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Everything posted by Leeson

  1. PM a poster here named abedogg. He had 3000 fue on feb. 17th with Umar.
  2. I used to be thorns4u there. They use pic of avodart in Nov. 2002, to show what they look like, as their pic for the drugs forum. I believe it's still there. Now Cole's CIT is a big sponsor, so I don't trust them.
  3. Congrats Bill! Wish you good health and healing. I feel for you having to have those staples in for 4 weeks. I couldn't get any sleep for those 2 weeks I had them. P.S. I liked the T look
  4. Usually, that's suppose to be his showcase patient.
  5. It varies, they can fall out 1 week after or 5-6 weeks later. Alot of peeps say around 10-15% don't shed, but continue to grow. On average, they shed at around week 3 and began to sprout week 12 after surgery. Some say the earlier they shed, the earlier they start to regrow.
  6. My guess is you must of deactivated it on your admin page.
  7. I get it. I think PGP's trying to influence the outcome, or maybe he's just telling us he knows a guy named Joe, and knows where he lives.
  8. 1873, but I hope it's more. That number just popped in my head.
  9. I went to Cole for fue. Then I went to Dr. Hasson to correct his work.
  10. Abedogg had 3,000 fue w/ Dr. Umar. Not sure on number Dr. Feller does.
  11. Pinch Dr. Feller on the butt for me Have a safe journey.
  12. I'm still more concerned of Dr. Epstein just sweeping this aside after, again, reading IrishLad31's story. Even though alot of us had similiar experiences, I just feel somewhat upset at the Dr. for not addressing this and leaving him high and dry. I don't know, but I agree with PGP, I would not go to Dr. Epstein. After going through his patient's blogs, does he have any patients that update their procedures? Seems they have surgery and nobody hears from them again.
  13. John K, You just posted an almost exact response on the bald truth, were you just registered. Did you copy and paste it? QUOTE The Bald Truth: I recently had two HT procedures with Dr. Epstein. I think he's great. My first procedure was in Dec 08 (3,073 grafts) and the second in Mar 09 (2,512 grafts). As a Class 6, I was more than happy with the results of the first procedure. Good coverage and natural placement. My biggest concern was an unnatural look. I had no need to worry. The small (1,2 and 3 hair) grafts and expert placement produced a very natural, undetectable look. Having just had my second procedure 12 days ago, I am looking forward to the new hair that will result. About 9 months after my first procedure, I visited a dermatologist for some sun spots on my face. I told him I had had a hair transplant and invited him to look it over. His response was that he had never before seen a hair transplant patient with no visible scarring on top. BTW, the incision on the back of my head healed nicely with an almost undetectable scar. Many friends have marveled at the overall results, including a friend's wife who owns a hair salon and sees many men with hair transplants. I can say without reservation that I have complete trust in Dr. Epstein in terms of his technical and artistic talents, as well as his character. Both Dr. Epstein and his staff were thoroughly committed to my comfort during both procedures and the positive atmosphere in the office helped the time in the chair pass quickly. I did a lot of research before selecting a hair transplant surgeon and I am very happy that I chose Dr. Epstein. Not only is he a great HT surgeon (and facial plastic surgeon), he's also a humanitarian who has performed pro bono surgery on needy children. Please note that my only association with Dr. Epstein is as a patient... and now, a friend. John K (age 55)
  14. I only know what I saw; if you can explain that scar on Irishlad31 and poor results. I'm sure many would like an explaination for this, as he is a coalition doctor.
  15. Someone here was FOX negative and later went to Dr. Feller for a test run and results came out very good. I'd talk to Dr. Feller, he seems to be the fue expert.
  16. Capable? Yes. Specialize? No. Example: Dr. Wong v. Dr. Cooley. Especially being a double-whorl case, as I have one and know the weird pattern they have. P.S. No disrespect Dr. Cooley.
  17. I concur w/ Spex. Will you be going to Dr. Cooley or a crown whorl specialist?
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