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Everything posted by GeneralNorwood

  1. True, being economical in using grafts is good argument. Another point is if you go agressive in 1st procedure with density around 40 grafts/cm2 , you can decide to improve density in second procedure to 50-55 grafts/cm2(for example) withouth changing level of hairline. But if you go conservative and in second procedure you will lower hairline and in this lower hairline you will implant 40 grafts/cm2, then after second procedure it's possible that you think that you need third procedure to improve this new hairline which has 40 grafts/cm2. Yes, thats video. Maybe for your design you will be fully satisfied after 2nd procedure. Because on the sides hairline is not much lowered, you lowered it the most in mid frontal point. The question is always what we are aiming for. Do we want the result that has 0% scalp visibility when our hair are combed straight like Johnny Bravo and we are using excessive light in front the mirror to check the hairline? 😅 We never checked hair like this when we were teenagers, so we don't have benchmark point. And do we want to be like teenagers? That's the questions 😂
  2. Dr Arika said in one of the newest videos something like "If you want to go aggressive in the front, do it in first procedure". It makes total sense. Yes, the temples have different angles and i never disputed it. Assymetry is on purpose to give natural effect, i think it's good idea. I only changed temporal points to be on the same level, because in first design they were on different levels. I dont know my hair calibre and yes i will post soon more photos in different lighting, closeups too.
  3. You have well developed hair on the temples and you have to keep in mind your temples to creat fronto-temporal angle. You cant implant new hair to grow straight (red lines), when you have temples on the left growing to the left (blue lines). Well, you would can, if you found crazy clinic that created this authistic look. So you have to make design that doesnt cut in half your temple hair, something like this red line. It respects your temples, creates new FT-angle, lowers hairline little bit and fills bald areas.
  4. Clearly you had taken some grafts from area that you have retrograde alopecia. Not the best area to take grafts from. Shouldn't it be no-go zone? Now maybe it's some shockloss and it will improve, but by simple logic this beforehand thinned area will be less dense then before HT, because you had taken grafts from there. Maybe i am missing something, we will see how it will turn out in few months.
  5. 450/2200 is only 20% additional grafts and most of grafts were double. After second HT you achived lesser scalp visibility. I think if current result was after 1 HT, you wouldn't be dissapointed. But it is after touch up, so you expected more. To be 100% satisfied you need 800-900 more grafts on the front, focusing on first 2 cm of hairline.. That should close this subject. My advice, change the surgeon, take your time doing research for next clinic and don't agree on another 400 grafts, because it will be waste of time. After your first surgery you had 30-35 grafts/cm2 look. So IMO you needed +50% grafts, not +20%. You are using slickback hairstyle without hold, kind of pompadour at start, this is most vulnurable to the light, you need good density to rock this hairstyle. Or just use wax and some prestyler to get better hold of hair and create better ilussion of density.
  6. Posting monthly updates is destroying relathionships with surgeons? So this means this forum is all about destroying relathionships 🤣
  7. Yeah, in High school everybody in my class had long hair and nobody cared about styling it, hair products, shampoos, it was wild. Now i noticed that i have some control over my curls. I can wash my hear, then slick back wet hair and use hair dryer while combing back with brush. In this way i can achieve straight hair. Though messing with hair, being chaotic with them while drying will provide curly look. I wonder how my hair will behave after 2 HT. I think biggest thickening started around month 5. Now i think it's maximal level, but i don't know scientific studies that show when hair achieves maximal diameter.
  8. Keep in mind that the most recent reviews on this forum regarding Dr. Prashant Yadav are from 2017
  9. Ok @MazAB, i did today some pictures in bathroom lighting so im posting it. Previously to show progress i only used pictures in daylight, so now maybe some with artificial light. I have 3 lights in bathroom, so it's well-litt. In 2 weeks im posting 9 monhts pictures in daylight, as promised. Surprise, I got curls again like in highschool 😂 Midscalp and crown are not able to compete with powerful frontal curly hair. (i suggest to right click on the picture and open it in new tab to see it in best resolution) Left profile contrast between frontal hair and midscalp hair is the worst issue for me. Yeah, i know that some of you think that this hairline is to aggressive. But i like it 😄 Donor at the back looks like is ready for another HT 😅 I think second HT will be more difficult, because on midscalp and crown i have a lot of miniaturised hair that are not so much pigmented as hair in the donor or freshly created frontal hairline.
  10. Hi, i just read this topic from the beginning. When i was considering Turkey for HT, i only thought about Bicer to be honest based on reviews on this forum. If someone goes to HLC after reading this topic, must be crazy. Poor outcome, ugly looking donor is one thing. Every clinic sometimes has some fuckups from various reasons. Obviously what differs top clinics from hair mills is that fuckups are rare. But the way that they handle this situation is laughable. And now they threaten you with court? It's easy win for you, when judge is unbiased, so they won't go this route. Now speaking of solution. I presume that your donor still look similar like in september 2022, because common, there is no magic. With hair like that, i can imagine why you are scared to go public, it just looks very bad, harsh truth."Seeing therapist" advice regarding your problem is bullshit, you will only lose money and still look bad in the mirror. So you have to ask yourself the question, what can you do to look better in this situation. If you would like to still fight for the hair, i don't see it considering that you don't take any medication, no finasteride and no minoxidil. There is no stabilization, even if you did research, found top clinic that would top repair that propably wouldn't provide head full of hair anyway, but some kind of balding look. And then few years later you will lose more hair because of no medication and you will be sad again. Seeing cases like @Bandit90, i am pro hairtransplant even for cases like Norwood 6, providing that they have good donor and take meds. In your case i would recommend shave completely bald, Jeff Bezos style. Yeah, it can be little pain in the ass, because you have to shave head every 2 days completly to mantain it clean, but if you can embrace this look, you will feel better about yourself. Don't worry about FUT scar at the back, it's not important. The most important is clean look at the front and sides. Being bald better suits men that have some muscles, so going this route, you will have to go to the gym too. I personally tried bald look before my HT journey and i feel good about it. One day i am prepeared that i can shave off all hair and embrace this look. So you have to make firm decision. Considering SMP to strenghten this shaven look is another thing. Now you propably learned your lesson, that research is important.
