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Everything posted by HairEnthusiast101

  1. But if you were willing to wait is he on the same level as the Bisanga, Couto, and Konior’s of the world?
  2. What is the consensus on Dr Pinto? Of course Dr Freitas and Dr Couto you hear great things on but didn’t know if pinto is in the same league or what the consensus is? I have seen great results but don’t hear his name brought up a lot!
  3. Ya Burgos I’ve heard is on the rise but those other 4 are pretty well known. Why pinto over a freitas when you decided?
  4. Yes from me Melvin! Hattingen has some of the most naturally conservative results on the planet. Very ethical!
  5. Do they basically do similar things in terms of lowering scalp dht or does RU also help in growth/density like minox does?
  6. So great to hear and I 100% understand wondering when to go next! I’m sure it will all play out perfectly and at your age you may not lose a ton more hair so evaluating in a year or two and go back and fill in the spots. The approach you are taking is very wise though. And yes your donor is very very impressive I’d guess another 6k or more is available back there after the 2k taken!
  7. Nader back to back on this fine day. Truly very very quality work and one of the most passionate in the industry!
  8. Wow your donor does look very thick. Will have plenty of donor available if you ever end up needing it! Hope the healing goes well!
  9. This is why I love this community. We are blessed to have the best doctors in the world constantly adding advice and helping patients if need be. It is truly a case by case situation. Plus @Dr. Felipe Pittellais easily at the top of the hair transplant world right now. The donor healing could definitely still improve with time but from a side angle the results of the recipient area look very very good. But I’d expect nothing but the best from Dr. And I truly believe he will make this situation right OP so don’t worry you are 100% in the best hands!
  10. I would ask on the Spanish forum but I have a harder time navigating that forum….genuinely just curious of that list who is deemed one of the best due to results or personal experiences? As well as how they extract and manage quality donor by themself or with techs?
  11. Well if you already had a procedure then you were quoted a price from whenever your consult was so the prices for future procedures probably has risen
  12. Thanks. I’ve heard that freitas has potentially doubled since so don’t know if it is around 3 anymore
  13. Sorry about this mate! I’m not sure what will happen in another 5 months it definitely may improve.
  14. Wow thanks for this. I’m assuming this is the one where Dr K and Dr Bisanga do half and half? I believe Dr Bisanga fully is about 6. Do you know Dr Freitas price?
  15. I do think Dr Pitella is world class but I totally understand your frustration. I’d say 6k grafts seems high but I guess it is a case by case basis. Still I have spoken with Dr Pitella on few occasions and think he is one of the best doctors in the world! He will make it right!
  16. Is Freitas still 3? I’ve heard it is in the 5 range but don’t know if that is case by case
  17. Thanks for this. Love when people are detailed like you. It is a blessing to have you part of this awesome community. Hope the growing continues to go well!
  18. Very true. Yes I assumed it probably depends a ton on ability to heal. Didn’t know if pale skin does better at hiding but probably doesn’t much matter.
  19. Does fairer skin people get away with less noticeable scarring compared to darker skin?
  20. What by chance does it look like? Just white dots everywhere or like raised scars?
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