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Everything posted by jcs87

  1. Hey KO, been a couple months so I was wondering if you had any updates here? I'm flying to Brussels at the end of October to meet with Bisanga and Lupunzula.
  2. Hi Doc, thanks for the quick follow-up! So as I mentioned in my previous post I have been debating FUE vs FUT for quite a while. I've also been researching different doctors for quite a while and SMG is on my short-list so that makes these results even more pertinent. A couple follow-up Q's: 1A. Were the FUE portions of these procedures done with the Devroye Punch? 1B. How long has SMG been utilizing the Devroye punch? 2. I've heard pretty good things about this punch. Has there been a noticeable improvement in SMG's FUE results since you started using this tool? 3. As far as I can tell you've got two patients from the study that are around the 1-year mark. Two more patients that are somewhat less than that. And you're currently looking for two more patients to bolster the study's sample size. So given those circumstances does that mean we will need to wait for all six patients to achieve their 1-year post op results (meaning we likely wouldn't see final results for the study until late 2018 or 2019)? If not, when do you anticipate SMG will release the results? 4. I think this sort of study is awesome since it gives us a true scientifically grounded apples to apples comparison for FUE vs FUT. But while we wait for the results I was curious to hear your anecdotal experience over the past couple years. Do you find that your FUE cases turn out just as well as your FUT or does FUT still have a slight edge?
  3. Hi Dr Josephitis / Janna, Any updates here? Been three months since the last post so I'm wondering if you guys have before and afters available for the first couple people that participated in this experiment. I have been debating FUT vs FUE for months so I am keenly interested in these results!
  4. Beebz, any pics you can share with us? How did things turn out?
  5. Thanks for posting an update. What was the date you had surgery? I'm guessing sometime in late November since this thread was started on 12/2/16. Have you been in contact with the doctor about the growth thus far since you're coming up on the 8 month mark shortly? The work looks super clean so you're probably just a bit of a slow-grower but I'd be interested to hear Dr. L's feedback. Rooting for you to get a major density boost in the next couple months!
  6. Bumping this thread. Trying to do some research on this doc but not finding a whole lot.
  7. hey I have a similar hair loss pattern to you so I was wondering if you could post some updated photos with the final result?
  8. Any final pics so we can see the before and after?
  9. hey templeloss, any updated photos so we can see the final result?
  10. Thank you for posting and nice to see all the photos posted at the same time - makes for easy before and after comparisons. Do you have any other photos showing the pen markings of where Dr Erdogan operated? The only pic I saw was from the side so it's a bit tough to tell exactly where the grafts were implanted. Congrats!
  11. Hey KO, hope things are progressing well. Any changes in the past month?
  12. I'm still in the process of getting educated myself so I urge you to solicit other opinions and have consults with doctors. With that being said my impression is that with modern day FUE techniques the graft survival rates are pretty comparable to FUT (assuming you're utilizing a skilled FUE practitioner). I was initially leaning FUT but after a lot of research I've switched my focus to FUE b/c I want to be able to wear my hair quite short and I don't want to deal with Fut's extended recovery time since I am quite an active person.
  13. You're saying I'm "spinning it"?? These attempts to discredit me are becoming more and more fanciful. Lets review the timeline and context on how this convo has taken place: 1. OP posts a thread asking for advice and very clearly states that he is interested in doctors in the DMV (which for anyone that is not from this area means Washington DC or the surrounding areas). See here: 2. Another forum member responds and says Dr Lindsey (this makes sense since I believe Dr Lindsey is the only coalition doctor in the DMV) 3. I post a comment saying that in my research and conversations with well established members of the community I hadn't heard particularly good things about Dr Lindsey 4. You ask me to disclose who was the source of that info (which to be honest I think is a perfectly fair thing to ask) 5. I respond and say that I am not at liberty to disclose that info because people were speaking freely with the understanding that the conversations was held in confidence (given the fact that most of these doctors know each other, people see each other at conferences, etc. I can understand this desire) I also make a point of saying that my "sources" had great things to say about a number of doctors, just not Dr Lindsey. 6. You attack me and imply that I am a fraud 7. I challenge you on that ridiculous assertion and state that it's not as if my "sources" were just bad mouthing all the other doctors, and that they in fact had good things to say about other docs you happen to represent. 8. You say I'm trying to spin things So riddle me this Spex: 1. The OP has said he's looking for doctors in Washington DC. Why in the world would I mention a doctor in New York or Belgium when we're talking about DC doctors? 2. The only reason I'm even bringing Feller or Feriduni into this conversation is because you're accusing me of being a fraud. That isn't spin, it's a logical counter-point to your baseless accusations. There was no logical reason for me to bring them up earlier in the conversation. 3. Yes, I am a relatively new member to the forums (although I have been lurking for months). You (or anyone else) is free to go through my posting history and see if it looks like I have some sort of nefarious agenda, am trying to promote a particular doctor, or am unfairly targeting a specific doctor. This is the first and only comment I have made about Dr Lindsey and it only came in response to someone bringing him up. It's not as if I started a new over the top thread titled "Dr Lindsey is the worst hair surgeon ever!!" (and for the record, I don't think Dr Lindsey is terrible - this was just used for illustrative purposes) If you do your research on me all you will find is that I am a normal guy trying to educate myself and find the best hair surgeon for my circumstances. I'd love to see you actually do your homework and prove otherwise instead of slinging lazy and unsubstantiated accusations in some sort of effort to "defend" your doctor. As such an established member of this community you should really hold yourself to a higher standard.
