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Dr. Sethi & Dr. Bansal

Elite Coalition Physician
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Everything posted by Dr. Sethi & Dr. Bansal

  1. Best result of International Boxer in 9.5 months post op using our DHT technique, Total 5060 grafts used (Scalp + Beard), Patient age : 28yrs, Dr Arika Bansal & Dr Pradeep Sethi - Eugenix Hair Sciences. A 28 year old international boxer, wanted to regain his hairline and had multiple consultations earlier with many centres. No one was offering him a complete job in one go. When we met him and understood the need, we were certain that we can cover the bald area with great look change and graded density on the crown. Close to 5000 odd grafts were planted and the hair started off in couple of months and by 5 months he started feeling great and by 9.5 months he was extremely happy. Patient details: No. of Grafts used: 5060 grafts Donor : Scalp(3250) + Beard(1810) Results : 9.5 Months post op Grade : Grade 5A
  2. Best result of International Boxer in 9.5 months post op using our DHT technique, Total 5060 grafts used (Scalp + Beard), Patient age : 28yrs, Dr Arika Bansal & Dr Pradeep Sethi - Eugenix Hair Sciences. A 28 year old international boxer, wanted to regain his hairline and had multiple consultations earlier with many centres. No one was offering him a complete job in one go. When we met him and understood the need, we were certain that we can cover the bald area with great look change and graded density on the crown. Close to 5000 odd grafts were planted and the hair started off in couple of months and by 5 months he started feeling great and by 9 months he was extremely happy. Patient details: No. of Grafts used: 5060 grafts Donor : Scalp(3250) + Beard(1810) Results : 9.5 Months post op Grade : Grade 5A
  3. If you keep long hair then there will be no apparent appreaciation of the depletion. But if the hair is cut very short then it might look sparsed up.
  4. I have a question for the surgeons. What are your incision techniques (lateral or saggital)? Do you ultra-refine single hair grafts for very frontal hairline by actively looking for finer-caliber hairs w/your loops when extracting? Answer: We use both lateral and saggital slits. Dr Arika uses lateral and Dr Pradeep uses saggital ones. We usually get 250-300 single follicle grafts during a procedure of 3000 plus grafts session. These many single follicles are enough for the hairline, usually. Sometimes when we donot get these many singles then we actively split some grafts into singles under 8x magnification. What are your loop magnification levels for extraction? What is your personal philosophy for smoothing out the very frontal hairline going into the 1st 1/4 inch of the frontal hairline zone? Answer: We use 5x Carl Zeiss loupes for graft extraction. We use single follicles for 3-4 rows on the hairline front to have a natural look. The hairline should have "see through" appearance for at least 0.5 cm. After that there should be dense packing. What density in 2nd surgery can you achieve in the frontal hairline and frontal hairline transitional zone and what % of your patients solicit your services for a 2nd surgery to refine their frontal 1/3rd of vertex and/or hairline zone? Answer: We usually never do a second surgery to augment the density in the hairline! Most of our patients are happy with the first time procedure. We give a cosmetically acceptable density. You can check our gallery section in our website www.eugenix.in to see our density achieved in first sitting. I'm asking for specific reasons 'cause I have really good coverage from my 8.5K FUT's in the mid 90's, 2004 and 2016 and now I am actively searching for surgeons that I want to do my last 2 or 3 FUE procedures (perhaps up to another 5K of remaining grafts - donor left to homogenize my entire scalp somewhat and add frontal 1/3rd of vertex density and then a final 'tweak' of the very frontal hairiline. Answer: Thats Ok. You can send me your pics at pradeep@eugenix.in
  5. In our hands (our handling of the grafts is very minimalistic, we don't crush the grafts, we use "No Root Touch" policy), by 6 months more than 60% hair are grown. Since we plant the grafts as soon as possible by our "DHT" (Direct Hair transplantation) technique, which is a modified version of the FUE technique along with No Root Touch method, in many cases a lot percentage of our planted grafts grow directly without shedding of the grafts initially which is an accepted phenomenon called as "Telogen Effluvium".
  6. We don't recommend doing 2 sessions for density. If grafts are limited we should do a smaller area with desired density first and later on do the remaining area. No rare specific complications of 2nd sitting are there.
  7. Dont worry. You should adopt conservative medications to stop the ongoing progression of baldness. You can go for further hair transplant after the age of 25 or preferably 28yrs after baldness progression has been stabilized. FUE would be possible for future with less extraction from scalp and more reliance on beard hair.
  8. It's difficult to differentiate Telogen hair from miniaturized hair. A good surgeon cherry picks the good healthy grafts for best results If the surgeon harvests miniaturized hair then the transplanted hair will also look miniaturized after growth But on the sides of the scalp (temporal area) the hair caliber is thin in everyone. It can't be labelled as miniaturized hair.
  9. The transplanted hair usually takes one year for complete show up. After the procedure, one should wait atlesat for a year for the second hair transplant to be done in between the newly grown hair. As you have mentioned, the newly grown hair of 7 months are cosmetically acceptable to you, but you being one perfectionist, need more density. It is fair enough. Since it is only 7 months post surgery, there is a chance that 20-30% hair might still be on their way. The math’s of hair says, 50% of the native density of pre-bald hair is enough to provide the illusion of density of 100% hair. So during hair transplantation 50% density is attempted for many reasons: not to induce vascular compromise due to too much dense packing of the grafts, not to induce necrosis of the skin due to multiple close wounds, and ultimately to have a proper growth. But once the hair are grown, if you want to augment the density then you can do so after completion of 12 months of the first transplant. Age have nothing to do with second sitting timing. Please let us know if you have any more queries to be answered scientifically.
  10. Some of the miniaturising hair might become thickened with the oral Finasteride 1 mg tablet over 6 months.
  11. Thank you for your appreciation. We treat each patient as our own family member and try to give our heart and soul to each surgery. Since we don’t do anything else other than hair transplantation, this is our life line and only source of survival. We can not leave any stone unturned in the procedure. We aim at giving: 1) Complete coverage of the bald area (how big the bald area might be) with optimum cosmetically acceptable density. 2) Competely natural looks (no one should be able tell that the planted hair are “planted”) 3) Hair for ever. The transplanted hair should be for ever. 4) The Cosmesis of the donor area should be maintained. To achieve all the above points we have to work hard on a daily basis upon science, keeping our selves updated with the latest of the world, writing books and articles, training new doctors and above all focused upon “only One thing”. The encouraging words as feedback from patients keeps us going.
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