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Everything posted by TEXAN35

  1. Donor is not that great but as earlier said if expectation is not complete coverage it can be improved. If 3000 grafts can be extracted then a 1.5 inch hairline can be created with 2500 graft and then maybe with BHT +500 graft over the behind the hairline just enough for concealers to work or for short hair cut it will not look bad either. Giving it a natural look without complete coverage is dependent upon skills of the doctor. Hair line gives the face a profile and even if the top density is not great it may be a significant improvement. Again good clincs can give you more definite answer but this idea seems feasible
  2. Yes its unfortunate for people on tight budget there having to go to bad clinics. And the tax model makes it more expensive than it looks. The price per graft written maybe 210 or 350 but that 350 becomes almost 450 out the door including GST and misc which is around 7 dollar per graft (4000 graft =30k dollars approx). This is on Expensive side even for US standard. Maybe the premium package which is 210 becomes around 250 with taxes which maybe around 4 dollars seems in budget for now till that goes up again. Even though I hear that other doctors and technicians are good but they rotate and I cannot trust them for getting my transplant done which probably happens in Comprehensive. Not sure about Exclusive Package even though its not that cheap either. Hopefully the patients in this package get good attention from the primary doctors. I knew a guy who had it done at medispa and was happy with result but that was years back. I guess currently for FUE Eugenix is the first choice but the package/cost needs to be chosen wisely. I really hope we get more good clinics in India else getting a good transplant done there will become unaffordable.
  3. India is a country of over a billion and with demand of HT increasing every year not sure if having only 1 or 2 good clinics will be sustainable in few years. Hopefully the large demand doesn't impact the quality in future or the price doesn't become unreasonable. But for now as others have said Eugenix and Medispa seems to be among very few good options there. There maybe others who are good but not screened . I guess you would have already gone through the list recommended here . Best Hair Transplant Clinics in India (hairtransplantnetwork.com) You mentioned working in Europe. You will probably get reasonably priced great doctors there also.
  4. Its extremely surprising that in 3 month the DHT suppressant can have such a good result. The whole process usually takes 6 month to a year because there are steps in the process. But if this is so successful I wish there were more studies and scientific results on supporting this. 1) Reduce DHT accumulation at hair roots 2) Increase blood flow in those root impacted by DHT 3) Reverse the miniaturization process
  5. Just like any procedure if done by good technician the risk is not huge but I have heard people having discoloration spots but I guess thats rare. Also sometimes it needs another touch up so more money . I would not rush into doing something which is permanent. If have to spend money and donor not bad why not spend in getting another one done to make it little better. The procedure has improved so much in quality these days
  6. Just shave it. Having a little bit of dark shade in the hairline after you shave it not bad as it gives your face a profile. I have seen many people who bald from crown and top but still have some hairline so it is not completely unnatural to have a hairline but bald scalp and if you shave it it will not be bad. Electrolysis has its own good and bad but it is still a procedure and will cost and from what I know even with electrolysis its not like once done all done. It may need follow-up procedure after few years just like SMP.
  7. To be honest you may probably still be in ugly duckling phase during the holidays (a phase where transplanted hair is gone and may have shock loss ) usually between 1-4 months. Maybe a concealer like derma match will help. Not sure if you had any of this in your routine (Finasteride, minoxidil, biotin, nizoral). For some it helps add volume but takes 4-6 months to have visible impact.
  8. Is there any minoxidil option available which doesn't contain alcohol. I think alcohol may be causing me itchiness in scalp. Wanted to try other option for minoxidil.
  9. From the pics so far the , the procedure seems clean. I do not see any reason why the survival rate will be specially low. Maybe a little bit here and there. Since you do not have MPB , it seems you went with more aggressive hair line than a lot of us MPBs would dare. Happy growing.
  10. I havent heard of people applying anything for donor scarring in FUE these days. If done correctly it should be minimal and not visible . I dont think you should worry about it.
  11. Nope I didnt shave other parts either. Didnt see the reason to shave off and had an event coming up too. Just changed the hairstyle for a couple of months to hide recipient area. But maybe in my case it was just hairline restoration hence not needed. 23 days post op pics
  12. I have heard that it can be from 6 months to a year. Some people start using propecia few months before surgery to reduce the chances and impact of shock loss. Are you facing a serious shock loss. Is it near donor or recipient or general scalp.
  13. Nope , just a comb over hair style. None of the recipient area was ever shaved in my case even during the procedure. I did do a taper cut in the back to match it up.
  14. Skin color takes a while to go back to normal , it may be a couple of more months . Hang in there. Everything seems to be good.
