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Everything posted by GoliGoliGoli

  1. There clearly is an understanding here about the importance of DHT during puberty. But for all the guys supporting Fin/Dut usage, do you not believe there is any use for DHT after puberty, or is maintaining hair count just more important ? Generally your body doesn't spend precious energy producing molecules it doesn't need - there is strong natural selection pressure against this. So why would your body produce DHT if their is no physiological function for this androgen?
  2. Curious if the crown has improved since you started on fin/min? Or has it stayed the same/gotten worse? Same question for @AlexMeister21
  3. Can you breakdown exactly how many grafts went into each zone? Or just how many went into the greater crown region vs how many went into the hairline? Thanks
  4. I'm curious about this actually. I assume you mean because he may never recover from the shedding phase? I believe their was one study that claimed this not the case and that you basically can expect to always recover from the shedding phase in most situations. Obviously I'm sure their are some cases where people come away worse off from Min, but I think it's rare? Willing to be corrected though and I can dig up the study if needed.
  5. Interesting. Makes sense that the time it would provide the most benefit would be during the transplant. I wonder why US/Euro clinics aren't doing it then? 40 patients is a relatively small sample size so I wonder if their are any other studies. But 40 very well may be large enough to be statistically signifigant.
  6. Hm interesting. I don't know about HLC, but the general consensus I've found here is that PRP isn't very useful. This study however seems to be examining the results of doing PRP DURING the surgery right after creating the slits for implantation. Which I have never heard of anyone doing but someone can correct me if I'm wrong. I always thought that in PRP in conjunction with HT that the PRP was always done days if not weeks after the HT?
  7. From the pre-op shaved down picture it looks like he is thinning a good bit on the crown, but no grafts went into the crown? But in the long hair pics his crown looks fine. Is this just due to the long hair covering the crown balding?
  8. It's kind of tough to follow what's going on here. If you post pictures please clearly label them so we know when in the process they were taken.
  9. I've read about tret + min being better than just min. Is anyone selling this pre-mixed. Or are people mixing it on their own?
  10. Great point. Never in the history of medicine has a Dr prescribed something that ended up doing more harm than good. My point is very simple: Saving your hair is not worth risking your endocrine health. You're free to do whatever you want however. This is simply like, my opinion, man. I also don't think I've ever told anyone not to get on Finasteride. I just think it's important to be aware of the potential side effects.
  11. Once again your English is of such poor quality that it's not even worth reading what you have to say - barely coherent. And your reasoning is flawed too as much as one is even able to understand it.
  12. In a lot of ways I've really grown to like having a bit of a receded hairline. Obviously not everyone has the face shape or features to feel this way, and fairness I don't like it as receded as it currently is but I don't mind how it was say 2-3 years ago. It actually can look a bit more masculine to have a slight recession. I don't want to look like a 18 year old K-Pop boy band member.
  13. Not everyone loses their donor area so this is nonsense. It's also the case that a lot of people continue losing hair despite being on high levels of DHT blockers so it's not true that these endocrine disruptors are guaranteed to prevent hair loss
  14. If you've had this hairline since 13 then it's likely you actually have had no hair loss at all. Not everyone has the same hairline pattern. Just like how not everyone has the same color eyes or hair color. Just because your corners are recessed a bit DOES NOT mean you are losing hair.......
  15. You sound unhinged mate and can barely string a coherent sentence together. I will leave this as is so as to not continue polluting this thread, but will say that lots of people go on Fin for short amounts of time and have long last sides. Topical probably safer, but still risky.
  16. You might be right that DHT blockers are the only way to stop hair loss (Excluding HT's of course). But people should be educated about the potential side effects that come with these endocrine disruptors so they can make decisions for themselves. I think it's fair to say that if anyone should not be listened to, its you. I'm simply providing evidence that people can examine at their own will and make educated decisions based off of. Whereas you are making blanket statements based on your viewing of Kevin Mann Youtube videos... Lol be careful who you listen to folks
  17. Less risk's that true. But still plenty of stories of sides from topical fin
  18. Minoxidil works on hairline. It basically works anywhere you have hair. It's a myth that it only works on the crown. Maybe he does have frontal recession, but maybe it's just a mature hairline that everyone gets regardless of if they're balding. Either way going on Fin in his situation is absolutely insane.
  19. Don't listen to these guys. You don't have to go on Fin or oral Min as long as you're donor area is fine and you're realistic about what results you can get out of a HT and how many you may need to get the results you want. But the big question is how much ammunition you have in your donor. It's hard to tell from your pictures and really can only be assessed in person if you want accurate assessment. Topical minoxidil does seem worth it and fairly side effect free, but maybe best avoiding depending on your particular cardiovascular situation.
  20. Mate, you're absolutely effing insane going on meds with that head of hair. What are you thinking? Like, where are you even applying the topicals? Just all over the place? Please don't get on these meds until you need them and even then consider all the potential ramifications
  21. I believe most Dr's recommend getting off Min 3-6 weeks prior to the HT as well? In order to make sure their isn't increased blood flow to the scalp during surgery?
  22. I've known about this study for months so I didn't really go searching. Also just from your behavior on here I find it highly likely you're a liar anyways. Good luck out there Suk
  23. Also this is nonsense. You're clearly parroting Kevin Mann, another individual with not appreciation of the complex nature of biological systems. In addition to the well-recognized role of 5α-DHT and not total T in prostate growth and function, several other examples exist, which illustrate the key physiological role of 5α-DHT and not total T in mediating tissues function and metabolism. One such example is the role of 5α-DHT in maintaining erectile physiology [36]. It is now well-established that men treated with finasteride or dutasteride for BPH or AGA experience greater risk of erectile dysfunction, loss of libido and ejaculatory dysfunction [1,7,37,38,39]. These observations are strongly supported by studies in animal models, which demonstrated that finasteride and dutasteride, by inhibiting biosynthesis of 5α-DHT, impair corpus cavernosum growth and trabecular smooth muscle relaxation, endothelial function, increased connective tissue deposition and result in erectile dysfunction, even in the presence of physiological levels of total T [36,40,41,42]. Erectile dysfunction was attributed to reduction in intracellular 5α-DHT levels which were deemed essential for maintaining tissue function and metabolism even in the presence of physiological levels of T [43]. In addition, 5α-DHT is deemed critical for activating gene expression of neuronal and endothelial nitric oxide synthases, which are critical physiological mediators of penile erection [36,40,41,42]. These findings clearly demonstrate that 5α-DHT and not total T levels are critical for maintaining erectile physiology
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