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Everything posted by Leeson

  1. Thanks Abe, I'm still in the worst phase now. Hey, hopefully things can only start to get better. Like I said before you got the 3K grafts, that it didn't look like you needed that many, b/c your loss wasn't bad. You are definetly going to have some nice, dense results. P.S. Don't let those Armani post worry you. I saw a patient's log that went to Dr. Wong and had almost 100% shock loss in the recipient area and it all grew back in after 2-3 months.
  2. I'm sure you'll be fine. I don't even bother w/ minox; it irritates my scalp and the redness would last for around a week before subsiding (from just 1-2 applications).
  3. I had my head shaved 2 months ago and feel the same way. Even the part that had no surgery looks thinner, but it's just probably due to hair on the sides not letting in light and the hair on top letting more light in to reflect on the scalp (due to hair angle). Your grafts should last as long as they would have in their original location.
  4. Abe, Where are you using the minox?
  5. Dewayne, He does wear one. I saw him on a talk show and I guess his good hair was in the cleaners, cause the one he had on was so obvious. I mean the Hairline, texture, amount of thickness, everything was screaming wig.
  6. Sounds like a device used during the Spanish Inquisition. God No! Not the Frechet Extender! I'll Talk!
  7. People in Pakistan are and from what I understand, Dr. Mohmand's rep. is advising people from India that it isn't safe to go to Pakistan at this time.
  8. Stumbled on a thread about doc. http://hair-restoration-info.c...161091593#9161091593
  9. He's recommended on this site and from what I've seen, he does fine work. Do a search on him to see his patients and also look under results posted by clinics and patients.
  10. Haven't heard of any. Best bet is Thailand's Dr. Path. Too dangerous for an Indian to venture into Pakistan for other recommended doc in your area.
  11. I was in Latham's over a decade ago and heard them play their answering machine and heard a message left by a tv news anchor and always noticed his hair never changes and could of been a wig. Some places are horrible about confidentiality.
  12. Saw Michael O'Keefe on TV and he now has a full frontal hairline. Looked great and looks like he got the vertex/crown dusted.
  13. I remember once a tech asked a new hiree if she'd like to try to place a couple, ON ME! Saw an ad a week later that Latham's was seeking a new HT tech in the news paper.
  14. Go through the coalition docs on this site and consult online with them. See who fits you best. http://www.hairtransplantnetwo...nsplant-surgeons.asp As for best, the most common names thrown around are Ron Shapiro, Feller, Hasson & Wong, Rahal (not in any order).
  15. A Gucci handbag to keep my avodart in...Hmmm. Brilliant!
  16. That statement jumped out at me also.
  17. Ammars, not to be negative against Dr. humayun, but you are only 6 wks and don't think you ought to be saying you have good results when you haven't yet seen your results. Just my opinion.
  18. What about Dr. Pathomvanich in Thailand? He's recommended.
  19. I would be worried trusting my skull to this guy. He may be good in other areas of plastic surgery, but sounds like HT is not his cup of tea. 80% is very low in FUT. 2 microscopes is not many for mega sessions (2,000+ fu's), they usually have 4. Hairs are suppose to exit scalp at an angle, not straight up, to give better illusion by reflecting light. You give the impression that you feel this guy is less than forthcoming with you. Trust you instincts. Get 2nd opinions, even if online with several known clinics with stellar reputations. P.S. There is another member on here that had a family doc refer him to a HT surgeon and the result was unsatisfactory to him. So much for the family physician being the best for referals. Cheers!
  20. Bosley is the last place you should go! Dr. William Lindsey is in McLean, Virginia. I would also checkout docs Feller (Not sure on his shaving policy for females, though I know that wouldn't be an option for you) in NY and Cooley in N. Carolina.
  21. Congrats Cottonnc, Checked out your blog and the work looks great. With that density, you'll have great results. Heal well! L
  22. Hey Ringo, Wanted to say congrats on your procedure and wish you speedy growth.
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