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Everything posted by GoliGoliGoli

  1. You might be right, but I'm of the opinion that it's overstated how much of MPB is genetically related. Genetics are main factor but environmental factors play a huge role too. And again not saying my hair would look any different if I'd started using the filter earlier, but I think when taken from holistic perspective it is one thing could possibly contribute.
  2. You know what's funny, I was literally thinking about this very topic this morning but had never seen your post. Min is obviously a vasodialator, so who knows it's possible that it's allowing for greater leakage of the Fin out of the target area. I am considering trying Xyon (Literally the only brand of Fin I would consider) but your post is giving me second thoughts for sure. Do you mind describing your sides? I'm assuming low libido and erection issues but how bad exactly? How old are you and did you have any initial signs of these issues prior to ever going on any type of fin? Thanks and best regards
  3. Not to continue hijacking the thread (But since the consensus is 100% that OP shouldn't get a HT yet I don't feel so bad), but I would say that the noticeability of those scars SHOULD decrease over time as is the case with any scaring, especially when it's "micro-scarring" like with FUE. Maybe I'm wrong but just my thought
  4. I don't really think a 6 sentence post is a lecture but ok mate Do whatever you want. Just know that messing with your endocrine system is tricky business and something that a lot of people are very brazen about thanks to some uneducated reading of peer reviewed studies. Their is likely a genetic component to who gets very bad fin side effects so in a way it is a bit of Russian Roulette. But if the risk is worth it to you by all means go ahead because their are plenty of people who take it with no problems too.
  5. Ya I'm hoping I can get away with 2 HT's over the course of my life and possibly some SMP. No hair loss at all on my mothers side, but grandfather and uncle on dads side had hair loss albeit not very aggressive.
  6. I would not take FDA approval as indicative of much (I say this as a biology major who also works in the pharma industry, although not directly in a bio related role). 5% is also a fairly high rate considering what the potential side effect is here - it's not like we're talking about a side effect like it makes your feet swell up or your hands a little sweaty. I would also just add that for a variety of reasons peer reviewed studies are not as reliable as one would hope (Google "peer review replication crisis"). Anecdotal evidence is important in making decisions for yourself. There are plenty of people on here who reported side effects on Fin so for me it's been enough to scare me off of it. I am hopefuly however about the new Hasson topical coming out.
  7. Bruh, imagine thinking that testosterone is the only important hormone for your manhood. You're right we don't need to into this, but just in regards to your last line I think it's overstated how necessary fin is as long as you are ok with getting 2 or possibly even 3 transplants. Of course a lot of this depends on your donor area and how aggressive your loss pattern is, but I do find people are very heavy handed in thinking that fin is some absolutely necessity given the potential for side effects.
  8. I mean I dunno... I am very curious about FUE scarring but looking at Mister Rolanadas video's of what is supposedly "very bad" FUE scarring it really isn't that noticeable
  9. Meh, you can't compare the level of scarring from FUE compared to FUT tbh
  10. Well about 1.5 years ago I was getting out of my shower and would notice a chlorine smell on me afterwards. Even 2 hours later when I was at work I could smell my wrist sometimes and sense a chlorine smell. Maybe my water system was just overloading on it or something I have no idea. But as soon as I bought the filter that went away so it seems to be a good product. As far as noticing a difference, I would say my skin is definitely less dried out. It's kind of hard to remember though. My hair hasn't "improved" at all because of course that's the nature of hair loss but I do wonder if moving to my current house/city back in 2019 didn't speed up my hair loss due to their water system seeming to be more heavy handed with the chlorine. Impossible to prove but I wish I would've used a shower filter at the start.
  11. Maybe this should be in "Open Hair Loss" topics? Hmm
  12. Hey all, just wanted to post this because it's something I think a lot about. Since we're all willing to do whatever it takes to help keep our hair (Including spending thousands or tens of thousands of dollars) I would suggest everyone spent the 80 bucks to get a shower filtration system. Link to one I have below. The biggest contaminant in shower water is chlorine or chloramine (Depending on your particular area) and although Google will tell you it doesn't CAUSE hair loss, it does say that it causes hair damage. There are also many other chemicals in tap and shower water besides chorline and chloramine so consider that as well and whether the filter you choose takes those out of the water as well. Besides just for hair reasons, it's a good idea not to be bathing in chlorine water generally. The chlorine is added as a disinfectant and has already done its job by the tap it reaches your tap, so their is literally no reason not to filter it out. Most of what comes into contact with your skin over longish periods is absorbed so do yourself and your hair a favor and spend the 80 bucks to put it to rest. https://www.pentair.com/en-us/water-softening-filtration/products/shower-filters/shower-water-filters-with-showerhead-and-wand.PSF-1WC.html?mcid=sh_1988&st-t=X47GX32V4LLJET2XQ7U6XGMG
  13. Looking closer, I thought the third pic was of the back of his head not the front but that looks to not be the case. Either way it doesn't look like DUPA to me?
  14. I'm confused at the number of people saying he's a poor candidate for HT. Why? His donor looks not terrible at all and his hair loss isn't far progressed? Bad pics in the first post so kinda hard to tell I guess though What am I missing here?
  15. This is another good point. Don't hair systems attach with basically a glue like adhesive? I would be worried about putting anything like that on your head every day for years on end due to toxicity and general annoyance, even if they claim their is no potential for toxicity. As I brought up in another recent thread, Talcum powder was used on babies for decades until it was found to be fairly carcinogenic
  16. I don't know much about hair systems, but I have to imagine that it would feel annoying and hot and kind of gross on the head. Maybe I'm wrong. TBH it's not something I would personally consider. As others have mentioned their is also the long term cost and upkeep. Hair transplants are pretty darn cheap if you go to the reputable Doc's in Mexico or Turkey, so I would bite the bullet and get some real hair on your dome. I'm on no medication and just have resigned myself to needing at least 2, maybe a 3rd down the line. But as mentioned if you go to a reputable place in Mexico or Turkey it's far more affordable. In the meantime just use Caboki or another brand of hair fibers they work really well for me.
  17. Did I miss in the video when they said they expect new Xyon Fin would be available via prescription? Or is it still TBD?
  18. First time watching one of your vids. I'm only halfway through but I'm already very impressed - both with the science behind the product and your skills as an interviewer. The pig studies are particularly convincing. A few questions: 1. Are you able to post the slide deck? 2. Are the studies they mentioned in the interview publicly available?
  19. I'm sure this will come up, but very curious when they think this product will be released to the public.
  20. I know this if off topic so apologies but I always like to the pick the brain of long time fin users. Did you ever have to adjust dose? Did you ever notice any side wahtsoever? Have you ever had T levels or other levels from blood test checked? Thanks
  21. Keep us posted in the coming months will be interesting to see the difference you notice
  22. TBH I really don't know why everyone doesn't go to Nader. I'm not saying hes the worlds best but for the work he does and at his price per graft it just seems crazy to go anywhere else
  23. What would be the point of shaving it? Just to see if I liked how it looked? When I was in my teens I buzzed it so definitely not shaven, and didn't like how it looked so I'm hesitant to go that route. I really think going the non-medication route is fine as long as you're honest about needing multiple HT's. That's a large benefit of going to Nader. You're getting US quality results at far below market rate prices.
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