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Everything posted by HairEnthusiast101

  1. I will be following. Do you have any donor pics after the procedure. The work up front looks clean and for that amount of grafts…wow! I’m certain it will be a homerun
  2. How often you take avodart? I’ve been on generic fin for over 2 years and notice some thinning on hairline. Maybe I need to ask about prosscar or go to avodart
  3. Do any docs still focus on fut? Or has it all been proven that fue can get just as many lifetime grafts?
  4. What is the common sizes? Also does your clinic use dermoscopes to see miniaturization and density in native and donor hair beforehand?
  5. I have not heard of this doctor but I do live in Texas so he isn’t crazy far. I hope you have an incredible result. Be patient and don’t read too much into Reddit, etc
  6. I really just want to be sure that the decision I make is smart. I haven’t seen every case from all doctors and so very curious from first hand accounts or people who research this if certain docs stand out over others when it comes to scarring! Or even if there is a way to minimize any scarring. Because most docs tell me it is rare and hasn’t happened under them so I just want to be certain
  7. Really does he use staples. The three I listed are really the only ones I see a ton of fut still. Of course there are others but those 3 seem to have great scars. Didn’t know if one sticks out better than the rest
  8. I was curious about this. Cooley it looks like does threading and his scars are invisible. HW does the staples and they also have invisible scarring. On staples sometimes you see the scarring from staples as well so didn’t know if the threading was better. Does HW thread internally?
  9. Curious which surgeons tend to have the best strip scars? I know Konior is great and believe me I’d go to him if I had tons of money but I don’t have that kind of money. So of Gabel/wong/cooley does one tend to have better unrecognizable scar results and outcomes? Is threading better than staples? Any other option out there I didn’t mention?
  10. I will say as someone who has reached out and spoken to Dr Nader before he is as nice as they come. He has many good results a recent one that I think will be good is @GoliGoliGoli. He might be the most compassionate man in the industry. We are blessed to have a great list of surgeons but even a better list of people. Dr Nader fulfills that. Sorry Melvin for not answering this fast enough but I see he got accepted so today is a good day!
  11. Any photos of the strip scar after surgery and months later? Looks undetectable
  12. Is wong and Hasson of same caliber? Who has better strip scars?
  13. Firmly agree with this. Could be 100% DHT topical blockers in the future. Or maybe oral dht resistance with less sides for people. Who knows. At 80 I don’t care if my hair is crazy thick. But I think most transplanted hair at least lasts well into 50-60s before you’d notice any thinning signs. It’s not like you get an HT at 28 and at 35 you are bald. Unless some underlying medical condition or DUPA took place
  14. Looks like a clean scar. Would love to see a photo of the scar now at a smaller guard. Have not heard of the doctor but I think you have had a nice results so far
  15. Will be excited to follow. Seems like a great graft count. Dr Ahmad has had many incredible results for awhile!
  16. Exactly what I was thinking Melvin. Really fun to go back and see names that are now massive fixtures in this industry. We are blessed to have such a great list of recommended surgeons but would be interested to hear about some new up and comers. I will continue to push a name on this list that I would still love to hear more about…Dr Heitmann
  17. Thought this was interesting and could be bumped for any new docs not recommended but are great and could be.
  18. Great to here. Did your hair characteristics seem to change? Almost like thicker hair all over your scalp then you remember from before? 5mg right?
  19. Interesting. I deal with retrograde could it help at all with that? Red light and finasteride don’t seem to be fixing retorgrade for me
  20. Besides fin and minox are there any natural/non medical supps that seem to help at all? I take biotin but didn’t know if saw palmetto or any other supps are know to be an aid at all alongside fin/minox?
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