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Blog Comments posted by TakingThePlunge

  1. You will most likely see some improvement but it may not meet your expectations. It's never easy when you're the one that happens to. I probably could have lived with the density from my first HT but I wanted a lower hairline so I went back anyway. Let's see where you end up in a few more months.


    Good luck1

  2. It is recommended to use Rogaine and Propecia simultaneously. Most experts believe that their combined effect is greater than the sum of their parts. Alpecin shampoo, in my opinion, is not likely to have an affect either way. It will not harm the effects of minoxidil and finasteride but I doubt it will do much for your hair loss.


    Most patients will combine Nizoral with these drugs. Together they are known as "The Big Three".


    Best of luck!


  3. young,


    I'm sorry to hear about your hair loss at such a young age. I had a similar experience. The only way to know if minoxidil will work for you is to give a go for at least 6 months. I understand your reluctance to try finasteride. It's a very personal choice but I can tell you that it represenets your best chance to preserve and possible reclaim your thinning hair.


    I suggest creating a thread on our discussion forum. You will get many more responses there.


    Best of luck!

    David (TakingThePlunge)

  4. Fix,


    I'm sorry I did not see this blog sooner. By now you are probably 5 months post-op but it is still very early to see much new hair growth. Donor scars take many months to heal and you may have experienced shock loss making your hair appear even thinner.


    While bad scars do happen, you have not necessarily received bad work. I highly suggest creating a photo album so we can assess your situation better. You should not consider scar revision until 10 to 12 months post-op.


    Best of luck!



  5. Albion,


    Thanks for keeping us updated on your progress. Honestly, I think you may see dramatic changes to come. I also had little growth in the first 8 months and then saw big changes between 8 and 12 months. Having said that, I also returned for a follow up procedure because I was not happy with my density from the first.


    Are you continuing to take finasteride? Also, did you have grafts placed in your crown? It appeared to me that most of your work was in the front third.


    David (TakingThePlunge)

  6. Topi,


    First, I highly suggest posing your questions in a discussion thread on our forum. You will get a much greater response that way.


    In response to your questions:


    1. You are still quite young but your hair loss is pretty advanced. While you may be a candidate for hair transplant surgery, you will need to discuss your expectations with a quality hair transplant physician. Your proposed new hairline appears to be very aggressive and probably not realistic considering your degree of hair loss.


    2. Some patients, under optimal conditions, have reported being able to buzz as short as a #2. Most will need at least a 1/2" to cover the scar effectively.


    3. Hair loss is progressive. You will need to stabilize your hair loss medically to slow further balding. How many grafts you will require depends on several factors and should be discussed with a surgeon.


    4. In my opinion, you should start Rogaine and Propecia as soon as possible. The two drugs work better in combination.


    All the best,

    David (TakingThePlunge)


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