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Posts posted by shookwon33

  1. @Melvin-Moderator Maybe its just the angle but my forehead looks just very big. My corners are definitely receded a bit. I planned on lowering the hair line as well and I was going to ask Diep's opinion on whether or not my temples should be touched because i think if I don't it will make my forehead look quite wide if i just lower the hairline. I think my case is very similar to @bondi's thread which his progress was incredible with Dr. Diep.

  2. HEY everyone! Just to update I will be having my procedure in 3 days with Dr. Diep wow i am so excited AND nervous at the same time! I will be starting a new thread so you can all follow as i document my journey. I am excited and nervous at the same time. I tried making a check list for things to consider the day of right before we go into the procedure itself.

    - Taking grafts from both sides of the donor to prevent any possible bald patches or thinness in the donor area

    - Asking for a densely packed hairline in the hopes of being one and done. (Currently have been on finasteride for 7 months now)

    If theres any other advice or suggestions you guys can give for me it would be greatly appreciated! I am quite nervous xD.

    To those who have had a procedure with Dr. Diep before is there anything i should prepare for or expect on surgery day? Thanks again!

  3. Hi all i couldn't find any information on this matter but this is just a general question as I have my FUE appointment with Dr. Diep next week. But Will having some pimples near my hairline area effect the implantation to the recipient area during my FUE? For example, are grafts able to be physically implanted wear a pimple or acne may be? I have like just 2 active pimples right now near my hairline area that wasn't going away in time XD.

  4. Hi guys, excited and nervous to have my FUE procedure with Dr. Diep in about 3 weeks. I am estimated about 1500-2000 grafts just to lower my hairline. I just had a question if anyone has had any experience or knowledge about shaving the entire head prior to procedure versus shaving just the donor areas prior to procedure and leaving the hair on top long to hide any observation of a transplant being done. 

    Is there any benefit to shaving the entire head prior to the procedure? For example would it be easier to clean and manage the recipient area post op for better results due to not having to maintain the native hair as much? Or is there a benefit that implanting into the recipient area with a fully shaved head?

    Or is it okay to just shave the donor areas and leave the top long like some people do?

  5. On 4/18/2019 at 5:24 PM, flyinghotnow said:

    Thanks everyone for all the replies and positive feedback. I always  had a great time reading about other's journey and their results and now i am excited i get to share my own.

    Today, I went to get my hair wash at the clinic. They were very helpful to teach me the settle way of washing the hair with shampoo. Here's the donor area pic that i took today after they removed the bandage and rinsed it. Im kinda glad they shaved my hair cause i never had balls to do it before lol.


    choose files... Click to choose files


    curious, how many days post op was this pic taken?

  6. @genenticked

    On 12/28/2018 at 6:20 PM, geneticked said:

    Hey all,

    Some background info: I am 26 about a Norwood 2 just in the temples. I've been on Fin for about two years. No sides, no further loss. So I want to get the temples filled in a bit. I had a consultation with Dr. Diep who said I have nice thick hair and should expect good results. Only problem is my appointment is scheduled for October.

    I would love to get an surgery in January/February. I'm tired of wearing hats/meticously combing my hair. I'm only this young once.


    So are there any recommendations? I really appreciate it!

    Hey man which brand do you get your Fin from? do you use Hims ?

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