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Everything posted by Kraistoff

  1. Looking really good mate hopefully mine is not far behind yours ! Your 4 months was better than mine and cannot see my 5 months being as good what micron was your hair shaft diameter ?
  2. Some days I’m pleased other days I’m worried really they look good in darkish lighting , once I’m under a light or in typical bathroom lighting or outside it looks thin, but I can still see quite a bit of hair sprouting and a lot of very thin hair when zoomed in which should thicken the temple peaks never shed and have been here since the transplant took place , same for the frontal forelock
  3. Hello Kiko i work in construction for a large developer. I just told everyone I was going for a hair transplant and to be perfectly honest nobody really cared. A few people asked “why dont you just embrace it and shave your head” and I would respond by saying “I have tried it and I don’t like it , it suits some people but I didn’t want to have my hair like that” nobody really cares. The most awkward part is when you’re talking to someone who is completely bald as I felt they would be self conscious about their head. I am glad I was open about it. I can imagine that hiding it would cause awkwardness . inwas surprised about how many other men in my industry either knew someone who had done it or were considering doing it themselves.
  4. Thanks mate i honestly feel it’s getting better everyday I am receiving loads of comments This is it in normal room light ....
  5. 20 weeks post op DOES THIS MEAN 5 MONTHS ? Feel like my hair is getting thicker everyday. But still don’t like how it looks in natural lighting . Is natural lighting going to be my enemy forever ?
  6. Haha it is funny how we all get moments and doubt , then one day we wake up , look in the mirror and say “OMG I’ve got decent looking hair !” Before and 4.5 months with flash below
  7. Rocketmas, did you mean to type “top-botch job” ? Tell me this was a typo!
  8. Well really it should matter Farsan. We’re going to a doctor , someone who went to medical university and competed a degree. Which probably covered ethics and all that. For all they knew , I was a muppet from wales who knew nothing. I raised my concerns and I was told not to worry . I wasn’t told “you will need another transplant to get the density due to your characteristics “ Why can you ( a non-doctor and other patient ) give me this advice but not my carefully selected doctor ?
  9. Yes Farsan but I would have thought I’d have been told by my doctor . I asked them for a high density hairline and I was told 50 grafts per cm2 was optimum . I have recently been told by a guy called Ardun (who took over when Esen left) that I had 48 grafts per cm2 so I should not be far off what Erdofan told me . regardless, I am already happy (ish) as I now have a hairline and a frame to my face . If I have to go again so be it . Fact of the matter is ; all hair transplant clinics exist to make money. Asmed do produce brilliant results , but I do think they could work on their pre surgery consultation with Erdogan. He is a top notch doctor and should input a little bit more , not to the surgery as such , but to the experiences of his patience before and after it takes place. Even if all his results were 100% you would still have some people saying he should input a bit more . At the moment, at 4.5 months I am happy , but hope to god I can look like I’ve got coverage over my scalp after 10 months
  10. Farsan i knew this on the back of my mind. But wasn’t warned of this by Asmed. My rep even told me I didn’t have high contrast (I did have second thoughts before surgery ) i have spoken to Asmed after surgery raising my concerns about contrast and I have been told (via asmed on this forum) that hair to skin contrast isn’t the only factor in a successful hair transplant - which I agree with . Youre the first person that has told me I would need a second hair transplant. I knew it deep down as I did a lot of research. I chose asmed as they are known for more grafts than other clinics , so naturally the density would be better . But nobody on the clinic told me about this .
  11. Guys dont think you realise how pale I am I am half welsh half Irish. I get sunburn from a light bulb never had a tan in my life only sunburn , then I shed my skin like a snake
  12. Week 19 4.5 months i feel that my hair is getting thicker each day. Below are photos in natural light , in room light and with flash . i am worried that due to my very pale skin and relatively dark hair, if I have any kind of density issue it will be noticeable (especially to me) what do you you all think? And this was me before ...
  13. Week 19 4.5 months i feel that my hair is getting thicker each day. Below are photos in natural light , in room light and with flash . i am worried that due to my very pale skin and relatively dark hair, if I have any kind of density issue it will be noticeable (especially to me) what do you you all think? And this was me before ...
  14. Week 19 4.5 months i feel that my hair is getting thicker each day. Below are photos in natural light , in room light and with flash . i am worried that due to my very pale skin and relatively dark hair, if I have any kind of density issue it will be noticeable (especially to me) what do you you all think?
  15. Thanks Nick, i started propecia 6 months before my hair transplant. i tried Minox but couldn’t be bothered and I have heard that it makes hair shed and hair which grows back isn’t very good quality . Hope I have a result like yours !
  16. Thanks Nick Yours looked thicker at 4 months than mine does tho. Here’s mine today
  17. Hello Nick your hair looks brilliant . Would you you mind posting a few more photos of your 4 month mark?
  18. 18 weeks or 4 months and 1 week. hoping for a few more spouts ....... bair does not not look very good under sunlight or outside really.
  19. Hello all sorry for the repeated updates , but really feel like my hair is getting better and better every day
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