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Everything posted by GeneralNorwood

  1. If you read this topic that i send you, you would know answers on all your questions. And there were more cases with depleted donor from HLC on this forum. It was also mentioned in "botched HT by HLC". But you didn't read it and you just say some half-thruths like "but they offered him repair!!!! or money back!!!". HLC threatened him with trial in court It's funny that short waiting time is for you best argument to chose a clinic. I think we can end this discussion here.
  2. They could do more. They could do proper donor management and they could not destroy the donor. And they offered him "repair" with 150 grafts so he can f*ck off. It wasn't sincere attempt of help.
  3. This is whishy-washy statement that can be used to defend any clinic, even the worst hairmill. You won't find similar story about dr Pekiner. Enjoy reading :
  4. Dude, i gave u facepalm and u give me facepalm? This is not kindergarten 🤣 I saw botched jobs from HLC on this forum and i saw that they don't have ethics when something goes wrong.
  5. HLC is Mcdonald, Pekiner is MICHELIN-starred Restaurant. So i would go with Pekiner and you will see good results after 6 months. Remember, waiting times are short in some clinics for a reason.
  6. There is no perfect. But there is bad surgeon, mediocre surgeon and elite surgeon. And there is legendary surgeon 😅 Right now Dr. Z is the legendary one.
  7. Men just get limp d for many different reasons. That's why the invention of Viagra was so spectacular
  8. That video was entartaining 😄 The Eugenix Redemption Starring : Adrian Brown Morgan Freeman Over the course of several years, two convicts form a friendship, seeking consolation and, eventually, redemption through basic hair transplantation
  9. Looking good. Density in the front should improve in the coming months.
  10. So i guess Verteporfin is current favourite flavor of @DrTBarghouthi
  11. Yes, they told me 1 -1.5 year till surgery from a consult. So it's total 3.5 - 4 years I think there will be many cancellations due to this long period of waiting. You know, people die etc. 😆
  12. It distrupts, but in which way. For sure it stops anagen phase for a while and causes shedding. But it doesn't stop telogen. Even Eugenix wrote in some post, that telogen hair after HT start to grow later.
  13. Oral minox i have from Belgium pharmacy, Dr Bisanga prescribed it for me upon consultation which i had with him 2 months ago. Dutasteride i get from local pharmacy in Poland.
  14. I called to Dr. Zarev's clinic. Current dates of consultations are... 2026 January.
  15. I am currently 2 months on 5mg oral and didn't notice anything yet.
  16. They say in study that is made from essential oils, but they don't mention which oils. Do you know list of ingredients?
  17. Check your weight everyday and change calories income accordingly. Working out 7 days a week is not optimal. You have to make rest days. I didn't hear that finasteride changes calories burning. I saw in another topic that you use creatine. It causes water retention and thus weight gain.
  18. Your head isn't straight on the photo. And we have to wait for swelling to come off. Then we can judge.
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