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Everything posted by Leeson

  1. I think your being too gentle when washing. I know Rahal patients have scabs longer, but I think they should be gone by now.
  2. That depends on how skilled your last surgeon was. If competent, then it's possible to have shock, but only temporary and should start to regrow around the 3 month period along w/ your newly transplanted hair. If your doc was sloppy, this could result in transection, which the loss in permanent.
  3. You look like you might get some regrowth on top/crown with meds. sides, if you even experience any, are reversible when you get off. I've been on 10 yrs and I'm on the more potent avodart. Doing fine and keeping hair. You can only know by trying. It's weird how people are scared of these sides, but will pick up a cigarette (lung cancer) or alcohol (liver damage), artificial sweetener (cancer in rats), but 2% chance off reduction of labido, Whooooo, I don't know about this.
  4. Ringo, I too had that opinion. For this result from MHR, I don't see why you thought about a refund. Though the sides of the hairline it looks a tad like there were 2's used and not enough singles. You got lucky, instead of Ringo, we might of been calling you Wade Boggs, and I use to like Wade, Damn you MHR!
  5. I understand now. Wasn't meaning it to be taken in a negative way. Was just an observation.
  6. Abe, Not DHT resistant, they lack the enzyme that converts testosterone into DHT. Also those born w/o the type 2 alpha reductase enzyme (kind propecia blocks) and weren't affected by MPB, although they had the type 1 enzyme for DHT (avodart blocks also).
  7. Heard on the bald truth one of the Bosley's docs worked in the morgue, as a pathologist, before coming to Bosley.
  8. I thought minox loses its effectiveness after ~52 weeks.
  9. Starting to come along. Looking good! On a side not, I can't stop thinking of what Acrobaz wrote about complimenting other guys in his staple thread. lol
  10. His punch is too large, poor growth in scar and donor site will be thinned out. I had fue into scar and didn't like results.
  11. Stay on meds and you may want to talk to doc about avodart, as many surgeons are recommending this. Take time to see if this stabilizes hair from any further progression. Once you know, make sure a HT is the path you want to go. Talk to other patients and get a feel on their choice to get one. As for me, There are times I'm glad and other times I wish I just shaved it off.
  12. Not knowing what your hairline was like when you were younger, to me it looks like your nearing a NW3.
  13. Hey Balboa, haven't talked to ya in a while, how's it going? I'm curious as to your progress. Later, L
  14. Maxxy, what if you didn't have the money? He takes them back. Got almost 500 extra free by H&W. Another patient by H&W (Super8mm) on here, got 1,400 extra grafts free.
  15. If we're talking round-trip, then 5,000 miles.
  16. JMG7184, Rahal charged you for the extra grafts?
  17. If you take nandrolone (deca), don't take finasteride/avodart=hair loss. These pics of doc don't show hairline close-ups. Look at the hassonandwong.com website of hairlines. Galleries should show upclose details. It's your mellon, don't want to make a mistake you can't reverse. If you rush into this with the WRONG doc, you'll regret it for the rest of your life! Click on the weblogs on top right of this page and browse around and ask questions and find out who to stay away from.
  18. Fiat owns Ferrari, but I get what your saying Lorenzo. Just bustin' your chops
  19. "Your own private operating room" This is one of their listed luxuries. Good! I'd hate to have 2 or 3 more patients lying next to me.
  20. Talk to your doc. about avodart. Best doctor would be subjective (H&W, R. Shapiro, Feller, etc.). I've heard that hair follicles aren't rejected like internal organs and a doc has transplanted hairs from one individual's head into his arm w/ growth results. As far as any doc's willingness to try this, as well as having a willing donor, not at gunpoint, you might try Iraq or Iran.
  21. I just noticed some people respond with you deserve great results. I know this is meant w/ the best of intentions, just funny if you think about it. As opposed to you haven't been through enough yet to to deserve these results. Go to Bosley first, then get a repair job, then get a repair job to repair the repair job, now you deserve it! P.S. Latinlotus, didn't mean to steer off-subject, you had a great surgeon, your results will be top-notch!
  22. W/o a guard. go to weblog and look at your potiential doctors' patients post-op pics to get an idea.
  23. To my knowledge, there are only 3 generics (dutasteride.com) and that's not one of them. I think gelcaps are all they come in.
  24. Only had frontal work done in the past (mainly trying to get the hairline done right). This last op is the farthest back I've had work done. I'd hate to see where I'd be if I didn't get on meds 10 yrs ago.
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