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Everything posted by JayLDD

  1. There isn't much point arguing with someone who doesn't know what they're talking about, but I'll keep going anyway. Nizoral Shampoo for Hair Loss - Review - ProgressiveHealth.com - variety of studies on keto shampoo https://www.realself.com/question/georgetown-nizoral-shampoo-hairloss "A 21 month study compared the use of topical minoxidil to ketoconazole 2 % shampoo. Study participants received the 2 % shampoo or an unmedicated shampoo with or without minoxidil 2 %. Interestingly, hair density and follicle size improvements were similar with both ketoconazole and minoxidil regimens." Dr. Arocha discussing Nizoral as a synergistic treatment for hairloss 2:35: * Following a single application of ketoconazole shampoo, ketoconazole persists at therapeutic concentrations for 7 days in the epidermal layers. In addition, substantial pityrosporal inhibitory doses of ketoconazole were detected on the hair for several days after use of the shampoo, the mean level at 72 h was 11.6 µ mg. Reference: Pierard GE, Arrese JE, Pierard-Franchimont C, et al: Prolonged effects of antidandruff shampoos-time to recurrence of Malassezia ovalis colonization of skin. International Journal of Cosmetic Science. 1997;19:111-117 "March 04, 2001 - American Academy of Dermatology Meeting - Washington DC - Scientists working for McNeil, makers of Nizoral anti-dandruff shampoo, presented the findings of a study done on 1% Nizoral shampoo which has good news for hair loss sufferers. It has long been known that 2% prescription Nizoral has beneficial effects on Androgenic Alopecia (MPB). It however has been unclear whether the same benefits can be obtained by using the non-prescription 1% version. In the study presented (see below), one hundred male volunteers with mild to moderate dandruff and somewhat oily scalp, were using, in a double-blind fashion, either a 1% Nizoral shampoo or a 1% zinc pyrithione shampoo, 2-3 times a week for 6 months. Analysis of the different parameters set up in the study shows that the hair diameter gradually increased with Nizoral use (+8.46%) over a 6 month period, whereas the diameter showed a trend to decrease with zinc pyrithione use over the same period (-2.28%). The sebum excretion rate was reduced with Nizoral (-6.54%) while it increased with zinc pyrithione (+8.2%) over the same period of time. The number of hair shed over a 24-hour period was reduced by 16.46% with Nizoral and 6.02% with zinc pyrithione after 6 months. Finally, the percentage hairs in anagen phase increased by 6.4% and 8.4% respectively during the study time. " Plenty of highly regarded American (highly regulated) doctors who do transplants on young men including Glenn Charles who has done transplants on those as young as 18 and Dr. McGrath who did a surgery on a sixteen year old. Disregard these facts if you like, but you're the one who comes across like an idiot. The evidence is in front of you. Stop thinking with your emotions, and look at the facts. I really feel sorry for you when reading that post. It isn't prescribed as a standalone hairloss treatment, but an effective one to be used concurrently with fin or minox with evidence to back it up. I know its hard when you are proven wrong by a 22 year old, but that's life. Look at the facts or don't. Your choice.
  2. No there aren't if you're looking for an anti-hairloss shampoo. Again, there are many, many studies showing nizoral 2 and 1% effective at working as a stand-alone and synergistic treatment along with minoxodil and finasteride. Various large scale studies suggest nizoral 2% 2-3 times per week achieves an equivalent result in a multi year period to 2% minoxidil. You're arguing against the facts, and you could make exactly the same claim against finasteride and minoxidil, as those who come off them and go back on after a sizeable amount of time also often have a shed. Argue against the studies and science all you like, you made the mistake to stop utilising the shampoo despite the consequences being very, very widespread in awareness.
  3. Nizoral is clinically proven as an anti-androgen and effective against androgenic alopecia, particularly when used in conjunction with propecia and minoxidil. This is just a fact, and shown through at least ten studies I have seen. Shedding is a feature of all of these medications, so its no surprise what occurred, its something that if you start using you should continue. I had seriously bad dandruff all my life, and only recently have I successfully got rid of it, first through use of nizoral which causes my scalp to exfoliate and kills fungus. This originally caused another issue with the flaking, however when I added coal tar t/gel shampoo it fixed both and stopped my itching. Absolutely zero problem with inflammation or dandruff now using both of these twice a week. I seem to be one of the rare people who says this, but I love the way nizoral makes my hair feel and it does better to make it look thick than anything else. Like Bill said, it wouldn't hurt to add a good conditioner. If I were you I would keep it up twice a week. To say nizoral is ineffective is to argue against the science and studies.
