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Everything posted by HairEnthusiast101

  1. 😂 made me laugh. Mine are identical and I am 100% going to be bald by the time I’m 30. But cool post
  2. Awesome! Great to hear Jamos. The work from what you have posted looks flawless so that is why I am so keen to see what the doctor had to work with. This will be an exceptional result. Definitely will be following!
  3. Any preop with long hair photos and any post op close up donor photos by chance?
  4. Wow it is incredibly natural yet dense. I wonder who. Same with wondering who did Joel Mchale’s
  5. I am sorry man but I have no clue what it is. I wouldn’t have a hair transplant though because it doesn’t look very thick back their. Especially if that is how it normally looks
  6. Do you think your donor feels and looks the same or can you notice a slight difference ?
  7. Any common names? I assume chemo related drugs but didn’t know if there are well known medications that can cause it
  8. So knowing that genetics and dht play a massive role in native hair loss what plays a role in donor hair or transplanted hair from safe zone? Like dht isn’t as big of a culprit for hair loss of donor hair so is anything a potential culprit to losing transplanted hair years down the line? Maybe chemotherapy or genetics or dandruff? Just curious what factors could lead to hair loss of transplanted hair that was taken from the safe donor zone? Thank you
  9. Wait so it killed the transplanted hair permanently or transplanted came back but native died?
  10. We have identical donors. What did he say about your donor and the grafts you have lifetime available?
  11. Wow. And this is why Konior is the greatest! Just beautiful and dense but incredibly natural
  12. Wow it looks really good how many grafts they used to cover that! I really think this will be a good result! Please continue to update monthly because sometimes awesome cases like yours stop updating after 3-4 months. I really think you will be pleased a year from now. But crazy how much area they filled in and how well it appears they did it.
  13. Some redness in the donor. Good to know doctor Zarev is human lol I’ve seen so many cases of his where the donor didn’t even look like it was extracted from. Good to see a case on here that I think will be a homerun when said and done. I’ll be interested to see what your donor looks like a couple months from now. His ability to make the donor look untouched months later is supernatural. Keep us updated on that!
  14. I’ve seen some good cases from Konior and wong where the strip couldn’t even be seen at a 3 guard. I think fut in the right hands can still be worth it
  15. Exactly. I’d love to hear about more Dr Pittella type doctors. He is world class. South Korea seems to be a massive cosmetic market so I’m sure some hidden gems exist there. Dr Freia in Singapore I’ve heard good things on but limited results online.
  16. Yes I agree with that list. Just curious if anyone on this site has any names that they may know from there country or browsing the web that seem promising but really haven’t gained much of a following yet. I think in a couple years some new names are going to join the scene and I’d love to learn some unknown names now.
  17. I mean by 70 I doubt the hair transplant from 30 looks identical but it won’t be so thinned that you have nothing up top more so thinner since hair goes gray and doesn’t grow as fast.
  18. Wow. Do you know what the grafts per sqcm was? Looks insane! Perfect results
  19. Sorry Doctor thanks for clarifying. Also I, including many on this site, have been very impressed with your work. You have put yourself into the list of the top surgeons in the world. Consistent homerun results after homerun!
  20. Very interesting. So depth is greater with smaller punch size but depth is less with a bigger punch? Or is there a sweet spot of maybe .8mm with less depth that is common practice at top clinics like your own?
  21. Does it ultimately come down to punch size for scarring? Lower punches less scarring? But isn’t too low of punch size equal damaging of the grafts/tea section rate? Is there an ideal size mm wise?
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