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A Fue Good Men

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Everything posted by A Fue Good Men

  1. I’ve thought about that as well. But I’m at a point with my restoration where I would only want minor tweaks so I don’t think it would be enough grafts to make a better visual impact (until the time comes when I lose more hair)
  2. Wow so the first 3 pictures are at the end of operation day 2?
  3. Hi Melvin, I see you’re point. I guess my situation is a bit different. I went with a pretty well known doctor and about 30-40% of my donor was more aggressively harvested compared to the other side so it stands out. I’m looking at trying to get the overharvested side more evened out.
  4. Thanks for the response Melvin. Why do you not have much faith in donor restocking?
  5. Who are some of the best names in regards to donor restocking for over-harvested fue extraction areas? I’ve seen a few posts regarding Dr. Mwamba with good results. Who else would be fit for the job?
  6. What length are your sides cut to? Did you mention your donor to the doctor?
  7. Their work always looks great to me. Congrats @Rizgari they extracted about 1700 grafts each day, but it looks like they extracted from a slightly smaller area on day 2 correct?
  8. How evident is scarring with beard grafts? I can’t seem to find detailed info on this anywhere
  9. This looks like it may be alopecia areata. I’d visit a dermatologist and get their opinion. Typically topical steroids or steroid injections are used to bring the hair back.
  10. @Zodiac thank you for sharing pics. What guard is that? I have a feeling if u go up a guard or two it will camouflage things well
  11. What a journey! Thank you for sharing. To summarize, how many scalp grafts have you done total?
  12. Looking very good! What grade did you cut the sides?
  13. Hello doctor. Is there any risk in smp causing inflammation or increasing hair loss? I’m thinking of getting it done in some thinner areas of my donor that have been aggressively harvested. also, can it negatively affect grafts that will be harvested in the future? Thanks in advance
  14. Did you ask your doctor if low vitamin d levels could cause hair loss? Also, does baldness run in your family? I always assumed low vitamin levels or other deficiencies would result in diffuse hair loss. If yours only concentrated in the crown?
  15. Hi pelazo, which shampoo or active ingredient in the shampoo has helped heal your scalp? It looks much better
  16. I would recommend you talk to a physician about these problems. They can probably guide you better than us here on the forum. the good thing is, most side effects can subside after quitting the drug. I must ask however, have you evaluated other areas in your life? Are you very stressed? Getting enough sleep? good luck, I hope you can find a solution
  17. Gotcha, makes sense. I believe with a subsequent fut, they remove from the same area so you just have that one scar.
  18. What do you mean by max fue harvest? Is that the maximum Dr. Konior does in 1 day? what is the reason for wanting to go fue rather than fut for the second surgery?
  19. I am not an expert but when you try to implant between areas with existing decent density, there is a chance for damaging hairs. hair transplants will almost never be able to match native density. They are the “illusion” of density
  20. Congrats. HLC would be my #1 choice if I were thinking of a ht in turkey
  21. Darren, I actually remember your story from when I used to post here. Your hair is much improved. when you say “alopecia” are you referring to the bare spots you had around the time of surgery? If those still exist you need to see a dermatologist and possibly get steroid injections to help those grow back. if you’re talking about male pattern baldness continuing, then the other posters are correct, you need to be on some type of medical treatment to slow it down/stop it
  22. Dr. Konior and Dr. Nadimi have some of the cleanest looking post op areas in both recipient and donor. Their attention to detail is undeniable
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