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Everything posted by GoliGoliGoli

  1. And as much as I obviously agree with you, their is also a good reason why the vet's on this forum say that. Because even if I think its a bit hyperbolic, that last thing you want to do is jump into a HT with a surgeon just because of their price or proximity to you. So it's a good rule of thumb because their are so many frauds and hairmills out there, but if you're willing to do your research and take your time I do think it's slightly hyperbolic.
  2. Is their a recording on youtube of this IG live discussion with Hasson? I searched youtube but couldn't find it @Melvin- Moderator Thanks!
  3. You need to post pictures before anyone can give you advice that is worth a darn. I will say, I am not currently taking min or fin and am still planning on getting a HT. Many others have done the same. You just have to accept and budget for the fact that you might need 2-3 down the line, and obviously need to ensure your donor area can handle that which it sounds like yours can. That said if you're only NW2 you can still probably style your hair well enough to hide any loss so without seeing any pictures I would agree that you're better off waiting,.
  4. A doctor on here (Cant remember thread or Dr) said that it would. Search creatine you will find it. Basically, anything that will convert or increase conversion to DHT can cause more loss. https://www.google.com/search?q=does+creatgine+convert+to+dht&sxsrf=ALiCzsaohVtqBjAhHUp22WqFyyASIBUZHQ%3A1657743722175&source=hp&ei=ainPYsnnB7Cs0PEP5aK14A8&iflsig=AJiK0e8AAAAAYs83eumRiOS2bVHiZC75OdJwY83-Q5JU&ved=0ahUKEwjJxL7N2Pb4AhUwFjQIHWVRDfwQ4dUDCAk&uact=5&oq=does+creatgine+convert+to+dht&gs_lcp=Cgdnd3Mtd2l6EAMyBggAEB4QFjIGCAAQHhAWMgUIABCGAzIFCAAQhgMyBQgAEIYDMgUIABCGAzIFCAAQhgM6BAgjECc6DgguEIAEELEDEMcBENEDOhEILhCABBCxAxCDARDHARDRAzoLCAAQgAQQsQMQgwE6CAgAEIAEELEDOggILhCxAxCDAToLCC4QgAQQsQMQgwE6CggAEIAEEIcCEBQ6BQgAELEDOggIABCxAxCDAToFCAAQgAQ6CAgAEIAEEMkDOgQIABANOgYIABAeEA06CAgAEB4QCBANUABY3hRg3RVoAHAAeAKAAeUCiAGdHZIBCDYuMjEuMC4xmAEAoAEB&sclient=gws-wiz
  5. Mind post before and after pics to show the thinning?>
  6. Pics are not really a fair comparison because you are holding your hair back in the 2nd. I use a thickening shampoo the increase the "illusion of density" and it does seem to work. Although Nizoral shampoo seems to have the same effect
  7. Thanks for posting this thread and being honest about your situation. I gotta say, if you experienced sides I would recommend getting off of it. Obviously this decision is up to you. At most give it one more chance and see if they flare up again because hormone levels do fluctuate week to week and month to month and depression can come and go too, but honestly if you think it was the Fin causing these I would drop it. I say the above even though I'm curious to see if you develop sides again. I think if you are to develop sides again it will happen a lot quicker this time than the last time due to the half life build up in your body.
  8. Also, some people actually get great results from hair mills. I'm not saying I advise going to a hair mill BY ANY means. But it does happen. That said I know nothing about the doctor you're asking about, but suggest you use the search function of this website to research more. I would not rely on any research outside of this forum.
  9. You remind me a lot of myself. I have no interest in going on Fin, and even have slight reservations about topical Min. I am also price conscience because I know I will likely need 2 if not eventually 3 HT's. Yes I could afford Hasson and Wong, but is the cost benefit really worth it compared to a reputable Doc in Mexico or Turkey? You can only decide for yourself. People here will often say "DO NOT CONSIDER PRICE IN DECIDING YOUR DOCTOR OR IF YOU WANT A HT" but honestly I find that a bit extreme. There are a select few number of great Doc's in places like Mexico and Turkey who are a fraction of the cost of European or American doctors.
