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Posts posted by shookwon33

  1. A lot of people love to say Dr. Diep destroys donor areas but in reality after say the first few weeks the holes really contract back to normal and there are really no signs of any visible scarring. I recently had a consultation with Dr. Diep on why he uses .9-1.0 mm punch sizes and his thorough explanation makes complete sense and leaves me no doubt in his skills, experience, and knowledge.

    In addition, with literally all of his patients videos where he shows the donor area it literally looks untouched....

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  2. awesome stuff Legend! How many cm or inches lower would you say your new hairline is? Do you know how many cm your eyebrow to your hairline was before surgery? Also how many cm from your eyebrow is post surgery now? I believe the typical hairline you would go for is 6.5 cm from top of eyebrow to the hairline for us asian guys. Dr. Diep recommended 6.5 cm for me as right now Im about 7.5 cm from my eyebrow to hairline.

  3. 7 minutes ago, Gasthoerer said:

    As the OP asks for advice, here is mine:

    - You are pretty young and still have a good head of hair 

    - HT is always a risk (can go wrong and you are worse than before, can go well and you lose further hair...and your are worse than before)

    Next steps:

    - Look at your family history

    - Take FIN (ok, you do it already)

    - Only do a transplant now if your family history leaves enough grafts even at the worst case

    - Only do a transplant now if there is a cosmetic benefit in case it is going well

    --> Without seeing your facial proportions from the front and the side NO ONE can tell if a transplant makes a cosmetic benefit 

    By the way: Fin did the same to me. My libido increased since starting FIN 5 years ago an remained high. 

    Thanks for your advice my friend. As far as family history goes my father is about a Norwood 5. Grandfather on both my mom and dads side is also about a Norwood 5 if that helps.

    Also if i may ask about your experience with finasteride. How long did it take to see results? Also, did you experience any initial shedding? When can i expect to see hairs stop falling out in the shower for example from just shampooing?

  4. Just to update. I started taking finasteride 0.5 mg daily 2 months ago on 10/5/18. I am not sure if seeing any results as it's probably too early to tell. No side effects so far. I honestly think my libido has even increased as I literally have been getting turned on by anything and everything its kind of funny. I did hear that finasteride does increase testosterone levels while of course lowering your DHT.

    Also to update my scheduled FUE 1500-2000 grafts with Diep is now scheduled for May 2019 as a cancellation opened up so I can get it slightly earlier. I cannot wait for these next 5 months to come. I am hoping 1500-2000 grafts will achieve a nice dense hairline for me that will minimize my large forehead being that I am a Norwood 2 at the moment xD.

  5. 2 hours ago, Shifty said:

    @shookwon33 I mentioned in your thread I was taking Hims. Its why i commented. So far on the regimen I am doing (in this thread) as you can see form my comments and photos, I am seeing regrowth. I am just over 2 months in.

    Thanks for responding. Have you tried using the HIMs shampoo at all? It has DHT blocking active ingredients as claimed. Just wondeirng, because i saw that you purchased a separate DHT blocking shampoo for some reason

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