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  1. Hopefully you'll be alright and won't lose any grafts.. the only thing that you can do now is to rest, take some vitamins and be optimistic as it affects your mental and then your physical health... I followed post op care religiously.. I was very serious about my transplant.. just I don't really know what it is and if it's somebody fault, and I think that the doctor is very attentive and caring so I prefer not to post his name until I get final results and understand better what is currently happening in my scalp. It might be just folliculitis which is common and maybe I won't any lose grafts.. 🤞
  2. Yes, I had to take antibiotics for 7 days after the procedure. Currently he advised to do compresses with towels soaked with warm water and also antibiotics for extended course The front line redness was there from the first moment after removing the crust, thats why I'm worrying about it to affect the results. It might be that the grafts were transplanted too deep? My doctor actually talked with me about the option of antibiotics earlier then now but I asked him to delay it a little to see if there is any improvement since I had nausea from the prescribed antibiotic after the surgery and I preferred to avoid a long regime of it if possible. For now I prefer not to say the name of the doctor. He is well known with very impressive results, and he's very attentive.
  3. I made my surgery (very big session) with a good well known/respected doctor, 7 weeks ago. The surgery went smooth with no problems and I was very careful and religiously followed the treatments and recommendations. Two weeks after when I was removing the crust from my scalp I could see that one side of the front of my scalp is red and inflamed (the red dot it's a mole) - It was like that for a week or so, my surgeon recommend me to take pills (steroids) for 5 days and I did. It became a little better but as soon as I finished the dose it became worse. More redness and swelling, pus, and big pimples with pus that start to spread over the transplanted area My surgeon believe that it's an infection/folliculitis caused by bacteria and prescribed me with antibiotics. Do anyone here experienced anything similar? How rare is it to happen? Any recommendations? I would like to hear opinions/insights...
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