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Everything posted by HairEnthusiast101

  1. Seems to be a growing trend of mid 20s to early 30s. Was starting fin what stopped the progression in most of your minds or that was just the age range genetically you were wired to lose? Wonder why our mid 20s seem to want to Norwood further.
  2. Any changes to skin quality or texture? I still get adult acne so would hate if it flared that
  3. Crazy what the difference between going to a quality doc and hair mill can do years later! So fin helped slow down hair loss but native was all that left your HT spots still are very similar? Thank you Rahal Hair Transplant…so even if natural thinning occurred it could never get as wispy or bald as it would if you never had an Ht in that spot? Just wondering if you could still ever go bald in those area that you had work done to be honest.
  4. Sam more so worried about hair growth on face other than that don’t mind hair growth in body
  5. Did you even have an HT? Lol there is like no scarring at all. Would love to see it grown out but wow. Don’t know if it is a skin color contrast thing or just you heal incredibly but wow
  6. Any hair loss prior to that or very minimally at least noticed? Thank you for the response DrAhmad!
  7. Not everyone heals the same too. I tend to scar easier and an fut scar may get the most grafts but it would leave a nasty raised pink scar. I also like to wear my hair short on the sides(fade) and with fut most people cannot do that as well. I do think fut probably yields more over time but not everyone is appropriate for it and honestly in 20 years there may be something even better.
  8. I guess what period of time, teens, mid 20s, early 30s, etc. did you notice your hair loss accelerate the most? Just curious what users on here seemed to experience the largest extent of their hair loss? Also this question is regardless the therapies in use and just in general.
  9. Okay that makes sense. Thank you for responding Melvin. I assumed there was thinning but didn’t know if it would look like just wisps of hair and clear scalp showing or if it would be still enough to get coverage but not that density that looks pretty covered like after Ht.
  10. Even though the industry has been around for awhile what does the hair transplant look like for men 20-30 years after the procedure? Figuring a 30 year old man comes in and gets his first HT procedure…will that transplanted hair look similar density wise to the one years back? Of course everyone goes through different life stages but assuming that patient stays on finasteride and deals with the day to day stresses of life, maybe has surgeries for broken bones, in a sense just lives life as most do will his transplanted hair look good 30 years after the initial fue procedure? Or will the impact of aging make what was once a nice FUE turn into extreme thinning and balding? Just curious of course this is a tough question and is so variable based off someone’s life but didn’t know if there were any results on this forum 30 years later.
  11. I have no clue and if it is a reputable clinic then I’d trust them but based off your hair loss pattern and if we assumed that you had average density and an average donor then I’d guess 2k grafts were placed there. Of course If you asked the reputable clinic and that is what they said I’d trust them so I’m just giving you my guess based off of if the clinic was not reputable.
  12. I feel everything depends on patients hair and the density trying to be reached. Could it be 3,000? For sure. I’d assume I high density case would be about that. A lower density case would be 1500 or so. Depends so much on your own hair and how much they packed in that area
  13. The yield is usually maybe 1-2k max more. That is big but it also leaves you from every shaving short @Fue3361 do you mean scalp laxity of skin for like heavier people fut may be better long term than someone very skinny?
  14. Dr Rahal and Staff. I was curious about this but if a patient did go full Norwood 7 but spent their focus on just restoring the hairline and mid scalp and leaving the crown how many grafts would one need(if they had a good donor) to make those areas look dense while keeping the crown bald? Would that transplanted hair ever thin or bald out as they age or stay dense for life? Thanks
  15. In my opinion I’d say 1500 in the back and maybe 2500 in front. I’d do just the sides and then fill in the front of the forelock to make it look stronger but don’t make a completely new hairline. To be honest I think using rogaine in the forelock is plenty good for now and you don’t need to fill it in yet because it could just need some rogaine.
  16. Is discoloration ever permanent? Like could someone’s donor or recepient area always be a little whiter/redder than the rest of the head?
  17. Awesome thanks for response. So the donor for this patient is about 8k before it would look over harvested? Great work by the way. Definitely going to be a doctor to follow for the coming years!
  18. Might I add…wow! And also how? Lol insane results. Now you say you have had the same hairline for like 30+ years which first off kudos but how do you know you won’t bald or thin some? Like genetics point to no or you are on meds? I say that because my grandpa had a similar hairline to the one you have after Ht(NW0) all his life but at 70 it did recess some. Just curious.
  19. Dr wow! Incredible work! Patient has insane density. Two question. What was the density cm2 used on the patient? Finally the patient used about 6500 grafts and could still potentially thin in the forelock or more in the crown…how do you go about getting more grafts? Potential beard grafts or more form the donor and if so how much is left in that thin donor?
  20. Hair is starting to look good. Another 2 months or so and I think it will look insane. Did the doctor ever say anything about retrograde in your donor? You said you were worried about your donor but doctor thought it was good so just wondering what you were worried about. Anyways awesome to follow 👏
  21. Wow that is very natural. You’d have no clue that patient has ever really done anything than matured in the hairline!
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