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Everything posted by HairEnthusiast101

  1. Interesting. Thank you. Would be cool if good yield came from those areas because I could probably restock most of the donor
  2. Interesting. Didn’t know he did many patients. Yes Pekiner is super involved which I like. Are most of those clinics becoming less involved? Didn’t Lorenzo begin to handoff to techs as well?
  3. Did Dr Pittella perform this procedure fully or did techs do parts?
  4. Tough one. I kind of thought about both but I’d prefer the doctor performing most of the procedure to be honest.
  5. I don’t have adequate chest or beard. I grow it in the T zone of the chest but it is super patchy. Probably no more than 40 hairs in that whole area. The beard I don’t grow it well either. That’s why I was curious with arms/legs/underarms because those areas are very thick and hairy on me. I know the survival rate is low when using that hair but was curious if it was even something doctors have done
  6. Just curious if leg or arm hair can be used for donor restocking once you’ve used your lifetime grafts and want to thicken up the donor aesthetically a bit? I wear 1-3 guard fades daily so don’t really need great Anaheim growth just a thickened look. Thanks
  7. What are your thoughts on prp or capillus hats? I take fin daily but feel I’m not doing enough and should look into both of those options.
  8. Thanks Gatsby. I trust you so I’m sure it will stay the same! Always good to hear from you. Hope you are doing well!
  9. Thanks Gatsby and mr mane. I agree. My worry of losing hair is exponentially less important than my partner and future child. Hopefully I don’t lose too much in 2 months
  10. Thank you a million for this response. I saw online 6 months for Dut and got scared but I’m assuming it means tissues like you said and so 2 months for both should be plenty fine I assume. Once a positive has been determined I can get back on correct? Since I won’t be having sex or anything to cause issues
  11. Thank you. Online sometimes says 1 week to a month so knowing the legit half life of things before it is out of your system is fairly difficult. Probably a month for fin and a couple for Dut.
  12. Thank you all for your responses. What is the half life of fin/Dut? I thought that you had to be off them for a year or so but if two months is plenty time just for conception and then once a positive is confirmed you can go back on it then that works. I’m okay losing hair loss ground during those two months if it means the child will be healthy I just wanted to know if having kids while on dutasteride is something that is most of the time if not all safe.
  13. I just want to know has anyone had kids on this site while on dutasteride or oral minoxidil? I feel like I’m getting fear mongered into stopping at that time and of course I will but I genuinely just want to know if it even has a chance of causing negative effects. I feel like getting a hair transplant should be waited until after children if I am going to stop medication for multiple months. So genuinely just curious if it is safe to still take dutasteride and oral minox while trying?
  14. I hope so. I don’t like using topicals as much due to the irritation they give me but I’ve see pyrilumatide? As something that seems promising soon. Either way my worry is finasteride loses its strength over time and I have to up the dose 10 years from now or go another route
  15. Very true vann. I take finasteride but I’ve heard it doesn’t work as well on your frontal third compared to crown. As long as I can keep my crown I will be happy. I was just curious if lifelong fin mixed with aging could cause minimal hair loss throughout my life or genetically will I end up 3-4 norwoods higher regardless.
  16. Very true. I have noticed that with my parents who are older than 65. They both had pretty good hair before then. It would be cool to know exactly what happens long term but hey In your 40s with an NW2 is pretty dang good. Finasteride by no means is a for certain but as long as I can keep my crown then I’m okay with losing my forelock and frontal area! My biggest worry is I get a hair transplant and the hair transplanted begins to thin over time. At that point going bald would be best
  17. Very interesting. The reason I was curious is because 1) this site is full of very smart individuals when it comes to Hair. 2) I am about a Norwood 3 in my later 20s so was curious if I would stay around that for most of my life(I use finasteride daily) or if it was still possible I could go Norwood 5+.
  18. Ya that is kind of what I thought. They didn’t say it determined the final but basically that you would stay fairly close to that same Norwood and not advance much past. What I got out of it was a Norwood 7 is basically a Norwood 5-6 before they are 30
  19. I agree doctor Rahal and team! I was just shocked because I always believed hair loss was progressive so when I saw a doctor say that it can be determined fairly well in your 20-30s which Norwood you’ll end at it kind of caught me off guard!
  20. Ah okay. So a NW3 at 28 rarely gets to NW7? And fin mainly helps crown instead of hairline so if that NW3 wasn’t vertex and used fin for life they would more likely than not keep their crown intact?
  21. This was more of a curiosity question because I’ve always believed hair loss wasn’t determined as fast…on realself I saw a doctor say that norwoods to a degree are determined in teens to 20-30 range and that if you are not Norwood 5 during this point then it would be rare to ever reach Norwood 7. How true is this? Like if you maintain Norwood 3 throughout 20s and are on medical maintenance will you almost certainly stay near Norwood 3 throughout your life? Probably a bad question but that is how I interrupted the answer on realself!
  22. Why would you assume @Melvin- Moderatorcreates bias? This site is not held back from any review. Melvin doesn’t create the reviews it is people who leave the reviews. So if eugenix is getting tons of reviews on this site that has more to do with tons of people going to eugenix than Melvin trying to push eugenix. The thing is eugenix fits any and all people and has produced undeniably great results for years. If you don’t want to spend a lot they have a package for that as well as if you want to spend more money. The 4 you listed have cheaper options and that is probably why we see them posted on here more because some people don’t want to spend 8+ like we see in the US. But I constantly see Bisanga results as well as Mwamba, Freitas, Gabel, Konior, etc. it just those results are not as common because not everyone can afford Konior. And not everyone is able to get into a Freitas. I think you are looking to far into trying to find bias when in fact is not present and is solely just based off where the users of this site have gone. And eugenix has consistently advertised great results and thus built a great following! If anything I think this site pushes ethical doctors over unethical. Which i respect. I have reached out to many docs on this site and been told to wait. If I went to doctors on other sites that are recommended I’m sure I’d get in the next month. I love this site and think it does so much good for men and women struggling with hair loss so the last thing I see is bias. Also I saw someone was saying Melvin gets paid so pushes those people instead…1)he only pushes doctors that align with doing things the right way and naturally they pay this site(not Melvin) to advertise their work 2) anything in this world involves payment. Doctors pay to get on ISHRS etc and they pay to advertise for being the “best plastic surgeon in New York” or make some list created by some website. That is part of life. But if many unethical clinics wanted to pay(which they could because they have plenty of money) they still wouldn’t get on the recommended list because they wouldn’t make it past the communities review of them. Sorry for the long post but I saw some of these statements the last couple days and find it ridiculous that people are complaining about this on a free site!
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