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  1. I stumbled across this website by fluke, and it's ridiculous because I live minutes away... I had never heard of it or seen mention in any of the forums. Has anyone else?? Let me know
  2. I stumbled across this website by fluke, and it's ridiculous because I live minutes away... I had never heard of it or seen mention in any of the forums. Has anyone else?? Let me know
  3. Hey Count... I feel you man. I am in the same boat, at 23 (going on 46 in hair appearance), I know how much it sucks to be thinning so young. From what I've gathered about the Armani clinic, he is definitely gouging young men based on their desire to keep zee hairs. FUE would give minimal results at best, and be far more expensive. Getting on proscar right away might yield some results for you, and hopefully halt your loss. I'd like to see some pics of your situation, you can search my posts to see some of my own status. Everyone tells us to be patient, but I know how hard that is. It's crippling sometimes to be the odd man out... Good luck in your search and be sure not to rush into anything with one particular clinic before doing your homework.
  4. Well, it's been just under 6 months since I started taking propecia. I haven't noticed any significant shedding (even in the first two months), or any of the adverse sexual side effects that some people out there claim to have had. As for any regrowth in the crown, that has yet to manifest itself, although there hasn't been any more loss either. Maybe it's just keeping me right where I am, or maybe I'm in the group of people that see no results. Just curious to hear some other experiences with this droog. Okay well that's all.
  5. Well, it's been just under 6 months since I started taking propecia. I haven't noticed any significant shedding (even in the first two months), or any of the adverse sexual side effects that some people out there claim to have had. As for any regrowth in the crown, that has yet to manifest itself, although there hasn't been any more loss either. Maybe it's just keeping me right where I am, or maybe I'm in the group of people that see no results. Just curious to hear some other experiences with this droog. Okay well that's all.
  6. Thanks to everyone for the feedback. Is it really probable that the native hairs "on their way out" will still go in spite of the Finasteride? I'm also considering adding minoxodil to my regimen, is that wise in my case? Bill, I see you're reccommeding a megasession, is that because your HT with Dr. Hasson was what you'd consider the most successful so far? I know patience will be important, and I'm not planning to rush this big decision. In regards to the devolpment of hair cloning Bill, I don't think I have a lifetime to wait
  7. Hi Everyone... I've been reading a lot in these forums and have finally decided to upload a few pics to get some suggestions. I am 23, and have been thining gradually for a few years, although it seems to have plateaued, hopefully not just for a while!! I've been on propecia since January and hoping this will help what I've got left to grow back thicker on the next cycle (?) I am greatly considering returning to Dr. Wong for a second consult, now that it's a couple years later and I'm on the Finast. Also seriously considering making the trek to Dr. Shapiro in Minneapolis, his clinic's results seem excellent, or Cooley in Carolina. So here's some pictures. Lemme know what you think as to what is required if this is truly where it will start from...
  8. Hi Everyone... I've been reading a lot in these forums and have finally decided to upload a few pics to get some suggestions. I am 23, and have been thining gradually for a few years, although it seems to have plateaued, hopefully not just for a while!! I've been on propecia since January and hoping this will help what I've got left to grow back thicker on the next cycle (?) I am greatly considering returning to Dr. Wong for a second consult, now that it's a couple years later and I'm on the Finast. Also seriously considering making the trek to Dr. Shapiro in Minneapolis, his clinic's results seem excellent, or Cooley in Carolina. So here's some pictures. Lemme know what you think as to what is required if this is truly where it will start from...
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