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Everything posted by Turkhair

  1. Pitella is world class. You’re going to be very pleased at the end of it. I also don’t think he recommends finasteride - unlike some surgeons who don’t even operate unless you’re on fin - so he’s perfect for your situation. Good luck mate
  2. Pimples aren’t really a good thing. According to Mayoclinic; Pimples are raised red spots with a white center that develop when blocked hair follicles become inflamed or infected with bacteria. Blockages and inflammation deep inside hair follicles produce cystlike lumps beneath the surface of your skin.
  3. This isn’t true. I had zero pimples and very clean scalp and growth happened. Pimples are a sign of either harsh chemicals in shampoos irritating the scalp or perhaps touching your scalp with dirty hands too often and getting an infection.
  4. To become slick bald despite being on medication….sucks for them I guess 🤷‍♀️
  5. If you’re going to be on medication, you can even lower your hairline. Go crazy Nobody goes bald while on medication. If you intend to stop medication then yeah it’s better to wait out your final Norwood level and decide from there
  6. I would say yeah if you’re 37 and probably reached your final Norwood level. Any further loss would be minimal definitely not NW7 level. But you would need to do several hair transplants to chase the slow loss. It honestly wouldn’t be so bad especially if you’ve a good beard.
  7. Hard to say. Everyone’s hairs looks a little thin when wet.
  8. I wonder if the clinics provide any post op instructions at all? Second post with a concerned patient about something that should’ve been explained to him. You will lose all the hairs during the first 3 months. Then growth will happen after 4 months. Judge the result by month 6-12.
  9. It’s going to look thin, a lot of grafts went into your crown and recreating the temple points. If all those 4500 grafts were just concentrated on front+midscalp, you would’ve fantastic density. Then a second procedure for crown with less grafts. But it’s still the same thing I guess, you can go for a second procedure and add density to areas lacking. You should have beard grafts left. It does look really great as it is now though, with a little hair fibers you would look like you never had any balding.
  10. When you become NW6, this isn’t going to be your donor. Your donor will also become NW6. But you’re on two of the strongest hairloss medications and responding well. You’re not heading to NW6 in this decade or even next
  11. Your density is amazing and clearly you had great graft survival. Your lateral humps had been reinforced too. You haven’t shown how your hairs behave when fully grown out and styled.
  12. I don’t know what other people’s goals are with their hair transplants but mine was simple. To get my youthful looks back that were robbed of me. When I first started balding noticing too many hairs falling after shower almost a decade ago, someone advised me to shave my head; it would help and new thick hairs would grow. When I told my barber to shave my head, he asked me twice to confirm he heard me correctly 😂 When he was done and I saw myself in the mirror, I was horrified. What ugly creature is staring back at me, it can’t be me…no!. I couldn’t get out of my room for months and I avoided friends and family rubbing essential oils on my head and trying everything for hairs to grow back ASAP! Hairs give impression of youth. Shaved head looks old and not really great. All my friends who are NW0 since childhood have not shaved their heads once now well into their 30s, they try different hairstyles but shaved head is never one of that, they’re terrified of it.
  13. You can flush saw palmetto down the toilet, it doesn’t do anything for hairs. The only vitamin that’s important is Vitamin D, have you checked your vit d levels to make sure they’re good? If your vitamin D levels are deficient, it can cause hair loss and interfere with hair growth so keep it in check.
  14. Someone seeing you bald then later with hair isn’t that big of an issue actually, people don’t remember someone’s level of hairloss. I should know because I flaunted my bald head for years and now when those same people see me, most see it as normal as if I was always like this, some look in surprise for a moment then act normal thinking this is how I always was. If someone is really inquisitive, you can just shrug it off as you had a bad hair day in the past or just tell the truth. They would be surprised and don’t believe it thinking you’re joking 😂 People’s perception of HTs is still of those old hair plugs and pluggy ones. < Yes all of this has happened to me. Someone seeing you bald is a different story though and the reaction is not good or negative. If it’s not your wedding, you can just consider this a bad painful day you have to go through. The same people who see you bald will act like you always had hair when you show up with hair few months later. I should mention ^all of this doesn’t apply if you’re slick bald NW7, that’s a hard memory to mess up or forget. But if you show up as anything below NW7 with some level of surviving hairs (ie not slick bald) when you show with full head of hair, people just think you always were like this and now have better hair days.
  15. Work looks good and this dr seems to produce good results Happy growing
  16. Did your clinic not tell you this? You haven’t even gone though the shed yet
  17. Looks about right for 1500k grafts The hairs will thicken and look better. There might be new hairs popping up too
  18. Pretty normal actually. I continue to see new hairs pop up although majority have grown in the first 4-5 months.
  19. Pictures would help. I am not a fan of generics, had bad experience with them. Propecia is worth a try to rule out its not bad quality of generics before you try something stronger
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