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Everything posted by Leeson

  1. From what I've read and been told, smoking won't impact results. Some will state it impacts healing, but general concensus is it won't affect your outcome.
  2. Too long to explain, long story short, hair grew back. although my stay was more serious than most. Was given last rights while in an induced coma. Wouldn't know where to start on the meds and doubt I could even remember. JUst try to stop worrying and give it time. It's going to turn into a form of a self-fulfilling prophecy for you. Don't be hyper-vigilent. Look long enough, you'll see things that aren't there, well in your case, won't see what is there. You don't appear as if your losing any hair.
  3. I had pancreatitis and had a massive shed after also. It all grew back. Just re-evaluate situation in a couple months is the best advice I can give you.
  4. Sounds like grafts. Depending how close they were to each otehr, there could be a gap. Hopefully, they weren't adjacent grafts.
  5. Wasn't the 4 days w/o propecia. Look for a cause due to treatments from the hospital.
  6. What Vasilius said about women choosing Alpha males b/c they can protect them. What about Zac Efron? He couldn't protect sh*t.
  7. The last couple of stories I've read about him has scared me (i.e. Irishlad31). I would never go to him.
  8. Looks very good Kakul!
  9. I always figured he did and it looks horrible. Seems to shout HT and ton of toppik. Hate to see how it looks IRL.
  10. You look right on schedule. Next couple of months you should be seeing some nice changes.
  11. I'd talk to a dematologist, it seems your forehead skin is overproducing oil somewhat making it emphasize your recipient area wounds. It could also just take longer for you to completly heal. But still, I'd check if this is not due to something that can be treated with an ointment. Not sure in this area.
  12. You could always check into laser removal. The problem here is most likely there would be more 2-3 hair grafts that far back. When it grows in, you could try to shave it some to even it more out and see if permanent removal is something you would want to consider. Maybe after that, some 1 hair grafts placed in w/ fue, if not soft enough.
  13. Here's a pic of a guy with an uneven hairline like yours and he's a model. P.S. It was an advertisement on MySpace, I don't go around looking for pics of dudes
  14. My hairline is like yours, Lower on the left side, but again my hairline was like that as well naturally. When I was young and parted it on the otherside, it looked like a mature hairline vs. otherside was juvenile. That's how it's now after HT.
  15. We're like dope fein's and Eman is just giving us a taste.
  16. I don't think anyone on meds ran in the bathroom crying after reading that Faceless. Some people are far too sensitive anyways, even on an anonymous board.
  17. You have 2 great docs in your area (i.e. Dr. Feller and Berstein). One of Bosley's docs used to be a pathologist (worked in the morgue). No self-respecting doc would be caught dead working for Bosley, so to speak.
  18. From the site, he claims nape hair is impervious to DHT, and noticed the techs not using any loupes when implanting or microscopes when disecting.
  19. Mike, Go w/ hair thickener, though not waterproof. I hear dermatch is waterproof, up to a degree.
  20. Regular shampoo is fine, just avoid conditioner for several weeks.
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