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Everything posted by Leeson

  1. Your fine. Cut away, just leave some length in the back to cover the scar.
  2. Glad to hear it! Can you post some pics of your progress and any of the shock loss you experienced? Thanks!
  3. NW is a scale for Male Pattern Baldness (Norwood) 1=full head of hair 7=severe level of baldness You need to consult with doc online. Send them your pics. Go through recommended docs and get their e-mail address.
  4. The recipient area ~14 days. Wouldn't apply prior to any areas due to chance of some getting on recipient area and irritating the fresh wounds.
  5. PK, I'd put this in open hair loss forum to get more attention. What you stated in your other thread, the thin hairs would be the ones that DHT has currently affected. They become finer then the ones that have yet become affected by DHT. They could stay fine, until a new wave of shedding. Growth cycles are also shorter and the resting phase becomes longer.
  6. You'd probably want to start a new thread under Q&A with doctor stated somewher in the thread. Probably draw their attention right to it. P.S. Thanks for the comment
  7. Who is your doc? I going to be blunt 1. topical avodart is worthless 2. If you get off for 9 months, if med kept alot of hair, you are going to be in for a massive shed, that may/may not grow back. I understand you're wanting to play it safe, so I would talk to MORE than one doc about this. From my understanding, the meds only lower you chance, but don't have any effects on the fetus. But, when one's is talking about their future child, I guess that changes things.
  8. I wouldn't worry. After surgery, people tend to exaggerate (in their own mind) the actual trauma they inflicted. I know I do.
  9. I'm sure your fine, as long as a hard crashing wave didn't cause any trauma to the recipient area. Usually bleeding is the main sign. P.S. Docs don't know sharks.
  10. Go in the ocean with a fresh scalp wound, then let the wounded area soak in the water for 10 minutes...Hmmm.
  11. Many people will notice finasteride losing its effectiveness around the 4 year mark. This happened to me and I switched right when avodart was approved and it has held strong 6+ years. I would of switched earlier, if it was available, due to its dual inhibiting of both types of enzymes responsible for DHT conversion. Fin reduces ~70% DHT as dutasteride(avodart)stops ~92% and near ~99% with 2.5 mg/day. Of course w/ stronger meds you risk stronger sides. I haven't had any bad sides.
  12. Maybe I'm just biased because it irritates my scalp and I can't use it. Anyway, I stick with the big gun, avodart.
  13. Minoxidil is not worth the effort of twice daily for life. The mess of applying everyday, it would be cheaper to have the 10 hairs it may give you put in with FUE and call it a day.
  14. The pancreatitis, drinking or hyper-lipid anemia diagnosis? Reason I ask, I had pancreatitus several years ago due to genetics with my lipids and had a MAJOR shed shorly after discharge from the hospital.
  15. The main issue I have with this is you can pay $5 for an unknown doc for an uncertain result or pay $5 for a coalition doc for a pretty damn certain result. Why risk it?
  16. half-life means the time for 1/2 to decay. now there's 50% left. 5 more hours to decay 1/2 that and so on. There is still some finasteride in your system, it's just constantly decaying to a lesser amount.
  17. Not a good idea to skip any days due to finasteride's short half-life ~5 hours.
  18. I'm sure your results will be 1st rate. Look forward to seeing your pre/post op pics and following your progress. Cheers!
  19. That actually is a good question and has been discussed many times here on hairline irregularities, asymetry, jagged hairlines, "u" and "V" designs, etc. Use the find feature and you will find a wealth of info on this topic.
  20. That's what I figured. Usually, if a doc thinks he can get more, he'll ask you prior to surgery if you want to try for more. Still waiting for result. Only 7 wks in.
  21. Congrats on your procedure! Could you clarify on the extra grafts. Did he tell you he had extra grafts after the strip was disected and you could have them for a price or he would discard them OR he could put in another 500 than he previously estimated prior to cutting the strip out?
  22. If it was due to nutrition, it would be coming out in the permanent zones as well. Pics would help to evaluate your situation.
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