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Everything posted by GoliGoliGoli

  1. Curious to know how many grafts you had per HT. Always makes me slightly nervous when people be talking about 4 HT's!
  2. How many grafts is Perkiner limited to? I think you will need 3500-4000 grafts to give you coverage you will be happy with. I'd say you're safely a Norwood 4
  3. The common advice around here is that you need to be willing to travel if you want good results so it's probably best not to confine yourself to NY/NJ. There very well may be someone who can recommend a good Dr in that area but I certainly wouldn't limit yourself to that, especially because the area it sounds like you're looking to restore is particularly tricky. Pics with your face blurred out will always help people give you good advice as well
  4. Apologies if you already discussed, but what made you switch from pill to liquid fin?
  5. Any update from folks using it?
  6. Looking good man, I think over the coming months you're going to be even more pleased with the results. But the growth looks good regardless for 2 weeks shy of 5 months
  7. You have a very unique loss pattern. From the looks of it you didn't put any grafts into the hairline? I imagine you understand you'll probably need a 2nd HT at some point despite being on meds? Overall it looks like good work though, I think you'll be quite happy with the result
  8. TBH I think you'd be crazy to go in for a hair transplant. I know it's hard to do but stop thinking about it so much. I don't think you would get any aesthetic improvement from a HT at this point, or even for the forseeable future. The risk of the HT making you look worse (Even with a reputable Dr) is worth considering. The risk/reward you would get out of a HT is not at all worth it imo.
  9. Frankly the recovery/painfulness of FUT plus the scar is enough to make me not even consider it. Maybe if I was reeeaally bald with a limited donor but even then I think I'd still opt for FUE.
  10. I don't believe you need to be on Finasteride to justify getting a transplant, and frankly I think it's smart of you to avoid Finasteride. However, when you combine your age with your rightful aversion to Finasteride, it is probably best to wait on getting a transplant. Give it 5 years and re-evaluate. 5 years sounds like forever when you're 20 but you'll be glad you waited. Also, if your plan is not to use medications then you will need to plan for 2-4 HT's over the course of your life depending on how your hair loss pattern shakes out. . So make sure you're willing and able to budget for not 1 but multiple HT's.
  11. [QUOTE]Dr. Holt wanted to do another FUT, saying that it'll look better with my dark brown hair and that FUE would look moth eaten[QUOTE] Is their any logic to this thinking or was this pure BS on the Dr's part?
  12. Seems to be a lot of talk lately around here of transplanted hairs miniaturizing. Depending on who you ask that is either totally normal or totally unexpected. Maybe someone more knowledgeable can address.
  13. Curious to see what it looks liek grown out but like everyone else your hair looks fine short. No need to wear hats or be down about your appearance
  14. As others have mentioned there are some good Dr's in Turkey and 1 in Mexico who provide quality results for a fraction of the cost of US/Euro/Canadian Dr's.
  15. There is really no good answer to this question I think because so much is genetic. I started losing in the crown around 26 but my hairline was totally fine up until like 31 which I guess is fairly rare. And when I say totally fine I mean like Norwood 0 or Norwood 1. I'm 33.5 now and the hairline has caught up to me, but my loss is also super slow. I've never looked down in the shower and seen any amount of hair really. When I dry my hair off with my hands after a shower I may see like 5-8 hairs on my hands. So I'm confident I will continue losing but the loss will be slow and I will probably never be a Norwood 6.
  16. Where did the previous 6000 grafts go into? Hairline and front I assume? Just seems from your pre-op pictures that you had a big area to cover despite the previous 2 surgeries
  17. You follow me around like a groupie and send me random unsolicited DM's so I wont even bother responding to you because I think everyone can tell your intelligence level without me having to point it out. But I will say as I pointed out in another thread, their is a difference between symptoms and side effects. Just because you do not have symptoms does not mean you are not experiencing side effects that are detrimental to your long term well being.
  18. What your DHT, test, and estrogen levels are prior to starting Finasteride really is pretty useless information. I guess it helps you establish a baseline to compare against once you start using it (If you decide to), but it's pretty much guaranteed it's going to crater your DHT. So, your starting levels of these hormones really don't provide much useful information to you as far as deciding whether or not to get on Fin
  19. Your hairline looks alright to me mate. I'm no expert but 99.9999% of people who see you wont be experts either.
  20. Yes I'm curious about this too. But judging on his answer below I would guess both FUT and FUE. Fragile skin can't be a good thing in FUE, and not being able to pack grafts into a recipient area would not be a good thing in FUE either. When we perform surgery on patients who have been using topical minoxidil, we find that the tissue is incredibly fragile with markedly reduced tensile strength. This has affected the amount of tension the scalp can withstand during wound closure in FUT surgery and also the density that we can pack grafts into the recipient areas.
  21. Look, I hate to be rude but you kind of need to show a little self-reliance here. Instead of coming here and asking people to either give you confidence to use it, or tell you not to use it is crazy. Drugs are weird things, and have different effects on different peoples bodies. It's your body, not your Dr's body and not anyone on this forums body. You need to think for yourself and research for yourself. As a starting point, I would recommend researching the functions that DHT has in your body as no one doubts that Fin functions by cratering your DHT levels. I am anti-fin but I don't deny that some people can use it without experiencing symptoms. Other people use it for 1 week and have symptoms for years. Do the research and then make a cost/benefit analysis based on your own profile and risk tolerance. Stop asking other people to make decisions for you.
  22. I see your point, but honestly taking a drug that craters your levels of a necessary hormone could be seen as worse than drinking/smoking/most drugs. Again, people use this drug to transition from male to female... People often talk about "Well I only take 0.5 mg 3 times a week". What they don't realize is just because it sounds like a small amount doesn't mean it is on a physiological level. At least in this single study there wasn't much difference between a 0.2 mg dose and a 5 mg dose. Even the difference between a 0.05 mg and 5mg dose wasn't especially large and it was TWO ORDERS OF MAGNITUDE DIFFERENCE In DOSAGE https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/10495374/#:~:text=Conclusion%3A In this study%2C doses,skin and serum DHT levels. Fin is definitely a weird drug. Some people appear to do well on it long term. But saying the symptoms only occur in 2-3% of population seems false to me. People also often get the terms "symptom" and "side effect" confused and use these terms interchangeably. It's totally possible to experience no symptoms but still have side effects that go unnoticed.
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