  14. Oh really? Well we will leave the rest of the people that read this thread to make that decision. You are a representative of Dr Lindsey's - by definition you are biased. So I will let the other members of this forum decide who has a vested interest in promoting a specific doctor. And for that matter, in the same conversations with the same people they thought highly of Feriduni and Feller who just happen to be other doctors that you represent. So you're obviously trying to imply that I'm acting in bad faith but why would I have good things to say about some docs you happen to rep and bad things about another? Just because someone doesn't have great things to say about a particular doctor doesn't mean they are automatically a shill for someone else. Grow up.
  15. I was asking for honest opinions of various doctors that I had on my short list. Due to the intertwined nature of this industry people were hesitant to speak openly about other doctors. As such the conversations were taking place with the understanding that any comments would be held in confidence so I am not going to break that trust. I will say though that this wasn't just a case of people saying "my doctor is the best/this one doctor is the best, every other doctor is garbage." If that had been the case I obviously would've taken any opinions with a giant grain of salt. The comments were more along the lines of "of the 7 or 8 docs you are considering I am very impressed with 5 and not so much with the remaining 2 or 3." Everyone can of course form their own opinions and I'm not sitting here telling the OP what he can/can't do. After all, I'm just another random guy on the internet. I'm just sharing the info that I've gathered since I am currently in heavy research mode and I initially found it difficult to find people that will speak candidly.
  16. Completely agree. There's no one forcing doctors to utilize a tech-centric business model. That is a choice - and quite possibly a choice made to increase the # of surgeries they can perform and therefore the amount of money they can make
  17. I think Bisanga is actually cheaper than that. Here is the link I was given: https://en.bhrclinic.com/faq/cost_and_conditions Weird that they have two different websites with completely different pricing. Feriduni is 4.5EUR per graft
  18. FUT or FUE? How much do you care about price?
  19. In a similar situation and considering a lot of the same docs as you. I think this is a pretty solid list if you're trying to stay North-America focused.. Konior is probably gonna be out of my price range though. I think Lupanzula is my current front-runner. Very solid results and not-terrible pricing Good luck with the decision.
  20. I hate to say it but I've asked multiple very well respected/established people in the industry for their opinions on Lindsey and neither of them thought favorably of him. Take that for what it's worth though. Check his results out and have a consult if you'd like.
  21. Congrats hsrp, sounds like quite the journey What does Konior charge for FUE? Which portions of the surgery were handled by Cooley versus techs? What does Cooley charge for FUE?
  22. I believe this is exactly what Keser does so I certainly wouldn't say that "no doctors do this". Here's the link: Why Choose Dr. Keser? If the mods remove the link then just go to Keser's page and click why choose Dr Keser. He says "Dr Keser doesn’t do mega sessions, he divides a hairtransplantation surgery into a few days depending on the number of grafts planned to be harvested, which is just in order not to force patient’s body resistance too much. For instance, for 2000 grafts the surgery lasts three or four days. 500-700 grafts per day is the optimum option according to Dr Keser’s experience. By this means, the patient feels almost no weakness during the operation. He has enough resting time to feel good between the divided sessions." I had a consult with Dr Gabel and he said something along the lines of "I like to do some of the graft placements myself" Implication being that he does participate but techs are also gonna be involved in this stage of the surgery
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