  15. I think I had slight numbness for 2-3 month or even more at recipient but not like heavy feeling, nothing terrible. The donor felt normal in a month except for some pimples and itching which lasted much longer. I had to apply ointment for it at recipient. The hair quality should improve in the transplanted region. As for overall hair quality, of course with age it goes downhill. Good diet and healthy lifestyle surely helps in improving skin/hair quality. Good luck with your growth and recovery
  16. Since we are not doctors probably we don't understand many aspects of body Physiology. Even how minoxidil works for hair is not 100% understood. Lots of time we hypothesize the cause after the result without certainty. Having said that number 2 is not that nonsense though Skin pressure causes tissue expansion and that in turn causes new cell generation (probably stem cells get stimulated ) The question is that those new cells which become part of scalp in donor area after FUT have any hair cells or no and what are its limitations. Again this is something which probably a researcher can answer and we can just speculate. As people who already have Multiple FUT and FUE combo are vouching for it , it may actually have some reality . Tissue expansion - Wikipedia
  17. I always thought that FUT+FUE gets more but I like your point that even with FUT if you take out a strip the neighboring scalp will stretch to cover the area hence the lowering hair density which should be similar to FUE. If your overall donor scalp surface area remains same then reduction in density should be same in FUE and FUT but maybe there are some additional constraints which is causing the result which Dr Shapiro mentioned 1) FUE is causing more accidental transection of neighboring hair and doctors are ignoring that fact or it is causing more permanent loss of neighboring hair as it is spread across 2) In FUT when neighboring skin is stretching maybe the new skin cells are getting generated in the area which have some additional hair . Very unlikely though. 3) When performing FUT your overall scalp becomes smaller maybe the hairline near the neck gets stretched a little upwards . 🙂 Just unproven hypothesis 🙂
  18. Seems even .5mg Dutasteride reduces DHT by larger percentage than 5 mg Finasteride daily and has slightly lesser side affect. Usually doctors prescribe Finasteride though. Comparison of Clinical Trials With Finasteride and Dutasteride (nih.gov)
  19. Thanks. Yeah shaving is such a pain as it comes with ugly duckling phase. Since I had a ceremony coming up in a month, I couldn't go with shave option. I was back in business in a month. Good luck with your procedure.
  20. Yes, I pushed for the lower count because I wanted to hang on to keeping the FUT option open for my next transplant. Have heard FUT+FUE maximises graft count. Probably should have just forgotten about FUT option. Another thing was that before transplant I had some thinning hair at recipient but seems transplant expedited the process of their depletion which is ok. For now I am happy that I don't have to do a comb over and hope to get some more density in coming months.
  21. I might have posted some pics before in separate thread but lost he handle. I did a no shave fue 5.5 months ago. Results have been ok so far. I only did 1400 approx FUE to restore hairline because my top/crown is also thinning and wanted to have option open for FUT+FUE for the next one if my hair loss speeds up. After 5.5 months I have some growth but in wet hair I can still see a lot of scalp. When dry and indoor lighting it looks better. Not dense but looks very natural which is ok with me. A couple of questions. Does my growth look ok , Can I hope for double then density as my final result from current state For front hairline (2) inch is it common practice to use around 2500 grafts maximum so to save 4000 for midscalp and crown if you go NW6 in future? I may consider another hairline work for 1500 grafts in a couple of years but just wanted to have an estimate. First pic is 23 days post op. Since it was shaveless, it is very similar to my before pic which unfortunated I dont have with my hair back. Second and Third are after 5.5 months around and one is dry other is with Vaseline based cream applied
  22. I think the reason why people start to become nervous at 4-6 months including me is because there are many patients who get such a spectacular result at 5-6 months. I am around 5.5 months and I think I am around 50 % growth ( at least that's what I am hoping). I can still clearly see scalp through my hairline. Hopefully it gets better in few months. For crown it takes even longer than hairline to show growth so you have to wait atleast 2-3 months before even thinking about the result. Not sure if you are taking propecia but for crown it helps a lot.
  23. I used hair transplant as an excuse 🙂 to relax and chill out for a month before hitting the gym again. I did start mild jogging and biking in 2 weeks and no problem at all. As people have said just wait for 2 weeks, gym will probably still be there.
  24. I used to have fringe before but over the years I have lost density on the top area. I only had front hairline transplant so I moved to using the backward brushed airstyle but not extremely. It depends if you do not have density on top areas and only did frontal transplant then Fringe may not work best. I was also not sure but once I got used to new hairstyle it seems to be fine. Getting density on the top scalp region is a big effort by transplant so for now back or top brush works
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