  10. This question is for anyone: How do transplant doctors handle the fact that you have the middle portion of your hairline still more or less in tact? Like I understand how they implant on the corners of the hairline where it's basically bald, but do they also transplant in the middle of the "M" area? Or do they leave that alone for fear of shock loss?
  11. I doubt you will want to hear this but given the situation you describe and pictures you might just want to shave it. I know no one wants to hear that but you're likely headed to an early nw7. It sounds like you have a wife or GF already so save the money for your family not a HT. I know that sucks but as someone else mentioned you're going to need multiple HT's not just 1
  12. Also if you want a good deep dive check out what More Plates More Dates on youtube says about oral/topical min. He generally is a pretty sober and neutral observer of these things.
  13. See link below for my (long) thoughts on oral min. My thoughts on fin (Oral or topical) are even harsher. That said, many people take oral/topical Fin for years and don't see side effects. I imagine their is a genetic component to who gets bad or really bad side's from it. But from hanging around here for a few months, I think side effects from Fin are much more common than peer review studies claim. Overall I just feel that the risk of messing with your endocrine system is not potentially halting your hair loss. Same thing with messing with your cardiovascular system with oral Min considering you basically need to take it forever. But do your own research and decide for yourself.
  14. Damn looks good man. I'm going in for 1st HT in November and getting 2500 hairline 1500 crown and I believe I am capped at 4000 grafts. I'm worried I won't get results like your's because will only be able to do 1500 on crown
  15. Eh it's hard to say mate. If your hairline changed between 11-13 it may have just been puberty related. You could literally go decades and decades without seeing any more loss. Who knows only time will tell. Do you have BMP on your mother or fathers side? Frankly I suggest not look at it as a "what age do I wait to before I get a HT". I would look at it as "at what age is my hair loss progressed so much that I can no longer reasonably style it in a way that it appears I don't have hair loss". No one looks as critically at these things as your own self and right now it looks like your head of hair is decent despite the recessed hairline when you pull the front back.
  16. The typical recommendation is not to go for a HT until AT LEAST 25. That is just kind of an arbitrary number but it's worth using as a rule of thumb. If your hairline looks like that since you were 13, that might just be your natural hairline who knows... Although the 3 pics you just posted don't look like you havbe any recession at all so I'm pretty confused. When were those taken?
  17. I am also curious how many grafts went into scalp vs front, and also for update pics!
  18. Was just kidding on the "Will not elaborate" Looking at the other picture of your hairline yes your balding progression is more serious than originally suggested by the pics you posted in this thread. Nevertheless my advice is still the same at least for another few years. Mainly because you can still do a pretty good job or hiding your receding hairline as you have thick hair that can cover up the recession when styled properly. I am in a similiar boat as you hairline wise, but with a big bald patch on my crown. I am 33, how old are you? You look to be young still. So if I were you I would wait and see how much more you progress. But that's just me of course you can do what you want.
  19. Not going to tell you your business and I hate to be "Mr Advice" guy, but I would strongly suggest you not get a HT. Will not elaborate Edit: I say this solely based on the pics posted. Your hairline and temples look fine
  20. I was more asking why you would use both combined, as opposed to just 1?
  21. Whats the reasoning behind dermmatch and then covering with fibers? Also what does the spray do I'm kind of a noobie to concealer. I usually just cover my spots with Caboki and let it ride
  22. I enjoyed reading this. You hair loss pattern looks somewhat similar to mine especially in the original set of pics when your hair is flattened out and straightened down, although you are a bit more progressed than I am. I'm going in for 4000 grafts so I'm confident that will give me the coverage I need based on the amazing result you got out of 4500. I just hope my Doctor is as skilled as yours were. How old were you when you went in for the HT? Apologies if already mentioned
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