  11. Do you have post procedure pictures of grafts implanted in the hairline?
  12. Yes, i perfectly see this in the photos, there is inclined loss of volume from front to midscalp, i have the same issue. In this situation, when midscalp and crown is weaker, slickback hairstyle is our friend. I don't comb hair back everyday, because it's new hairstyle for me and i am not used to it and it requires using different products like wax, prestylers etc Though with every month front growing longer, i see that this slickback heairstyle make more natural effect due to decreasing this contrast between volume in front and midscalp/crown. Rolandas for example just grew long front, slicked it back and wore this headband everyday and it worked for him as solution till second procedure. I think you should consider your all stabilization medicine possibilities. You mentioned Melvin and he is currently testing this topical finasteride gel, it's rather expensive, but one of options. Because without stabilization, you can now make 2nd transplant and get desired full head of hair result nad be happy about it, but then there will be further thinning(sooner then later) and here we go again
  13. Yes, there are some improvents in recipient area and i am going to post new pictures in 2 weeks (9 months update). There is no big change in midscalp, where there was not transplantation. In March, Dr Bisanga is coming to Warsaw, so i scheduled consultation with him. I think it's great oportunity to talk with such experienced doctor like Bisanga and get advice regarding further steps.
  14. Important thing is that there are lot of brands of sea salt spray and some are garbage and some are nice. You have to test few products to find best one.
  15. I think we have simillar balding patterns. On paper it is Norwood 3V but it has diffuse thinning with Norwood 5 traits (losing hair on the sides of midscalp). Though your front of the midscalp is stronger then mine. I went low with the hairline and now styling my hair is pain in the ass. Your choice to not go very low on the first procedure will provide lesser contrast between dense frontal part and thinner midscalp and crown. Did you try to take topical finasteride 0,1% or 0,25%?
  16. It is very important that you take finasteride for at least 6 months and see how your donor responds. From photos it seems that there is also miniaturisation in your donor(sides especially), which is obviously undesired. Maybe you will get some extra density on the midscalp, that would be helpfull too. And remember that finasteride reverse miniaturisation and make hair stronger which protects from shock loss that can occur during HT. (you can lose weak hair that are close to new transplanted hair, so it's better to strenghten weak hair)
  17. How much grafts were implanted for the new hairline adjustment and how much for improving density behind old hairline?
  18. Dude, common. The light is behind you 🤣Imagine that in the movies actors were lited from behind, we wouldn't see sh*t. The thing is that you had mature hairline (norwood2) with pretty high density, i think it was at least 60-70 grafts/cm2. And now you lowered your hairline to Norwood 1, but with lower density around 40 grafts/cm2. So obviously you see that density is worse then previously and you are little dissapointed. Based on this pictures i think that procedure was successful and this 1300 grafts on the hairline are growing good. And yes, you will need at least another 650 grafts to achieve density that you had on norwood 2 hairline. About the left temple - this picture that you comb left temple and it reveals blank space, it's really weird. You had full coverage of this area, so something is wrong. Were you trimming down the temples or you let it grow for 8 months?
  19. Based on this one study, statements that topicals are stronger are not valid, i agree. However there is continuation of this study, where group of men was larger, 105 men was counted as using topical finasteride : https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/jdv.17738 This time this 105 men where using topical 0,25 % finasteride but only 1-4 sprays which equals - 0,05 ml to 0,2 ml. So this is a lot smaller compared to 1ml study. Additional sprays (2–4), if recommended by the study doctor, were applied to cover the rest of the baldness area And the results established that in group using topical finasteride hair count after 24 weeks was similar to group that was using oral finasteride 1mg, however for those using finasteride, DHT level in blood was a lot smaller. And this spray applicator that they used is laughable. I think that this lab guys are so much focused on procedures, that sometimes forget about real life and what is practical. Using this kind of applicator leads to waste of product in hair. So just imagine, what results in hair count would they achieve when they weren't focused on low DHT level in blood and used 1ml of topical fin for all 105 patients and if they used dropper applicator and no some mumbo jumbo applicator 😆
  20. yes, table 2 : https://www.researchgate.net/publication/285733679_Effects_of_a_novel_finasteride_025_topical_solution_on_scalp_and_serum_dihydrotestosterone_in_healthy_men_with_androgenetic_alopecia Application once a day of 1 ml finasteride 0,25% lowered scalp DHT by 71,2% after 1 week. But it was small group, 6 men only. Unfortunetly there are not a lot of studies about topicals. However this study indicates that 1ml 0,25 % topical finasteride crushes DHT in blood by 80%. So we don't know what 10 times higher dose like in XYON gel can do with DHT in blood. So using this gel to avoid side effects may be pointless, but further studies should be made to resolve this issue. You have to make biopsy, so it's not easy peasy as checking DHT level in blood. And you already started taking gel, so you can't measure the level that was before treatment., unless you stop therapy for some time. Anyway, you have "before" DHT levels in blood, so it will be interesting to see your DHT level in blood after taking XYON gel for a while. 2.5 % seems like very high dose.
  21. Oh, there is reason. Topicals are superior to oral in terms of lowering DHT in scalp.
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