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Everything posted by HairEnthusiast101

  1. What medicated shampoo by chance? I also have very sensitive skin and seem to be dealing with a follulitis issue Right now.
  2. Due to skin issues you just microneedle and don’t use minox? Wouldn’t 2mm needles be hard on sensitive skin as well?
  3. Yes it is just like 5-6 little white head pimples along my nape/neck hair area along with some along my temples and even facial hair region. This is just random and not after a Hair Transplant or anything
  4. I’m noticing some zits in my temples and back neck hair nape area. My head almost feels tingly or hot after a shower. Is there a way to get rid of those zits so they don’t cause permanent damage?(Also I have not had a hair transplant this is just unrelated follucilits that I think flared after skin fade haircut)
  5. I don’t know about sunscreens for hair but I’m sure any baby spray sunscreen would work. Elta MD in dermatology is always referred to as the gold standard but that is a mineral sunscreen you wipe on and would take forever to get on and off
  6. I like to look at results on this page. And of course the usuals like Konior, Eugenix, H&W, Bisanaga, etc always produce flawless results. But who in your mind doesn’t get talked about much? It could be someone who isn’t even on the recommended list at all. Just someone that has constant great results but is not a common name that gets thrown around…I guess like a quiet master when it comes to HTs?
  7. Hmm pretty interesting. I was wondering if it acted similar to topical minox in that way Thanks as always John…keep me updated also hopefully no side effects That’s what I was wondering. I’ve seen it all over online people using it on their lashes and stuff and it grew way thicker/darker. Not necessarily that I care about thicker lashes but thickening up my eyebrows and beard a bit would be cool. Would get rid of the need for ever needing a beard transplant if it worked really well.
  8. Sorry about this man! I wish no one dealt with hair loss…especially at a young age. It can definitely ruin a persons confidence. But rest assured patience is your best friend. Your fiancé clearly still loves you and having hair or not has never really been grounds for divorce as far as I know. So clearly you are an enjoyable person that people like to be around regardless hair or not. My advice is only reach out to recommend surgeons. You could spend hours a day on here hearing about young patients going to a mill just to have a donor not able to produce anymore results. Research hard, talk to the people on this forum(Melvin and Gatsby are very knowledgeable) and go to a quality doc wether it is in 4 months from now or 1 year. Dr Konior, Dr Pittella(Brazil), Eugenix(India), Camacho(Bogota), and Hasson/Wong are great options to begin with. Take the advice from these surgeons seriously because even though they could make a ton of money off someone they care more about ethics than money. If they say you aren’t a candidate then they truly mean that even if you don’t want to hear that. But I believe with some patience and research you will end up with a great head of hair one day wether it is from a transplant or hairpiece. I understand the impact it can have on you so don’t worry you are not alone and people will still show up on your wedding day because they care about you… not your hair!!!
  9. Geez well I think Dogan and Nader only do 1. I mean of course if you can afford Konior then you’d be crazy not to go to him but Nader has had some great work lately. I wouldn’t be shocked if he finds his way in the recommended list soon!
  10. I’ve seen some great results on this doctor but haven’t heard much about the doctor. Is the doctor expensive or has doctor been around awhile?
  11. I very much agree. That is why I asked if it was any better than saline which I assume not much. Also the original video from David he may have been sponsored to speak on it. Or if he didn’t get sponsored it is all circumstantial. Would be cool if it worked at a high rate but topically it is hard to speed up healing process.
  12. Redness in 2-3 days leaving seems crazy. Some people seem to have it for months
  13. Good to hear. So you didn’t use saline spray instead use surgi pro? Is there anything else he gives you after procedure to spray or put on/eat
  14. I thought it was just for donor area? So it got rid of redness fast?
  15. What is the density per cm2 by chance? Results are great as usually from Farjo!
  16. I’ve heard countless stories of individuals using topical minox to grow beards and such. Was just curious from users of oral minox if you saw a thickness in your beard, eyebrows, etc? And if so did hair grow in areas of your beard where hair may have been non existent or less of?
  17. Hmm idk but scar creams or sprays are usually no better than just straight vaseline
  18. Is the product a sponsor of that video?
  19. Wow your hair in your younger years was incredible. At 21 did you think it was eroding or is it full circle and now you realized it was slowly? Pretty crazy how once hair loss begins it just runs with it.
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