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Everything posted by HairEnthusiast101

  1. I have but can’t seem to get my hands on a script. Most doctors I go to aren’t familiar with it or want to prescribe it. Thanks for the advice though. I’m a little worried it gives me edema though
  2. Thank you all. I was on Dut for a short period of time alongside my fin but stopped the Dut and continued the fin because my prescription ran out and the doctor wouldn’t refill. I actually put minox topical on once a day usually but I’m not incredibly consistent because once I get consistent I get big acne in my hairline. I shampoo everyday with non sulfate shampoo and then use keto 2 times a week. I’ve thought about RU but too scared to try it. I also use pumpkin seed oil in the hair some times. I’m worried my frontal third will be lost soon. I’m always stressed(just a high anxiety person) so I don’t think there is a way I can prevent being on edge really. It just seems like a thinning is happening. Like I see miniaturized hairs on those corners but no where else really
  3. Yes I would like to revisit this topic. Eugenix has many cases but overall both seem to be skilled. My only concern with Dr Pitella is he extracts so many grafts. Especially on lower Norwood 4-5 what will happen when they reach 6-7? Maybe he has a plan for that
  4. I am noticing more thinning in the corners of my Norwood 3 where the V looking hairline is. The forelock, mid scalp, crown all look the same. But, one temple peak and the temple corners are thinning more. I know it is common to shed while starting finasteride but I have taken 1mg religiously for 2-2.5 years. What could be the culprit here? Just non responder or something else?
  5. Thank you. So wearing a RLT hat every day isn’t going to thicken what I have or help restore what I don’t much?
  6. Thank you for this advice. They are so expensive so I assumed it would be best to ask. Is there really any treatment outside of medication that is effective for you? Prp?
  7. I’m seriously considering getting serious with other treatments outside of medication. I do take finasteride and will continue but curious what everyone on here thinks of capillus or other hair red light hats? Most of them are 500 or more so is it really worth the investment or just a fad?
  8. Anyone else on the recommended we disagree with? I saw some people saying two surgeons
  9. That’s the one thing I don’t get. Dr Pittella is world class but I see plenty of Norwood 3s with 4-5k grafts when most of the time 2-3k would’ve done a great job. My question is maybe he is like a Zarev and he can get the most out of every graft and get 10-11k on anyones head. I don’t know
  10. Hmmm. Yes I’ve only heard of 2-4 dollar packages but maybe there is something else out there. Good for OP. Pittella is world class and if you can get him at that rate then he’d be the most obvious choice in the world
  11. Oh wow how did you get that price? I assumed if you paid $4 a graft it was $4 for every graft. Maybe it is more expensive for foreigners
  12. What package did you do? I know he has 2-4 depending on how involved he is. So I’m assuming if it was 6k grafts then 4 dollars per graft to get to 25k in total. He has amazing results. Did he examine donor and tell you how much more you have left in donor in case you would go further?
  13. Yes on Reddit censorship is far more common. I’ve even been banned from subs for giving encouraging advice to someone and that isn’t what the sub wanted because it is “creepy” I guess to tell someone not to fix anything about themself because they look great the way they are. I think Reddit needs to be looked at with giving moderators too much power and this site has perfect allowance of what one can and can’t say
  14. Looks great. He definitely could’ve pulled of the bald look if he was worried about that
  15. He seems very friendly to donor but I don’t know I’ve never seen what they look like in person
  16. What does it do to the hair? Damage wise? Curl it at the root?
  17. Most of not all of the Spanish clinics have techs do extractions now correct? I think for Portugal Pinto still does all the work but not certain about spain
  18. I believe Mwamba. It probably isn’t much different from just normal whey
  19. Does the help hair shake regrow hair for you or just give it a more full look?
  20. Oh so if someone is meant to bald In hairline then fin won’t change that? Does Dut make any difference with hairline?
  21. I’ve considered that but I’ve heard it can cause scarring which I would assume with time cause hair loss. Just curious if anyone has had any success with it. I would do topical minox but I break out bad on it. Right now just fin and red light therapy
  22. Do castor oil or pumpkin seed oil applied topically help at all with hair loss? I know scientifically they are not proven but to add alongside finasteride if you are allergic to topical minox…can they in theory help at all?
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