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Posts posted by shookwon33

  1. On 12/6/2018 at 9:36 PM, Shifty said:

    Im taking this, full 1 mg a day. No issues. For 2 months as well. I thought this was supposed to do the exact opposite. Im doing other things as well though. Are you only taking Fin?

    Oh I see, I mean yeah I thoughts it supposed to prevent any hairs from falling out but I was wondering if this initial shedding was typical to be seeing like just 4-10 hairs falling out in the shower. But what else are you taking in addition to the fin? Also are you taking the HIMs brand of fin? whats your progress like so far?

  2. Hi all just wanted to ask for anyones experiences or advice. I have been taking HIMS brand finasteride 0.5 mg (1 mg cut in half) for 2 months now and have just been shedding a lot, I think. Is there ever a period where im supposed to see almost no hairs fall out such as in the shower due to the DHT blocking properties or is what im experiencing normal? I am like a Norwood 2 at the moment by the way.

  3. 21 minutes ago, fatbastard12345 said:

    The donor is healed. The area started feeling normal again at about 2 months. I don't know if the scar is still visible because my hair is too long to see it.

    Oh very good! I just worry that sometimes people end up with like a moth eaten appearance for the first couple months in the donor area but it doesnt seem like thats the case for you then.

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  4. 23 minutes ago, fatbastard12345 said:

    Great. Just patiently waiting for my results. Check my profile. I just uploaded an 8 week post-op, front and back. 

    awesome man keep us updated with your progress im sure you will hit a homerun. I just checked out your new post awesome stuff. I see that we are both 25 y/o asian males just trying to get our hairlines back lol. 

  5. On 10/19/2018 at 9:23 PM, Spaceman said:

    You can call Hims and ask what brand of generic Finasteride they supply. Given that it’s prescribed and dispensed in the US, the generic manufacturer has to be FDA approved so it’s probably fine.  But it never hurts to check the manufacturer and the expiration date.

    In your case, finasteride can help strengthen and even regrow some hair in the hairline. For most people Finasteride won’t help regrow areas in the front that are completely bald, especially if they have been bald for a long time. However, you still have a lot of miniaturized hair that it can help strengthen and it may even help revive  follicles that have recently gone dormant. The longer they stay dormant the less likely it is to help.

    Thanks for the responses man. Also could you explain exactly what you mean by i have a lot of miniaturized hair? What does that mean exactly thanks

  6. 1 hour ago, fatbastard12345 said:

    Dammmnnnn. July 2019? That wait list got long af. Diep originally scheduled me for Feb 2019 but then bumped me up to August 2018. I ended up waiting only 4 months. Yeah. I got lucky. 

    But to answer your question. You look like a Norwood 1.5. I'm surprised he quoted you 1500 grafts. I was a Norwood 3 and ended up needing around 2000.

    Oh wow yeah my waitlist is super long unfortunately. So you just had your FUE in august? How'd it go man?!

  7. 21 hours ago, Qneedhair said:

    How low of a hairline were you thinking of?  Widows peak maybe?  I'm sorry but you look good to me, what kind of hairloss have you been experiencing?  Thinning, recession of your hairline?  



    Hmm honestly I'm not sure about a widowspeak. As an asian widows peaks tend to be much less genetically common so I think i would go for more of a straight lowering of the hairline with perhaps the slightest of "zig zag" that he is known for. As far as my hair loss its mainly my hairline in which I have a lot of "baby hairs" and recession at the corners as you can see in the picture. I am not sure but i think I read that those baby hairs are also known as diffusion or miniaturization of the hair follicles starting to happen? I want to wear my hair styling it up more but when I do my forehead just looks like a five head :(. As for my crown area I think thats also starting to thin a bit as well but Im not really sure at the same time I don't know the best way to tell..

  8. @Spaceman @jj51702 thanks for your feedback guys. I actually just ordered a trial of Finasteride from the company HIMs. do you guys know if this is reputable quality finasteride from this company? I always get advertisements from them and they gave me a 30 day supply for a trial so I will try it. Also does fin really regrow or strengthen the hairline area? I read somewhere it only helps the crown area but I may be wrong, Thanks anyways.

  9. Hi guys just wondering what your thoughts are on my current norwood class? I'm not really sure to be honest, I've just recently started to notice my hairloss, specifically the hairline obviously I will attach photos below. I just had my consultation with Dr. Diep and estimated me for 1500 grafts FUE but I asked him if I could do 2000 to get a really nicely dense hairline if need be so I guess i will ask him to go max up to 2000 then. Let me  know your thoughts/advice thanks so much this community is the best.






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