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Everything posted by UnbaldEagle

  1. I didn't get that impression at all, quite the contrary. He had a very small procedure 8 (!) years before, so surely a.) he would he tried to fix that "mistake" by now b.) as he mentioned, what concerns him is that the areas behind it have thinned out, so they have nothing to do with his previous HT Except John didn't recommend a hairmill? Again, he tried to guide him to the pre-screened, recommended ones who put out world class results.
  2. I think you're overreacting a little bit? John tried to guide OP to the very best surgeons, one of them just happens to be in Chicago. It's an option and a first step, I'm sure others will chime in too very shortly and OP will do his research diligently and consult with more clinics and chose the best one suiting his needs and whatnot.
  3. Could you share pics, Silverman? ๐Ÿ˜ณ I'm curious because you had a very small procedure of 800-900 grafts and now would opt for a large one of 5K to get the whole situation sorted as you said.
  4. Wow, this is a magnificent result. ๐Ÿ˜ It's almost surreal how it's even possible with 3K grafts, you went from an almost NW6 to what, a NW2? ๐Ÿ˜ฎ Could you perhaps post some pics from the top too, please? ๐Ÿ˜ณ I'm just curious about the density. Maybe you have really good hair characteristics and had loads of triples and quads, or there's just something I'm not seeing here. ๐Ÿ˜ Also, I'm curious if it was you who opted for such a straight hairline? Usually HDC designs age-appropriate hairlines with a bit of a curve and zigzags, etc. Either way, for some reason you're able to pull it off great. ๐Ÿ˜ฎ Congrats, enjoy your hair, you must be thrilled. ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ˜
  5. Guys, let me save you the suspense, I don't think OP is anything more than a shill for a clinic. 2 short praises on some HTs before commencing to his real purpose here. Hair Istanbul Clinic - Hair Transplant Turkey Reviews These reviews, as well as the one concerned in this topic were all written by the same person (= a rep of the clinic). Notice the same odd way of phrasing all over again: " Dr. Caymaz opened my hair channels with the Safir Fue blade" (sounds more like a Kundalini session if you ask me), "I recommend to all my friends", "didn't hope too much, but I'm extremely pleased now", etc. Also, CAYMAZ everywhere, to make sure that burns into your retinas well. Meh, just a fraud, nothing more.
  6. @BeHappy, where are you currently in your BHT journey? How many you've had so far? Also, what you're proposing is interesting, although I have some doubts. For instance, if you are truly a NW7, your sides will drop and your crown will dip if you don't take medication. If you take antiandrogens however, your transplanted body hair will thin out. So no meds, but you'll have to have a lot of BHTs. Also, a full blown NW7 on average requires about 10K for full coverage, no idea if anyone has so much donor beard. Would chest hair last "forever" too? I know leg hair also suffers senescent thinning as we age. Do you believe your translanted hair has thinned out throughout the decades? ๐Ÿ˜• One more thing regarding body hair. Bernstein posted a study once that the transplanted will take on the characteristics of the surrounding natives in a couple of years, such as becoming wavy or straight, etc. I'm curious if this would happen to body hair too eventually, like growing longer maybe? As far as I know that's one of the main issues. Would really like to know your experience.
  7. Also, @Enhancer and @Mycroft, it's reassuring to know you guys think it's actually a good plan to start with the front first regardless of what happens behind it. I guess a scattered transplant is riskier if the natives do bid their farewell eventually.
  8. @Mycroft, thank you for your detailed response once again, I must admit reading it made me have a less dim view of our situation. Truly you've given a different perspective. I agree with you about the importance of having a healthy long term plan, also focusing on smaller procedures. It's safer for your existing hair, whereas larger procedures could permanently shock your surrounding natives. Clearly a big concern for diffuse thinners. Although it sucks thinking you'll possibly have 4-5 or more procedures during your lifetime as opposed to the 1-2 large ones high NWs do. Honestly, this is something else that doesn't excite me, there's just too much downtime with a HT, starting with a few weeks off from work and social life in general (1-2 months in my case, I never wanted anyone to know) to a few months of concealing it the best you can and then the waiting game. And have that multiple times throughout your life. I mean if that's the price of having hair, fine, but sometimes I envy slick bald guys who let's say go to Eugenix and have a one and done successful megasession with scalp and body hair. I'll follow your advice and will definitely reach out to a surgeon and ask those questions. That should somewhat alleviate the gnawing uncertainty. A few weeks ago I wrote down a few possible scenarios, ranging from best to worse case obv. Best would be getting a great result from HT, maintaining on treatment and addressing a slightly thin crown eventually (that's the only area where I've gotten significant regrowth from past and present treatments), although I probably shouldn't bother with that. The worse thing that could happen however is losing all hair apart from transplanted if treatment stops working, I don't think I have any scalp donor left and absolutely no body hair. The thin beard I have is a courtesy of minoxidil, if I stop applying it it will start vanishing again. So yeah, this is the worst thing that can happen and I just don't have a plan for this endgame. Do you really think it's less likely to experience an aggressive onset of MPB as we get older? What about meds losing efficacy?
