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Everything posted by HairEnthusiast101

  1. Thank you Gatsby. Always good to hear your insight. Does retrograde typically ever bald or just always stay that think look?
  2. Thank you I will. Is a trichologist good as well? Those areas around my ear are always a little thinner. My nape just grows different directions but does not look the same density as above.
  3. Does this look like retrograde? I usually get like a 1 into a 2 on the sides but this is about 2 months after a haircut so it kind of grows like this. If so can anything be done?
  4. So years after fut it can still stretch the scar to take up a bigger space? Wow. Respect to people who undergo that procedure knowing the risk. Mine would definitely scar bad due to poor healing
  5. What punch size is used for majority of your cases Dr? Incredible results coming out of your clinic on the daily!
  6. Thank you. I was just curious about the industry and questions pertaining to it. I am 25 so I am in the planning process and don’t plan on undergoing anything until 28+. I have spoken to Dr Rahal about a year ago and he said I was way too young. So for now I just ask questions because I know there are many knowledgeable people on here that can help give me answers. Thank you for all your responses!
  7. Just curious really if it is even possible. I want to get fue because of the fut scar but also want to maximize lifetime grafts. It seems fue doesn’t get as many grafts as fut does in the lifetime
  8. When we refer to skin laxity are we referring to the tightness of your skin to head? My skin has like zero fat or zero ability to pinch anything so I’d say it is as tight against my skull as possible. That is probably a bad thing for fut because it can stretch it?
  9. So really in skilled hands like a Pittella or Eugenix,etc. the fue will almost equal fut for lifetime grafts?
  10. People talk about how fut first maximizes lifetime grafts by 2-3k. Can one do fue first and then get fut or is that negligible and will add no benefit in terms of maximizing grafts?
  11. How many grafts did Dr Feriduni say you have left?
  12. Better question would be was the whole area filled in bald or did you just have hairline peaks recession but your forelock was still thick?
  13. Geez you are a monster lol. Oh and you were talking about the native hair has lost its thickness not the transplanted? Okay that makes sense
  14. Lol. Your hair is phenomenal man. The transplanted hair won’t bald ever? So you just mean the thickness isn’t as noticeable and not the transplanted hair has begun to bald some too?
  15. How is the hair? Still as good as the last post? Such awesome results you had!
  16. I’m not going to ever tell anyone how to live their life but if you are getting an HT then I assume your hair has caused a massive mental stain on you. This is literally one of the most important procedures/fixes you could ever make. And you can’t reverse any negative that happens from it. I don’t know how to answer your question other than one party is far less important than the next 40 years of your life with your new hair.
  17. I don’t keloid but I do hypertrophic. I have some acne scarring too from my youth. My skin is just sensitive. But belive me if it wasn’t I’d get an fut
  18. Thank you. I do love H&W fut cases. The problem is if you have bad scar ability I don’t know if it matters whose hands you are in. It sucks though because fut first generally is better long term but losing 2-3k grafts for not a big scar might be the route I go anyway
  19. Is one better than the other or is Hasson and Wong the same basically? Result wise?
  20. Thanks that makes sense. I don’t know if it ever went to doctor. I was in contact with Doug
  21. Yes I’m not certain I’m stabilized yet but I have been on fin for two years
  22. Really dang. I was 25 when I sent my report and they said I am too young and need to wait. Maybe it is case by case. I am a Norwood 3 though
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