  4. At this point though, of course you're still waiting on your last surgery results but wouldn't it be fair to say that you achieved your goals you had with hair restoration surgery, and that your donor is still cosmetically strong after 6000 grafts? If you had the option of an extra 5-10% growth would you go back and choose FUT? De Reys is also significantly cheaper than any competent FUT surgeon, so you would have spent more if you went FUT. Even with the knowledge of the benefits of FUT, would you want a big strip cut out the back of your head? As we see more and more cases like yours of FUE moving int 6-7-8000 grafts and achieving full coverage the question is whether FUT is NECESSARY for the average patient to achieve good results in the long term.
  5. As someone who has studied law, can I just say please cut the total bullshit here Doctor Feller. There is no legal retribution you can claim for him calling a bluff and legally and objectively it is not undeniably untrue, it is entirely unfalsifiable at this point. You have no legitimate case if there are no damages and what he is saying is not demonstrably false, as at the current moment he is neither correct or incorrect. You made a claim you would do something, and as of yet have not followed through, despite having your conditions met. He also says, "and if he did, they will never in a million years agree to the interview" in his comment and therefore he is not offering his comment as a statement of fact, which is the most important point to note that this is not defamation. You're embarrassing yourself. Did you suddenly become a lawyer now too?
  6. Oh come on, what are you going to sue him Dr. Feller? What you're proposing doesn't take months to organise, if you want it to happen you would get it done. Otherwise it is hard to take you seriously. The truth is that you're an intelligent and highly competent person and you know as well as anyone here that the vast majority of doctors are unlikely to want to engage with someone as headstrong and aggressively opinionated as yourself, because they have nothing to gain. There are hundreds of thousands of results over more than a decade for people to make up their own minds on choosing between FUE and FUT and a doctor does themselves no favours to engage in a debate like this, the best way to market themselves is to consistently put out good results. Do you consider your own FUT results to be consistently better than FUE only doctors such as Lupanzula, Keser and Erdogan?
  7. To be honest everyone who has a transplant on these forums tends to hope for just a little more density. On the upside, you probably have 15-25% improvement left in the bag and already a result that gives you a great looking full head of hair.
  8. I saw a result posted by Dr Feller where there was basically no growth until the eighth month which continued until around month 16 with a great final result. A pain in the ass perhaps, hair sooner rather than later would be nice but you can't deduce anything at all at this point. Take a chill pill.
  9. I'd avoid UK altogether and look to Belgium and Turkey. Far better doctors in such as Feriduni, Lupanzula and Bisanga in Belgium and Erdogan in Turkey and for cheaper prices too for the most part. It doesn't make any sense to avoid travel for a major cosmetic procedure that you're going to live with for the rest of your life, but certainly Farjo and Ball are worth consulting in the UK.
  10. Leave them and forget about it. I had the same issue in the first few weeks. At about 2 months now and starting to get them again, hopefully that means the growth is soon.
  11. If you can afford it and he can offer a suitable slot I would definitely recommend Feriduni. Personally I think Erdogan in Istanbul is doing the best FUE work on a consistent basis however and is quite a bit cheaper. Bisanga and Lupanzula certainly worth looking at and contacting in Belgium too.
  12. In most cases I would agree with Matt, however I've seen some of your old posts from years ago and no one who is posting on hair transplant forums for over five years asking whether they should get a transplant should wait any longer, especially when your situation isn't a huge job or high risk. I'd say get it as soon as you can. Especially because you have the time off it seems like a logical time to get the weight off your back and enjoy a trip overseas knowing the hair situation is on the upswing.
  13. Shapiro and Diep do very good work in general however Konior is on another level for FUE in my opinion. Rassman far less impressive and very behind the times.
