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Everything posted by GoliGoliGoli

  1. I'm glad you've already been warned. However, in my experience people who act like you on the internet usually have deeper personal problems that cause them to behave like this. I hope you're able to get those resolved. As far as my situation, I'm Norwood 3V and seem to be following my grandfathers hair loss pattern that never went past NW4 even in his 80's. I also have a healthy donor and plenty of funds so I'm confident I'll easily be able to cover my hair situation through HT'S alone without reducing my androgens. Many people are in this situation, so thinking everyone needs to jump on endocrine disruptors is silly. DHT has more physiological functions than just the ones people on here commonly think about. I already posted this link but you probably didn't read it https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7308241/
  2. I got tested last year and was at 612 ng/dl so no very healthy levels. I will say though, you behavior on here in a variety of threads is indicative of someone with very high estrogen. Maybe you are transitioning? Or just very feminine in nature?
  3. You think I didn't read that paragraph before I posted the link? Its well accepted that men's testosterone levels have been falling for decades on a statistically significant level. Even when researchers control for things like diet and exercise they still see the drop. It's more or less without question that environmental endocrine disruptors play at least some role in this decline - potentially a major one. https://academic.oup.com/jcem/article/92/1/196/2598434 https://www.eu-focus.europeanurology.com/article/S2405-4569(20)30062-6/fulltext https://www.healio.com/news/endocrinology/20120325/generational-decline-in-testosterone-levels-observed
  4. Reminds me of the Blockhead's from Gumby. I dunno it looks alright I guess but ya pretty unnatural
  5. https://www.niehs.nih.gov/health/topics/agents/endocrine/index.cfm#:~:text=Endocrine disruptors are found in,break-down in the environment.
  6. I think Rahal is giving you A+ advice... Your donor area looks severely compromised. Combine that with the sheer surface area you would need to cover to get a satisfactory result and it seems clear that you are not a good candidate for surgery, regardless of whether you find a surgeon to operate on you. Save yourself the money, time, and awkward scarring
  7. Well in a way this is a good point. As mentioned above we're swimming in a sea of endocrine disruptors already in 2022 and testosterone levels are cratering compared to 60 years ago. But with that said, when thousands and thousands of guys start on fin and 2 months later go from normal libido/semen density/erection hardness to the opposite you kind of have to take things at face value. Sure you can never 100% conclusively say it was Fin but.....
  8. Well, kind of need to be careful here whether we're talking oral or topical. Also a lot of your statement hinges on your particular definition of "severe" and "persistent". I was DMing with a guy on here earlier who says he got sides after 2 months on oral fin, and 5 years later still says he hasn't fully recovered from them. I'm not inclined to think it's his mind playing tricks on him given the abundance of similar stories. There are also symptoms or disorders that may only manifest over years of darily use that aren't the commonly talked about symptoms that come on quickly: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7308241/ Doing anything to dsirupt your endocrine system is very risky imo. Especially considering we're swimming in a sea of endocrine disruptors already in 2022. But, I'm not saying its the devil either. Funny how one side claims it's the devil and the other claims its a savior. The answer is probably somewhere in the middle, and really comes down to how much of a risk you want to take to preserve your hair. Genes likely play a role too. I am interested in the discussion of topical not going systemic though...
  9. Hm interesting. Seems like a few prominent posters on here had to go off of topical due to sides though. But maybe they weren't using a 0.025% version?
  10. I'm curious about this too. Does Topical not eventually go pretty darn systemic? My understanding is that is does in fairly high levels
  11. Well, I'm not expert here but yes the whole idea behind hair transplants is that the donor area is safe and hairs there are resistant to falling out due to DHT. The DHT theory of hair loss is what's commonly accepted, but it is also just a theory. I don't think it's at all controversial to say their is more to hair loss than simply your hair follicle being genetically susceptible to DHT.
  12. Ya a lot of it depends on how aggresive your loss is and how much you have in your donor. However as far as donor hairs not being DHT proof, that is not my understanding whatsoever.
  13. I'm certainly not going to question Dr Hasson but this is a little concerning to me simply because I'm going in for 4000 grafts and have a lot more loss than you (Especially on my crown). @Melvin- ModeratorHave you ever seen this many grafts for such a small area?
  14. I'm also a bit confused. 3875 grafts for that small of an area?
  15. I would recommend not jumping on any of the stuff two posts above unless you do thorough research on the sides of all these things and think it's worth it. Try topical minoxidil first, you very well may get great results from it that can last for years and years especially considering your loss so far is pretty darn minimal. It also looks like you have a good bit of dandruff so jumping on Nizoral shampoo may help you a lot too. I am going in for a HT in November and only using topical minoxidil, but my hair loss is far passed your stage. As long as your ok with the idea that you may need multiple HT's theirs no reason to be on medications that have serious potential for side effects.
  16. Looking at your old threads it's really hard to tell from the pictures if anythings fallen out of if it just looks less thick due to how its styled. It's your hair so I'm sure you pay closer attention than anyone else but are you sure you aren't over thinking it?
  17. Yep, just to be clear I meant tanning the scalp, and covering everything else. I'm already very tan person but obviously my scalp doesn't see much sun because I use hair fibers or a hat when I go out
  18. Hey all, so I understand the closer your hair color is to the color of your scalp the better of you are. I have dark brown hair bordering on black. I'm white with olive skin so I have a fairly big contrast to deal with. Has anyone considered jumping in a tanning booth but covering everything but their scalp to try and reduce the contrast between hair and scalp color? Am I going insane for thinking about this? Thanks
  19. I don't understand peoples shyness around sharing pictures. Like if you come here for advice you kind of need to help us help you. Trust me your future GF is not going to discover your HT based on blanked out pictures of your eyebrows and hairlines when she's inexplicably searching around HT forums.
  20. Just to be clear, you're saying the hairs that were transplanted from your donor are now thinning?
  21. Not trying to be a dick because the work is truly amazing, but the lighting between the two sets of pictures is completely different.
  22. This is not how human biology works. Their is an interplay between genetics and environment. Just because you've seen homeless guys with great hair tells you absolutely nothing. THIS is actually what is incorrect. DHT has plenty of physiological roles in the body. Topical min is probably A-OK though
  23. Does seem to be a few topics lately with this issue though. I have no idea what could be the cause. How is your diet/lifestyle? Be honest! Any smoking/drinking/energy drink habits?
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