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Everything posted by Turkhair

  1. I stopped for a different reason but when I used topical version, my face was becoming like “moon face” 😂 Later I learned from Kevin from haircafe that it is a side effect of Minoxidil and he takes tretinoin or some other chemicals to counter the skin damaging effects of Minoxidil. So yeah you’re not wrong to want to stop it.
  2. There is nothing wrong with going to Turkey. I am an ex-NW6 patient cured in Turkey. I can honestly tell you that my result wouldn’t have been any different if I had gone anywhere else or to any other doctor.
  3. If it was after second week, the grafts should have been secure but you never know. It’s really nasty, you shouldn’t have been made to waste time taking steroids and started antibiotics immediately. Which doctor was it?
  4. I don’t think Zarev does hairline work even close to what Pekiner does. I am biased because I am a patient of his and my favourite part of my whole new head of hair is my hairline. It’s so natural and almost close to what I had before HT. Zarev is more for higher norwoods where the way he does homogenous extractions bringing those dead Norwood 6-7 people is wow Regardless, you don’t need a hair transplant and I don’t recommend it. You should wait until you’re 30 when your final pattern emerges. The little change you will notice isn’t really worth it spending all that money and energy. It’s not going to bring back your confidence either and you’re still going to be disappointed wishing for something in your hairline to have been different. And even if it works out, with your aggressive hairloss you want those precious grafts to have been used to build a conservative hairline not where you want them used now.
  5. Nice! Happy growing How much did it cost?
  6. Yeah that’s the best option. It would help with getting results fast from your hair transplant too.
  7. You would lose the gains you made with minoxidil and the overall thickness brought on by Minoxidil. Even if it’s not visible to you, minoxidil does regrow and thicken hair if you’re a responder. There’s no damage to hairs maintained by Finasteride. Also stopping Minoxidil causes a massive shed whereby you some hairs that will come back few months later.
  8. I don’t think you’ve even considered the donor area. It isn’t a pretty sight. A NW6 for whom you’re thinking this plan doesn’t have the donor area to rock the shaved look after covering both front and crown or even just the front. It will look thin and with visible scars grossing people out.
  9. You can style long hair and if it’s a decent transplant completely hide all the thin spots even give the illusion of density without even using hair fibers. The horseshoe looks so apparent when buzzed down. And even if you shave it completely, there’s going to be difference in density especially in bright light. The few thousand transplanted hairs aren’t enough to make you look like you aren’t bald when shaved or with light stubble. It’s better to come off as completely bald or with hair. Impressing someone with your frontal hair to then surprise them with a huge bald crown is not a good idea.
  10. You can transplant to beard but scalp hairs are different and grow longer than beard. Beard to beard is also possible. Honestly I would just ignore it. You are taking such close ups, of course it’s going to look bald after 1000 grafts were taken. Anyone else will not be able notice it, very few people have dense perfect beards. If this was such a big concern then you should have told them no touching the beard. Clinics don’t worry about beard extractions as much and just take the best grafts.
  11. There is no worry, I have been taking Finasteride for years and have only seen thickening and new hairs popping in areas where there were none. Just the other day actually I noticed a hair remnant of my hairline that I had as a kid, made me chuckle. Before finasteride, I had anxiety and worry. I don’t even think about hairs anymore
  12. Get in contact and tell them your dates. Clinics usually have cancellations they might fit you in. Good clinics can’t fit you in a months notice though and cancellations is your only hope.
  13. If you can’t sleep then it simply means your neck pillow isn’t comfy enough and big enough. I got lucky ( Thank God ) that the one I ordered online (which had bad reviews with people whining about its quality) was big and comfortable enough that it hugged me well and I had no issues. I ordered two more and I didn’t like either for some reason. I don’t know what to tell you I am not a neck pillow vendor but if it’s big/comfortable you will just know it’s the right one. Put one big and one small pillow behind you then sleep in a neck pillow, most hotels already have this arrangement. You will not touch your donor area or recipient. Small tip: Pull your shirt upwards so the neck pillow touches your shirt not your neck/skin. A shirt one or two sizes bigger helps. This helps that even during sleep, the neck pillow doesn’t go really up touching your donor and stays in place just near your neck. Do not sleep like that on your side. That’s super risky. Donor area should be sore but you shouldn’t be feeling this much pain not for your first run at least. Something that helped me was saline spray on donor, adjusting the humidity/temperature of the room. Absolutely do NOT touch your face as you run the risk of infection. Your clinic should have provided you with Bepanthol lotion or something to help with healing. If not, then get it yourself. The lotion my clinic provided was a lifesaver, it healed me really fast and there was no issue of itching or pain. This is one of the things I absolutely love about Dr Pekiner is he bandages you up completely, both the donor and recipient heals so fast, gives you antibiotics and corticosteroids and it’s a breeze going through post op. My recipient didn’t look bloody like yours even day 2 but blackish/scabby. You should demand something from your clinic, Tylenol isn’t going to help with healing or itching mate. The fantastic news though is your density looks amazing, just get through the rough 10 days post op and you’re going to be ecstatic with your new hairs
  14. Use bepanthol lotion for donor itching and keep spraying the donor with saline spray too. Keeping it moist helps with itching. Above all, don’t touch the area. It is a lot of grafts for a small area, wonder how the density will turn out
  15. Magic should start happening around month 5ish Hairs should just start popping up now
  16. I am sure this was a home run. Good early growth. Bisanga does good work!
  17. What Archan said is accurate. Also price doesn’t mean quality usually. It just means the surgeon is popular for whatever reason and just reacting to supply and demand. For example, the surgeon Archan went to delivered some spectacular results and he’s not alone, his patients usually have the same results. But he’s cheap compared to other doctors of same quality because he’s still relatively unknown. As he gets popular you will see his prices skyrocket. Most European doctors also have to deal with expensive taxes and do well even in their own region without international patients because people just are relatively rich there and can afford expensive prices. In summary cheap doesn’t necessarily mean low quality and expensive doesn’t mean high quality. There’s so many posts here of proper botch jobs by US surgeons charging 20-30k - insanity
  18. It’s amazing how much difference hairs make to a person’s looks. You look like a different person now. Congrats on the fantastic result 🎉
  19. One thing that sets Dr Pekiner apart from everyone else is hairlines. I mean wow just wow. Even when I was in my dark place, I couldn’t fault the hairline work he did on me and was my favourite thing to look at. Congratulations bro, what an awesome result. You must be over the moon about it
  20. You’re worrying too much. Stress can also cause hairloss. Here’s the thing. If your hair grafts survived after HT, a shed induced by whatever you did doesn’t mean they died or are gone. It just means you messed up the hair cycles. What you need to do now is keep taking the medication (or if you’ve stopped it, don’t start it again) and wait a minimum 6 months before you even check the results. This is why you can’t stop start stop start hairloss medication, it doesn’t work like that and all you do is induce sheds. Any doctor will tell you to wait until 3-6 months for hairloss medication to see it’s effects.
  21. Thank you for sharing this. It just confirms what I have learned and keep learning that no matter who you go to, don’t expect density or good result. The clinic is great for offering free touch up
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