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Everything posted by Leeson

  1. MSM and Biotin. Can be picked up at any wal-mart.
  2. Can't help you with your first set of questions. To answer your last question, Dr. Cam Simmons is also in your area.
  3. I recently added MSM and Biotin to aid in faster hair growth. The brand was Spring Valley, the only brand they had in stock.
  4. Bouquek, I do not see Dr. Samuels recommended on this site.
  5. Those are posted as well. Go to weblogs on top right of site. Also a category here under results posted by patients.
  6. Most doctors on this forum are here because they've posted consistent excellent results and to allow potential patients to judge their work. Dr. Larry Shapiro can post his patient's results on here but has chosen not to.
  7. Don't freak, if 1mg causes sides, they are easily reversed by discontinuing/reducing meds. I would go w/ 1 mg as recommended. You can always lessen if you have sides. Finasteride has a relative short half-life.
  8. Need to travel. Shapiro on your left and Feller on your right.
  9. The hard part of having so much hair, is it's difficult to notice a difference until later on after procedure. It looks a little thicker than pre-surgery.
  10. First he needs to learn to talk. Being careful with the grafts seems to take a back seat to speed. I wouldn't go near this guy.
  11. Good one. Half-way through that comment, I started to become a little scared.
  12. I think it's bigger than 1mm. Doc Hasson said he didn't want to remove a section below where Cole took grafts because it might show the linear scar, due to the FUE area being thinned out.
  13. If you go to The Hospital Group, I will personally fly over to London and slap you!
  14. I wouldn't run into this without taking some time to do some proper research. Sounds like your just researching this dr. and not looking into several potential candidates. Kind of a bad move.
  15. Scar is totally unnoticeable. Looks great. Kman, I noticed we all seem to lie about what the exact change is. Man, we some devious MoFo's!
  16. I went to Cole, not happy. Shapiro and Feller seem to be the best in the U.S.
  17. He states he invented the follicular unit 15 years before others. QUOTE "In the early 90's (prior to any other doctor), Dr. Larry Shapiro noticed that cutting the hair into their natural bundles or groups (either 1 hair, two hairs or three hairs) was the most natural way to place these back in the head. Then with the special blades that Dr. Shapiro developed he was able to take these bundles or follicular units and place them back in the scalp for a natural appearance. It is only recently that other doctors (15 years later no less!) started using the term "follicullar unit" and of course trying to take credit for something that he has been doing since 1990."
  18. Glen, I went to Cole for his CIT and also for the CIT into the scar and would NOT recommend him.
  19. When I was consulting with HW in 2006, they kept telling me I didn't need a HT. Stand up guys there.
  20. Looks great. That's an impressive number. Going to be a total turn around in 1 pass.
  21. FUE hair can come out wiry, due to follicle being damaged, if handled improperly.
  22. Yes. Will start to grow 3-4 months post surgery, though later for some.
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