure is not getting a good result.
  6. Thanks! I do like rocking the long hair but I also feel somewhat forced to since it helps hide the recessed corners. I’ll most likely hop on topical fin and bite the bullet. Even without the side effects, I don’t like the idea of messing with my hormones. That’s the main reason I’ve avoided it. What kind of results can I expect with fin? Is it possible to grow back in the areas of recession?
  7. 31 year old man looking for advice. I’ve been struggling with how to deal with my receding hairline the last few years and am strongly considering a transplant. I have always had a big forehead but my hairline receded some in my early/mid 20s. It has since stabilized and has remained the same for the last few years. I used to wear tight hairstyles that certainly put strain on my hair but once I stopped, so did the recession. There isn’t a history of balding in my family, but several mature hairlines. My dad has a similar hairline to mine at 64. I currently use topical minoxidil, ketaconazole shampoo, and a LLLT comb. I also take daily biotin and collagen supplements. I try to do scalp massages when I remember. I don’t like the idea of messing with my hormonal profile so I’ve stayed away from fin. I’m considering topical fin now though and doing routine blood panels to ensure serum dht levels aren’t decimated. I’ve noticed a few hairs sprouting in the recessed areas but after doing this routine a while I’m accepting I won’t reclaim my hairline like I want and would rather throw money at a transplant to get real results. I’ve consulted several surgeons recommended here and have received quotes but find myself hesitant to pull the trigger on any. It seems whenever I think I have made up my mind and go further researching them there tend to be mixed reviews that make me doubt my original decision. Any recommendation for a surgeon that would excel with my specific case? I’ve consulted Eugenix, Dr. Bicer, Dr. Yaman, and Dr. Camacho so far. Estimates range up to 2500 grafts. Max budget I want to spend right now is $5-6k. Anyway, I appreciate the forum’s information and have learned a ton about the surgical process. Please let me know if there is anything I can clarify. Photos attached.
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