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Everything posted by GoliGoliGoli

  1. I work adjacent to the medical field and know a lot of Dr's personally. I will tell you exactly what will happen when OP goes to his Dr: They will look up the side effects of oral Min on Google or WebMD and tell him it's in his best interest to get off of it. Amazing how people are so reliant on listening to Dr's at the detriment of their own health. Sometimes a little "first principle thinking" goes a long ways. No one will ever care about your own health more than you. But I think you're strong reaction to OP's thread is coming from a personal place.
  2. Do you weigh in at the same time in the mornings? I know 5lb (2.5kg) fluctuations aren't rare, but 4kgs is definitely a pretty large fluctuation for 3 days I would think. The before and after pics are the most startling though
  3. Just out of curiosity, how is it that Dr's end up placing doubles or triples in the hairline? Is it not clear once the follicle is extracted that it is either a single, double or triple? Does it just come down to lazy/shoddy work or not having enough singles for the hairline?
  4. I'm sorry mate, but you sound unhinged. Swelling/water retention is a known side effect of min. I understand this is a personal topic and yes the placebo/nocebo thing is real, but you don't always need a Dr's diagnosis to explain when the correlation between your side effects and the known side effects of the drug you're taking are so similar. What do you think will happen if he goes to a doctor, that they're going to have a team studying his case 24/7 doing in-depth tests looking at what level of min has gone systemic in his blood system? That's not how medicine works, not in the US and not in Europe/Canada.
  5. Thank you very much for posting this, I do think it's important that people understand the risks of taking oral min. That isn't to say everyone suffers like this from it either, but your input is very much appreciated
  6. Am I correct in stating that Nader does all the extraction and implantation personally, whereas Cortez at HMR farms out some of the process to assistants?
  7. IMO it doesn't look great, but it's far from awful either. Definitely not worth having any dark thoughts over my man
  8. Do you have any insight on DHEA's ability to increase DHT? I imagine it works probably very similarly to creatine if not even more strongly. I loooove supplementing with 5mg a day of DHEA
  9. If you were a 1.5 at 28 and a NW2 at 40 why would a HT at 28 have been a problem?
  10. Well, what's the problem being 2 HT down before the age of 40? As long as your Dr is good at what he does this shouldn't be an issue, and will mean you will have hair for the prime years of your life.
  11. Hey just curious why you opted for FUT? Was it a graft maximization thing?
  12. Thanks for the replies. On a similar note, for use of topical, does anyone follow the recommendations of only using "half a cap full"? Generally I just use enough to cover the areas I want to cover. Am I going to OD on min or do most others do this to? I understand no replies will be medical advice.
  13. Also, we're talking about min not fin here... Just to be clear!
  14. Uhh... Why would switching to oral resolve this issue? If anything the oral will make the drug go far more systemic than the topical and result in worse sides. Please explain your thinking here....
  15. Hi all, I'm sure this topic has been discussed before but I'm curious if anyone has any personal experience with switching from once to twice a day and whether or not that led to better results. I know the argument for using it once a day being just as effective due to the half life so no need to rehash that discussion, I'm more curious if anyone has anecdotal experience. I had a consult with a reputable doc yesterday and he suggested using twice a day. Since I have cats I would probably apply once at 9:30am and then again around 2:30pm and then wash out around 7pm.
  16. And as much as I obviously agree with you, their is also a good reason why the vet's on this forum say that. Because even if I think its a bit hyperbolic, that last thing you want to do is jump into a HT with a surgeon just because of their price or proximity to you. So it's a good rule of thumb because their are so many frauds and hairmills out there, but if you're willing to do your research and take your time I do think it's slightly hyperbolic.
  17. Is their a recording on youtube of this IG live discussion with Hasson? I searched youtube but couldn't find it @Melvin- Moderator Thanks!
  18. You need to post pictures before anyone can give you advice that is worth a darn. I will say, I am not currently taking min or fin and am still planning on getting a HT. Many others have done the same. You just have to accept and budget for the fact that you might need 2-3 down the line, and obviously need to ensure your donor area can handle that which it sounds like yours can. That said if you're only NW2 you can still probably style your hair well enough to hide any loss so without seeing any pictures I would agree that you're better off waiting,.
  19. A doctor on here (Cant remember thread or Dr) said that it would. Search creatine you will find it. Basically, anything that will convert or increase conversion to DHT can cause more loss. https://www.google.com/search?q=does+creatgine+convert+to+dht&sxsrf=ALiCzsaohVtqBjAhHUp22WqFyyASIBUZHQ%3A1657743722175&source=hp&ei=ainPYsnnB7Cs0PEP5aK14A8&iflsig=AJiK0e8AAAAAYs83eumRiOS2bVHiZC75OdJwY83-Q5JU&ved=0ahUKEwjJxL7N2Pb4AhUwFjQIHWVRDfwQ4dUDCAk&uact=5&oq=does+creatgine+convert+to+dht&gs_lcp=Cgdnd3Mtd2l6EAMyBggAEB4QFjIGCAAQHhAWMgUIABCGAzIFCAAQhgMyBQgAEIYDMgUIABCGAzIFCAAQhgM6BAgjECc6DgguEIAEELEDEMcBENEDOhEILhCABBCxAxCDARDHARDRAzoLCAAQgAQQsQMQgwE6CAgAEIAEELEDOggILhCxAxCDAToLCC4QgAQQsQMQgwE6CggAEIAEEIcCEBQ6BQgAELEDOggIABCxAxCDAToFCAAQgAQ6CAgAEIAEEMkDOgQIABANOgYIABAeEA06CAgAEB4QCBANUABY3hRg3RVoAHAAeAKAAeUCiAGdHZIBCDYuMjEuMC4xmAEAoAEB&sclient=gws-wiz
  20. Mind post before and after pics to show the thinning?>
  21. Pics are not really a fair comparison because you are holding your hair back in the 2nd. I use a thickening shampoo the increase the "illusion of density" and it does seem to work. Although Nizoral shampoo seems to have the same effect
  22. Thanks for posting this thread and being honest about your situation. I gotta say, if you experienced sides I would recommend getting off of it. Obviously this decision is up to you. At most give it one more chance and see if they flare up again because hormone levels do fluctuate week to week and month to month and depression can come and go too, but honestly if you think it was the Fin causing these I would drop it. I say the above even though I'm curious to see if you develop sides again. I think if you are to develop sides again it will happen a lot quicker this time than the last time due to the half life build up in your body.
  23. Also, some people actually get great results from hair mills. I'm not saying I advise going to a hair mill BY ANY means. But it does happen. That said I know nothing about the doctor you're asking about, but suggest you use the search function of this website to research more. I would not rely on any research outside of this forum.
  24. You remind me a lot of myself. I have no interest in going on Fin, and even have slight reservations about topical Min. I am also price conscience because I know I will likely need 2 if not eventually 3 HT's. Yes I could afford Hasson and Wong, but is the cost benefit really worth it compared to a reputable Doc in Mexico or Turkey? You can only decide for yourself. People here will often say "DO NOT CONSIDER PRICE IN DECIDING YOUR DOCTOR OR IF YOU WANT A HT" but honestly I find that a bit extreme. There are a select few number of great Doc's in places like Mexico and Turkey who are a fraction of the cost of European or American doctors.
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