  9. Your hairline looks horrible. Truly offending sight. Not trying to be rude, but you're promoting ("I hope my story will help your decision") a low cost Turkish hairmill where some people will end up worse than you, so I guess you need a reality check.
  10. Can you share pics? Have you perchance considered taking finasteride to save those lateral humps?
  11. That's a fairly good ratio, Ross. 425 singles should provide a well refined hairline. I wonder if those were naturally occurring so or they had to be dissected?
  12. Okay, I'll just ignore the plethora of dissatisfied actual patients who reported the aforesaid things if that's what it takes to move on from Asmed where you had 2 surgeries and ofc clearly aren't biased. Moving on, growing up here. But to accuse Mustang of the same when he went to the very best docs in Europe, including the ones you mentioned as "options" is a bit too much, I'd take that back if I were you.
  13. I just received mine (different brand: Morr F - topical fin 0.1% + 5% minox) and will start applying it in 10 days as I'm waiting a full month after my recent HT. I'll be using it around my crown too as that area has not been addressed by surgery and I'm a bit thin there. Hopefully we'll all have a positive experience. I believe @Dr. Suhail Khokhar is using it too with great results.
  14. @Mycroft, thank you for detailed response. I guess I need to apologize, I just reread my previous posts and they reek of negativity. No idea why, it was not my intention. I'm just two weeks post my HT and I constantly obsess over my hair. Being a diffuse thinner it's just a never ending dilemma. @Enhancer summed it up well, it's this insecurity that's ailing us, what if the meds stop working, what if MPB just decides to level up, etc. I'm grateful that there's people like you who think otherwise and even tried to reinforce it anecdotally. I hope you're right. Lately I've seen so many diffuse thinners on treatment losing ground that it just makes me think we're hit harder by this curse. And when we're losing ground it's not like going towards a NW3 from a 2, it feels like going all the way to NW6/7. Also, what you said about surgical intervention concerning diffuse thinners is very accurate. But I wonder, what's the best course of action? Go for a low density HT, thinking that would be serving you long term and possibly matching your future loss? It seems like I ended up with a rather densely packed frontal region and I wonder how that complicates things in the future should I continue to thin out diffusely behind it.. ๐Ÿ˜• As for your last question I'd rather not answer that if you don't mind.
  15. OP, no offense, but I think you're very generous to yourself by saying you are a NW 4/5 only. ๐Ÿ˜ณ That's a semi-combover and a small island of hair in the midscalp separating you from a full bloom NW7. ๐Ÿ˜• You might want to forget about the crown and focus on the frontal regions for now, I agree with @BeHappy, it won't look out of place. You could use concealer for your crown area.
  16. Yes, they can see the miniaturization. But the pattern is somewhat obvious most of the times. However if you are losing hair everywhere except the sides and the back in a DIFFUSE pattern, hence in a NW7 horseshoe pattern, it doesn't matter where your hairline is currently. You are a NW7.
  17. Sorry, I didn't mean it like that. If you already lost everything and get your first HT then, sure, there's Rahul-like miracles. What I meant is holding on to your existing hair long term with treatment = delaying the inevitable. Even a HT at a "young" age is haphazard if you are truly a NW7 because your donor will miniaturize too. Give enough time (decades) and you'll be where you would have ended up earlier.
  18. Hey man, IF you genuinely believe you are balding in the NW7 area, there's not much to be done really. Treatment or not, you're just delaying the inevitable. Especially if you're diffuse. I'm 2 years younger than you and for the past 5-6 years I've nuked most, if not all DHT and testosterone out of my system. Getting a HT will buy you some more time before getting back to ground zero.
  19. Not quite Greece, but in the vicinity, HDC in Cyprus is well affordable and of high quality. Recommended by this website. @Doron Harati is the rep.
  20. Yes, toppik! That's the only thing separating you from the appearance of a full head of hair.
  21. TW: The red pill So the basic premise is this: I don't think """anyone""" who is a diffuse should be looking at the Norwood Scale for guidance. I've been a diffuse thinner since 19 and even though I never went beyond a NW3 as far as the hairline and the crown was concerned, there were times when I'd look in the mirror and constated that if I end up losing hair all around at the same pace I'll be completely bald, a NW7 if you wish in a very short time. Luckily I've maintained on treatment, but I'm under no illusion that should all treatment fail, I'd be sooner bald than my regular non-diffuse receding peers. Therefore I think it's only fair I should consider myself a NW6 or 7 who is currently benefitting from treatment and HTs. What do you guys think about diffuse thinning? Are we a lost cause?
  22. The only issue I found with dyeing my hair is the texture and quality of hair (dry, brittle, etc.) that results from it. My transplanted hair was already a bit more wavy than the natives and dyeing it just made it harder to style. I believe this might be an issue with body hair too, surely that's a bit more curly than scalp hair. It depends on the color of your choice too. I went Stockholm blonde and my hair needed to be bleached first. The darker you go the less chemical damage. But luckily Olaplex works wonders with dyed hair. Oh, and it definitely makes you look younger too, that's for sure.
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