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A Fue Good Men

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Everything posted by A Fue Good Men

  1. Welp…after 16 years on hair loss forums, I can’t say I’m surprised to hear this
  2. @gimpoli thank you for sharing this, I think it can help many. I have some questions for you 1. how does one sleep after a surgery like this? In a recliner sleeping upward? For how many days? 2. Was beard hair looked at as an option? 3. Do you have pictures of the chest extractions as they are now or is the hair too long?
  3. From what I know now the best course for many that will go beyond nw3 in their lifetime is to fut til you can’t anymore. Then bht/fue into the scar. Then you can start extracting via fue. Fut is Def not an out of date procedure.
  4. I saw this as well. Glad he’s back. Interesting hearing his story about the libel lawsuit as well.
  5. @De Freitas Clinic approximately how many grafts does this patient have in reserve? Wonderful set of pictures presenting the case as usual btw.
  6. @Mike2098- please do yourself a favor and try not to jump into surgery too soon. The one piece of advice I would like to give is 1. go to a clinic that focuses on one patient per day and 2. has a doctor at least involved in most of the procedure including at minimum punching out the grafts. Stay away from clinics that are technician heavy meaning doing a large portion of work like extractions and also ones that are juggling multiple patients per day. when a doctor/clinic is juggling multiple patients a day there is a chance there will be insufficient planning among other issues. You don’t want to be a repair patient, it sucks. it sounds like you’re looking at doctors in turkey. If you’re set on turkey there are really only a handful of doctors that should even be considered. Research wisely. Good luck
  7. Matt, congratulations on your result. It’s crazy to me that konior filled in your crown like that with a little over 750 grafts. Others wouldn’t be able to get such a result with double that amount. Goes to show that #’s are only part of the equation. Results like yours are what is tempting me to go with him but for another type of issue- donor restocking into areas of over harvesting. Thanks for sharing your story
  8. @Amin34 how many grafts fut have you had? Also, in regards to fit I assume this is some sort of fue procedure? How many grafts of fit/fue have you had?
  9. If it’s only a few grafts have you thought about using electrolysis? That would eliminate the possibility of scarring.
  10. I’m actually quite curious about the opposite….clean shaven after extractions are taken from the beard. I’ve seen @BeHappyposted some of his pictures and it looks great. Wondering if there are others with more olive skin tone similar to myself.
  11. Great writeup thank you for sharing. The frontal picture shows the hairline is well placed. I’ll be following this thread
  12. Which ssri? So the ssri helped address your scalp issues?
  13. Don’t mean to hijack this thread so this is my last comment. I find salicylic acid shampoo helps a bit. Have you ever tried it? Nizoral has come out with a psoriasis shampoo in the US with sal acid and tea tree in it. I like it a lot
  14. Sounds more like seb derm if oral itraconazole worked. Have you gotten diagnosed or has a skin biopsy to confirm psoriasis?
  15. How many grafts have you had total and was it all FUE?
  16. I believe feriduni has a few cases posted here with punched out grafts. Scarring will always be there, it’s just a matter of how visible they are which depends on your own healing characteristics. Doctor skill is only part of it. Another question to ponder is how much would others notice the scarring?
  17. It looks like you’re set on turkey. My opinion…budget a bit more and consult with HLC. They are doing some great work.
  18. What was in the “dht blocking” hair oil? What’s your background in terms of type of physician? I’d imagine you have lots of information at your disposal regarding finasteride, it’s studies, and side effects
  19. Sparse but healthy hair as you describe IMO can avoid damage by a good surgeon with accurate tools. The issue starts when there is weaker hairs that get shocked or when the density is already high.
  20. Let us know when you find a surgeon that will review all these details with you. See you in about 5673578 years
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