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Everything posted by GeneralNorwood

  1. Yeah, and Dr Bhatti claims that this is false assumption that all translanted hair start growing together. Because some transplanted hair (up to 20%) are telogen hair and transplantation doesn't change telogen hair into anagen, So this telogen hair will start to grow later. This is what Bhatti talks about. There is no desynchronisation, because there wasn't synchronisation at the first place. And my thought is that if Dr Bhatti is right, it is a bit random how many telogen hair was transplanted during procedure. If somebody had 20% telogen hair transplanted, 20% hair will grow later and there won't be dissapointment. But for example if somebody had only 5% telogen transplanted, he had 95% in anagen and in this case patient can be dissapointed when he loses some ground later on Another thing is that if hair is in telogen phase, that doesn't mean that it sheds. .Telogen hair has cutted of blood supply, but it stay in a scalp for 3 months and during this period new hair is formed and slowly starts to push out this old hair.
  2. According to Dr Arika, anagen desynchronisation occurs at 14-15 month. So i should expect it in 2-3 months. So we will find out soon. Explanation to this loss that some patient complain can be just natural cycle of hair. Imagine that at given point you are used to some density, but 2 months later because of natural cycle some hair fall out in the front and look is different then in previous month. And again in few next months this hair which fall out, start to grow again, and you are happy again.
  3. For sure, not each of them enters telogen. The shedding after HT is diffuse. This is called ugly duckling phase, but you don't become completely bald, some hair continue to grew. Just look at the 1 month, 2 month, 3 month pictures...
  4. Yes, i agree that keeping hair long is best option for now. Otherwise it will look something similar to month 6 result. If I went with higher hairline, i could save up to 1000 grafts i think. i won't rush into second surgery anyway. Now i'm waiting for 18 months result, i hope that till then crown will get full coverage from the front 😅
  5. I think it looks unnoticable to 99% even without fibers, because i am tall and nobody sees the crown 😂
  6. I thought about this matter. I had total grafts number 3514 - Beard - 32 grafts Scalp grafts - 3482 Singles - 640 Doubles - 1762 Triples - 800 Quadruple - 280 1. Punching is very fast and it is not possible to see difference between single hair, double hair etc, only using human eye, that's why they use microscope. 2. Telogen phase lasts few months, so the lost of the pigment isn't instant. And when you have blond hair like me, i believe there is not such huge contrast between anagen and telogen hair in color. 3. You are a doctor and you punch 800 triple grafts. You have very good eye and see that in graft there are 2 darker hair and one is little lighter. You decide to not punch this graft because of 1 lighter hair? Of course you punch it. It goes like this : PUNCH, PUNCH, PUNCH, PUNCH. 4. Yes, at the picture from the site that you are reffering to, there is visible difference between this anagen and telogen hair. But this picture is taken under augmentation. So after punching... 5. Why would doctor select only grafts that has only anagen hair (in his opinion). It doesn't make sense. Telogen hair will become anagen soon anyway. 6. Doctor must select grafts from the safezone and appropriate distance between extracted grafts is important, not subtle differences in hair colors. And lastly, look at this video and keep in mind that it is already augmented :
  7. Recently i saw video from Dr Bhatti and he doesn't agree with this anagen desychronization theory. It is good observation from him, that at the moment of HT there is already up to 20% hair in telogen in the donor. So if they take 40 grafts from the back of the head with approximately 100 hair in it, up to 20 hair should be in telogen and only 80 in anagen. It would be weird that after transplantation in the front, all this 20 telogen hair would suddenly change to anagen and start to grow, is that what is this theory about? Another thing is that percent of hair in teleogen is different for each age. If you are young, only 10% are in telogen. BTW: I got the feeling, that at the end of the video, he is dissing Eugenix in subtle way.
  8. I don't notice hair falling out at all. I have like 0 hair in the shower/comb. I am really scared that in few months so called "anagen desynchronisation" will come and my hair will start to fall rapidly. I hope that Dr Arika is wrong about this one 😅
  9. I have around 3000-3200 scalp donor left. So i would rather use max 2000 grafts for the second surgery, to save some in the bank. My experience with dutasteride is that i don't see difference with finasteride. I switched to oral minoidil 1.5 month ago. Not using liquid minoxidil anymore. However previously i had the most gains(it was before HT), when i used dermapen + liquid minoxidil, when i cutted my hair to 0. In 5-6 months i noticed huge improvement. You can see at the photo below : Then when i had longer hair, i noticed that density worsened. Propably longer hair causes that liquid minoxidil is not so greatly absorped. It's interesting because there is one study that suggests that cutting hair to 0 and then using minoxidil + microneedling can bring best growth. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3746236/
  10. About the hairline, i believe that first 3 raws (0,5 mm) are only singles. Similar is for the temples. It is normal to observe some seethrough in harsh ligting when you had surgery for around 40 grafts per cm2. It is matter of hair caliber too and styling the hair. I saw your topic, and you had already 2 surgeries and you are only past 3 months. Therefore your density should improve in coming months.
  11. Well, outcome should be good, but not the same. You can compare all surgeons from Eugenix and it is rather obvious that Dr Sethi's results are the best. There are not many reviews of Dr Somesh, since he was just promoted to Senior this year. I read some good opinions about his approach. I believe there will be more reviews of his work in comming months. I don't know your schedule, but you can make reservation for example for the last quarter of this year and in the meantime, observe new results from Dr Somesh.
