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Everything posted by HairEnthusiast101

  1. That is the biggest thing with fut is the healing. It is a risk. John I think made a great decision and has already an insane result but I totally get what you are saying about fut and fue. I’ve also heard months/years after procedure fut scar could stretch but that can be variable. I think fut then fue still will always be the best for maximizing grafts but if you are 67 and a Norwood 3 then of course fue would be smarter. If you are 21 and a Norwood 3 then fut could be smarter but at that point why would someone work on you as well. It really just depends your healing ability and circumstance of genetic balding. No one can predict that. Of course fut patients don’t want to deal with the scar but in the end getting into fut is thinking ahead. You take the risk because you hope you can maximize it more in the end. So I understand both sides to the case.
  2. I just want to add…OP your results already look insane. It has become a common with Dr Konior. He is Gretzky of the Hair Restoration Industry. He truly is the great one. You said your hair has been about the same since your 20s…. So for 20 years your hairline looked like this and never really got worse? If so insane and if so as well did you take fin for 20 years? I am just curious because most men do not keep hair that long if they start going so very impressive to see
  3. Lol. I think I’ve heard of that like poliosis or something. It doesn’t impact the hair it just the hair loses melanin and over time becomes white. Probably similar to many men with brown/blacker facial hair getting a red tint as time goes on. Either way very interesting. And I agree fut is a massive undertaking. Sometimes it is hard to know if the extra 1-2k grafts is even worth that. One thing I wonder is in 10-20 year will fut even be necessary with advancement of donor healing and maybe hair clone
  4. Very interesting. 34 is a great age for Ht and I’d say pretty lucky you still have hair. Are you going fue or fut route? You think there was any noticeable loss prior to 25?
  5. Wow your results are incredible. Your doctor hit this out of the park. And I think it will get even thicker as well. My hairline is similar and my age is as well but haven’t taken the plunge yet because I get red/scar easily and worry that I will be red for years after Ht, also it is a very tough process to go through. But man your results are exactly what I’d want.
  6. Awesome great to hear. I’m sure we all wish we would’ve caught the loss sooner but usually you don’t notice it until it has happened for awhile. How long have you been on fin? Stabilizing with it is a very good sign long term and if you ever want HTs
  7. Very much so Gatsby and one of the best journeys we have also seen in this industry comes from you. Truly an inspiration to young men trying to navigate their way in the hair restoration industry.
  8. I don’t have beard but I have great hair on arms and legs if it matters at all
  9. Wow. I regularly cut 2 guard. Probably best to do fue if I want to continue?
  10. Who did you go to again? As stated I feel it has more to do with healing than quality of doctor. Of course you picking FUT over FUE could’ve been very wise at a young age especially if you went from a nw3 to nw7 but it also depends on the case. Sounds like about 6-7k for the average fue donor but 8-8.5k for fut then fue
  11. Honestly wish there some agent that could be used after fue and fut to prevent scarring. Would be massive for the industry. Maybe that veterporfin will be that next thing.
  12. I agree Konior is a master but the biggest worry of fut is how do you heal. If I knew even under Koniors work I would have a near flawless heal then without a doubt I’d spend the money. The problem is if I don’t heal great on scar revision then I doubt fut regardless the doctor will chnage that
  13. Following your journey it is for sure an interesting one but since you went to Dr Das I’m certain your results will continue to thicken and in 6-8 months I am very eager to see your results. They are going to be incredible. But yes temple points going first is different than the norm
  14. Interesting. So hairline pretty much stayed the same since youth in terms of aggressiveness but then at 26 crown started to go? Where you ever in meds in that time?
  15. Does Dr Camacho do fut? He has so many great results with fue I didn’t know what his thoughts were on fut.
  16. Fin isn’t alway hyper response for everyone I assume though most probably do lose on it but maybe it just slows down and saves you more time. I don’t know if I’ve lost a ton since starting 3 years ago but I do think I’ve thinned a little more along the hairline
  17. Well great to hear that you have stabilized and only needed one in that time. A touch up makes sense but I doubt you lose much more if any as you age.
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