  14. Work looks clean but 100% your doctor has gone out of the safe zone. I can see extractions in thinning areas of your donor. You clearly weren't a good FUE candidate.
  15. Ferudini is incredible, I would have considered him but his price was almost twice that of Erdogan and I thought that Erdogan was better at getting larger coverage and transplanting thinning areas which I wanted rather than just dense packing of the bald areas. The surgery is actually quite enjoyable if you're at a nice clinic. I think you should go for it, shock loss isn't likely in areas behind your thinning and bald areas so you should be fine. A worse prospect for a diffuse thinner, and the finasteride should help you avoid problems with it. I do think you could do with 3000 grafts but I suspect Feriduni will suggest 2200-2500.
  16. I'm thinking that by about month 4 with my usual length none of the NW5 area thinning will be visible (as was the case prior to the transplant), but I would be game for another transplant if I felt the need. Kind of scared of dut despite the lack of sides on fin. I still think it's possible I might get some more gains on fin but most of it seemed to occur in the third month.
  17. I'd think of it this way, you've spent over 5 years or so thinking about the problem and spend time every day getting it to a place where it looks good. Not only that, but eventually it will start to go backwards like you think you're seeing now and chances are you'll worry about it more in that case, not less. And in saying that some of the photos and from the top and front you look like you have a full head of hair, and not only that but one that impresses. But you're definitely getting close to a norwood 3 with miniaturisation in that area. If you have the money, why not get it done and stop worrying about it? Mine was like yours where my hair has a waviness and enough length to make it look like I had a full head of hair if I styled it that way, but I was sick of worrying about it. Only 2 months post op but glad I can feel positive about the situation rather than constantly anxious.
  18. Come on Spanker, from the top view it is easily a norwood 2 with miniaturisation in a norwood 3 pattern. I see at least 20 every month on this forum with less or equal losses who go for a transplant, particularly at his age when it is noticeable and like he said he has stabilised on fin for the most part. Obviously he hides it incredibly well but living your life looking in the mirror trying to make sure you've hidden your hair loss effectively is no way to live, especially if this has gone on for over 5 years and is still stressing him out. I'd say go for it, likely with a great European FUE hairline doctor like Bisanga, Feriduni or Lupanzula if you are set on Belgium.
  19. ASMED - Koray Erdogan - 3070 Grafts (April 10th) - Page 3 - Forum By and for Hair Loss Patients
  20. 2 Months Again doesn't look quite that bad in person, DSLR does well at showing the damage.
  21. Going to be honest from that last photo you posted your problem looks very small, I don't think anyone would notice. It actually looks very good. Stay away from any but the best hairline doctors with proven track records such as Konior, Feriduni, Keser, Erdogan etc or risk making things worse.
  22. http://www.hairrestorationnetwork.com/eve/185564-5000-grafts-fue-13th-14th-december-asmed-dr-erdogan-30.html Can you honestly look at that donor area at a grade one after 5000 grafts and say that manual FUE scarring is comparable to FUT? You make fools of yourselves.
  23. The majority of people still have a lot of growth between 7 and 9 and a little more beyond that from 9-12. Good to see that you're definitely still improving and it already looks very acceptable, even if its got a little while to go before its perfect. I'm two months from my run through at ASMED with an extremely similar graft utilisation but without the temple point work. Cannot wait for the sprouts.
  24. The issue is that regarding facts you likely have the high ground on the substantive truth (but clearly deal in Trump like showmanship) however for many patients their choices when it come to surgery will be heavily influenced by feelings, whether or not that is rational. Some simply don't want a strip cut out the back of their head, no matter how many benefits you emphasise to them. And again, there have been over ten 5000 + FUE cases over the past week I've seen on this forum and the international forum with donors that still look strong only a little past a zero. They may be more difficult and have a lower success rate, but there are plenty of FUE megasessions by great doctors yielding results as good as any FUT surgeons are getting. Look for yourself on this forum, they aren't hard to find. It's clear FUE can achieve strip like results and do so on a regular basis. I'd love to see studies comparing your yields over fifty patients with FUT with a European FUE surgeon such as Erdogan or Lupanzula. Not hard to see you as a Shapiro fan, for better or worse.
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