  12. Well, Dr Bisanga is experienced surgeon and i agree with most of his points. I only don't agree with his opinion that polish people don't have such aggressive temple points. For example, my grandpa had temple points very similar to my current one. Saying that, i feel good about it how my hair look now. The growth is good, even Dr Bisanga acknowledged that. I look certainly better then before procedure. So i don't regret going to Eugenix. But do i think that some things could be done better? Yes. Remember that the downside is that i am limited to slickback hairstyle and i have to provide some hold to it. Without using hair spray or foam, little wind and real Norwood stage is revealed 😆 This hairstyle is new to me, but i am getting used to it.
  13. For starters, if you look into my temple points carefully, you will see that my right temple is little better then left. I noticed that it is common in Eugenix procedures, that left temple point is weaker. I believe i saw something similar in @Captain Haddock and @NARMAK cases. Generally, i wanted to do temple points HT and grow them, not cut them to 0. I prefer hairstyles that begin with at least 3mm at the ear. And transplanted temple points hair look the best when they are longer. However, in undefined future, i will try famous Brad Pitt's Fury Hairucut and then we will know how my temples look when cutted to 0. (propably right temple point will look better then left 😅)
  14. Well, i think that one of best options for now is to style my hair as slickback. It covers my weak spots at lateral humps and with every month hair from front are getting longer and in few months they will make total comb for the crown i think. Nowadays, i don't even use fibers, just some locking spray, foam or pomade or salt spray or headband, anything that keeps this style in place. Here i present photos from outdoors, i used some paste and locking spray to style hair, no fibers. And this is photo in harsher ligthing, in front of the bulb:
  15. Doesn't look like whole graft to me, rather like broken hair, but picture is not in high resolution. It is unlikely that graft would come out after 7 days. Graft looks like this. There is bulb at the end and it's definitely thicker then rest of the hair. Regarding the bleeding after the wash, i had it too, it is because of scab removal, nothing to worry about.
  16. I actually like area that you were treated. The work was done for sure beyond 3V level of hairloss, but that should be done, so j hope for the best.
  17. Lateral humps is now hot topic 😆 I think with your current hairstyle(combing hair forward), you don't require more grafts on the front. Better to focus on the crown and lateral humps if you want to stick to this hairstyle. But if you wanted slickback hairstyle, 40 grafts/cm2 is not enough in my opinion for great ilussion of density, there is too much seethrough. Then again, adding more on the front means that you have to do less grafts on the crown. yeah, but what about former patients, doesn't they deserve special treatment? I guess not. "Old price for regular customer" - it's a rule that i saw on this forum is applied by some clinics, but clearly not by Eugenix.
  18. They should offer you same price with same doctor for 2nd procedure. They did 75% of job, but there is 25% to finish. It's like "ok man, you need 2000 grafts more to finish your case, but now you have to pay as 50% more". I would understand this, if you chose to do next part few years later, but you are decided for the next part just after 6 months...
  19. He is Norwood 5 at least. I wrote about this to him in private message, so he got this information and your effort to delete my posts is meaningless.
  20. Well, he is graded wrong isn't he? I am informing him about this, so you won't have to say 1 year later that he was delusional about his hairloss level. I think that is very important to know at which stage of hairloss you are, before you jump into procedure and agree to the procedure plan. I think you can agree with this. From the picture of the top of the head, it is visible that miniaturisation is taking place not only at crown and frontal part, but at midscalp too. From the top it looks like Norwood 5. He has 2 days to operation and he can do what he wants with this information. And don't worry, i won't be informing now all the patients in their journeys, that they have wrong Norwood classification, i simply don't have time for this. But even if i did so, i don't see how it is de-railing someone's journey 😆 And it's not like i am now 100% unhappy about my procedure from Eugenix and now i am pushing it to other patients. I am more like 50-50. But what you are doing Melvin it's not fair. I only "called" for you in this topic, because we recently had this conversation about wrong classification at Eugenix. I saw this topic today and immediately noticed that classicication is wrong. So i wrote about it. Should i just be silence about this, because i am not 100% satisfied from my procedure? So maybe just give your opinion about Norwood stage here and don't make this disscussion about my personal feelings towards the clinic.
  21. Well Eugenix have high survival rate, they implant hair with good angles, they rarely overharvest the donor, so i wouldn't be so harsh. I saw victim of turkish mill in person and that was real botchery... The thing is that Eugenix was so hyped here, that people expect highest standards and best results. And recently even dr Sethi's results are questionable. Eugenix have the skill, but they are taking too many patients in my opinion. And quality suffers. So if you want 100% dedication on your case, you should chose the doctor who performs 1 or 2 operations during one day, no more. It seems that Sethi has now too many responsibilities and he can't focus properly on his patients. And price for him is as high as for top European surgeons...
  22. Yes, i know this feeling of blaming yourself that you should know better. But it is not your fault, you are not the doctor. It is a job of lead surgeon to make HT plan and supervise the procedure. And you are the patient who is undergoing stressful procedure and is in hands of doctors. Imagine this : You have operation, you are on narcosis, doctors cut your belly, they are doing some procedure and forget to pull out some medical tool before sewing the belly. Now you have for example scissors in your body. Do you blame yourself for not asking the doctor if he pulled out the scissors before sewing? No, it is ridiculous to blame yourself.
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