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Everything posted by Turkhair

  1. If you can go Europe why would you waste money in Turkey
  2. Exercise impulse control. I don’t want to judge but if you can’t train your mind to not do this one small thing then you must have zero impulse control. I had zero issues with sleeping straight and not touching my head. I literally trained my mind too. Maybe this comes because I am a Muslim and we have to pray 5 times a day which requires a lot of impulse control and this does bleed into other matters of your life. I don’t need an alarm to wake up, if you think and want something, your mind makes it happen. If this appears to be something impossible then you have an impulse control issue and just doing whatever your reptilian part of brain tells you to. I would suggest restraining and training your brain to do things you want it to, feel an impulse to eat something, don’t. Maybe try sleeping straight already and not touching yourself. If it’s still a little hard to do that, punish and reward yourself for good and bad behaviour. You don’t need handcuffs to stop yourself from scratching.
  3. Pipe dreams bro. There’s nothing that exciting on the timeline that will bring back a dead NW6 or 7 to life and if there is, don’t expect it to be without side effects.
  4. Turkey clinics do have taxes not VAT tax but different. This is why many clinics don’t take credit card or bank transactions but cash. Only in Islamic countries like Dubai/Saudi Arabia, there is no tax. Everywhere else there is tax called different things.
  5. Are you sure you’re not overreacting to natural order of things? Shock loss happens to many people and there is a shed before hair grows again. I have seen many good results from cosmedica on this Facebook groups so it would be nice to see some picture to judge the results
  6. Oh, by frontal I meant front as in front of the head(including midscalp) vs crown (back of the head). If you’re happy that’s all that matters. I wanted my surgeon to lower my hairline but didn’t have the donor area to support that.
  7. Wow, 4000 grafts just for frontal coverage. If I was you, I would’ve asked for a straighter hairline to look more young. I guess because you’ve such a great donor, the doctor decided to give you a lot of density.
  8. 0 I wouldn’t bother with meds, you’re those lucky ones who progress slowly if at all. Meds can’t bring temple recession especially this small area
  9. Or maybe I am already booked and trying to dissuade others from going there 😅😀
  10. He’s good but there’s nothing extraordinary going on here. Good donors and he seems to deplete the donor area completely to give coverage to the front. I don’t know how I feel about that having seen a person with a balding donor area and balding at the front too. It’s not a pretty look, even worse than frontal balding, donor area balding looks much worse. The frontal hairs then look like a toupee. He does extract in a good way which makes the area look thin all over instead of in certain places. I think the guy in the bellicapelli forum should have instead used body hairs. Once his donor area thins further, it’s going to look super weird balding at the back and having hair in front. He’s doomed to use finasteride forever
  11. Big empty area. Overharvesting is empty areas with hairs nearby. It’s pointless to think about it now. Get your vitamins right, get finasteride and if possible minoxidil. And wait
  12. I know it feels horrifying but STOP inducing sheds. Minoxidil is especially brutal at inducing sheds but any hair loss treatment that WORKS will cause a shed even hair transplants. Also stop playing with your heart. If you can’t tolerate minoxidil, stop using it. It’s not the end of the world. You should’ve stuck to finasteride but now that you’re on dutasteride, stick with it and ride it out. You’re young, you’re not going NW7, it’s very rare but you’re on treatment so it’s stopped. The hairs shed from minoxidil do come back but after a LONG time, minox increases hair cycles and when you stop it, it’s all out of whack so it takes time to readjust. What doesn’t help is hair cycles are like months long.
  13. Finasteride does NOT lose effectiveness over time. Finasteride increases its effectiveness over time. He is 100% correct. On point 2 he is also correct, there are some people who use minoxidil alone and get growth and maintain for as long as they use Minoxidil.
  14. I didn’t wear anything on the flight back home week after HT . Nobody cared. HTs are so common these days.
  15. You got checked by a doctor with a microscope/magnification who is top notch and he says he didn’t see any thinning but you expect some randoms who aren’t doctors to tell you based off some camera photos? Yes you are destined to be a NW6-7, all of us who get hairloss early are destined to be. The meds worked reversing miniaturization and so the surgeon can’t see it. Hair loss is progressive, the only people who know for certain they won’t lose hairs are the ones who are NW0 well into their 20s, 30s and 40s and 50s. You are NW3, you are definitely heading to NW4 maybe then NW6.
  16. He along with Dr Turan are beloved in Hair loss Conquerors Facebook group as a cheap budget option yet providing good results. The only criticism I have seen when you Google “dr Gur bad review” is this topic But there’s nothing like botched jobs or anything super bad so he gets a +1 from me.
  17. Wow you can’t even tell these are body hairs. Fantastic transformation
  18. You are NW6, the hairs that have been brought back will go back to sleep as soon as you stop minoxidil. After meds it’s hard to judge your Norwood level, I’d say very diffused NW3 with the crown pattern. Sounds like the clinic wants to give you density and you don’t have a problem with FUT.
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